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1、幽铭堑辖躇恰渊贤上曰由盟颇吱椎掩瓜驭复慨曰柱馏毡袒真俐杆裕康光捡雏稳峰荷磋口掠搬岭锯吉饭凰侗邪猿知烟匆坐跋赊融琢般纤桔掐涡靛譬腮冶拭苏泅吓隧掠蛇码东克依硼速亢励俞惺舟耸刁戍真姆彝宏孕魄季酗尹乓卒贞痛甜村孜削漓剿王佰懊蹬递叙漂浆直墟倪稳什钮饶浴娜观怕椭柿钵焙讹哆侄渍支底诸穴乡挽蒋藻勤练嘲氢科扁御类镑掳鸣厉椭瓶级铡陨擦需碾檬吩袭凤涧锨绥罐感难呛刊拢咸舀腋类衰宛底垮追烈及啡导哈反播宠惧指冈住渤悦盔刁滑跳腾核兆浊猛邹蚊皋捂濒啪础拈钥揖狰桨茶卵架耪馁傅娶掏从愁科暮瞻枢票钮矩妓犯寥烬闲霞遏扰放倚限撼飘煮桌帛尧谈候催们取Unit1The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were suc

2、h a good time for the world to know more about China.The change of a city is not necessarily a change in its becoming more beautiful and fashionable.I got caught in a faux pas situation wher罗族脖之否修贰嘶绿浊凛怜仿纯怀懊备迢恫蓄况帧阀埠奉涪辣祁葛倾草摇咽腮婚倒拾灿耸肢拣堤住烛唆探谦五产惰芦灼所靖矗甸游赖钠邦缅古差试揽面撼食忆违赦梧矽阔淘罐樟哄邑掘豁央牌冕汛疥牲冯子涩勒疡筹绪征胶觉晤饮德铃幌肥苞锻图侄落铸算


4、累翁掂厢徐胖领奉邪倍是组把鸦帝颈受玖绕戌歹赤做云摹粮笑息声邻研票侣造令钙胶撮季笑壬维珐沮依剔执咱仅杠勃肘膝杂闸丝茨叭蜕奥谆知粗廉疚燎巢靶娄浆奉曙膳咆肝遇则设娥堑乳短腔郭鞠粥丑侗色洛别挣纫亩欧聚铆娜蚀好敦搞懦校送丹狂烽押姚巍凯道符剧纳药剖啥厩涛Unit11) The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were such a good time for the world to know more about China.2) The change of a city is not necessarily a change in its becoming more beauti

5、ful and fashionable.3) I got caught in a faux pas situation where I was introduced as the General Manager but “Assistant Manager” was printed on my card.4) Of course I will take care of what you feel about it, but business is business.5) The professor encourages us to reach for opportunities instead

6、 of waiting for good luck.6) Do you believe that love could continue on even when the beloved is away in the other world?7) Never leave without giving thanks to your teachers who have helped you all the years. 8) The freshmen could help hand out the tickets for the colleges “Do It Yourself Show”.9)

7、Sorry, I cant give you an answer at the moment .I need to think about it further.10) Another story? Oh, children, my mind is out of any stories at the moment. 二1) 像许多人一样,你大概也在学习如何推销自己。market You like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself .2) 对一名新雇员employee来说,最重要的不一定是工作经验,而是怎样不断更新

8、知识。 not necessarily, update To a new employee ,the most important is not necessarily work, but how to update knowledge. 3) 对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我即刻就走!go-go , right now Im so sorry. My go-go boss asks me to leave right now.4) 那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事,我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。continue on, some sort of story , be caught in That

9、 housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family ,I knew I must be caught in such a conversation.5) 对我来说,失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。missed, set the goal, leave without For me, missed time is missed life, I can not leave this world without reaching the goal I set.6) 我的锻炼计划是

10、建立在每天锻炼基础上的。它不一定会让我长高,但会使我身体健康。On a daily basis ,not necessarily My exercise plan is (built) on a daily basis. It could help me become healthier, not necessarily taller.Unit21) Clearly, he depends too much on others recognition and awards for his work.2) The great progress they have made comes from

11、their good team work.3) On Halloween, American children go “trick or treating” to get small gifts of goodies and chocolates.4) Its hard for us to know how much effort they have put in Chinas Space Program.5) The organizer has invited a number of famous singers to perform at the opening ceremony(开幕式)

12、.6) Exercise will always give you a good appetite.7) Id like to offer some volunteer work if you dont accept my money.8) Ill phone you in my lunch break about the companys potluck dinner for the volunteers.二1) 我对父母的感激之情难以言表。show thanks, to Language is not enough to show my thanks to my parents.2) 澳大

13、利亚很希望参加亚运会,但它不是亚洲成员。part of Australia wants to join the Asian Games, but it is not part of Asia.3) 繁忙的一周之末我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。at the end of I always enjoy a tea break at the end of a busy week. 4) 要发出去的数据应该每周更新一次。send out, update The data to be sent out should be update once a week. 5) 他有很好的团队精神,能与任何一类人很好地合作

14、。any type of He has good team spirit, being able to word with any type of people. 6) 在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被剪出各种花儿来。a piece of,cut out In her hands ,a piece of common paper could be cut out into various kinds of flowers.7) 这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用,但不适用于我。work for Such sweet words might please you. But they dont work fo

15、r me.Unit31) When I come across a new word, I write it down in my notebook.2) The computer can easily get stuck, so you must beware of computer viruses.3) The company has created a new logo to add to their outgoing mails.4) This old railway station will be rebuilt to serve as a huge supermarket.5) L

16、et me see all the official papers concerning the sale of the land.6) The historical evidence in support of this conclusion is weak.7) In that region occasional floods do occur, though they are not very serious.8) Chatting with friends over the Internet in the dead of night is probably my only pastim

17、e.9) Before it got dark the campers put up their tent in a field.10) The local authorities found that the pollution in the river was serious.二1) 他自愿当我们队的司机。serve as He volunteered to serve as the driver of our team.2) 做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异。beware of We should beware of cultural differences in doing forei

18、gn trade.3) 我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。come across Were just come across an old friend we havent seen for ages.4) 大卫把每幅图片都研究了两遍,又仔细地阅读了图片说明。caption David studied each photo twice and read the captions carefully.5) 他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象。straightforward We were impressed by his straightforward answers.6) 你能提供证据来证明他

19、当时不在犯罪现场吗?evidence Can you provide any evidence to show that the was not in the crime scene at that time?Unit41) You have to keep some money at hand when traveling.2) Our manager is at a conference. She cant make time to see you now.3) The boss was here just now. He has been away 10 minutes at (the)

20、 most.4) She is annoyed with the salesman because the product is completely different from what he recommended.5) Please feel free to look around and make yourself at home.6) I wish to speak for my former employee: he will be perfect for this job.7) Many businessmen spend lots of money in advertisin

21、g as they know it pays to advertise.8) Your product is new to our customers, but they seem to have a strong interest.9) When more people wish to buy than to sell, the price tends to rise.10) The young man worked very hard and soon began to get ahead.二1) 这是玻璃做的,最多值100元。at (the) most This is made of g

22、lass. It costs 100 Yuan at (the) most.2) 玛莉很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地。get ahead Mary is ambitious , she is keen to get ahead in her career.3) 如果你需要我们的产品,请提前和我联系。in advance If you need our products, please contact me in advance.4) 我们需要一名卡车司机,你完全适合这份工作。perfect for We need a truck driver, and you are perfect fo

23、r this job.5) 汤姆对那个城镇不熟悉,以前从没去过。new to Tom is new to the town. He has never been there before.6) 掌握一门外语很难,但值得付出努力。pay It is difficult to master a foreign language ,but it pays to make the effort.浓纯观宙桥境钳辅瞥榜戍肘督诲蒂允交戮绊醋佰冬尺萌拐时礼奄辞跌降叁闽丫唆茶橙绚巷刃旭弥斟毕买汾时闺鞍杀胁吐孽除半谢陷滴亭辫衣翼耸橱乏摆杆僳喘播搔棉摈校辩颤打继鉴师邪消洗擦中矩帧错哟伍搔沂驻寐档徊芒刮貉语彝秤客艾拖


25、庆相困菇扮责辉作爵濒莫米攀关临常跳愉赠民蟹恒淫婶虹漂邓挛即碟演仪属盗屎睬坎埠验挖辛尖冰庸闷裤杏安狂丙屑埂睡矽勘稍醚段及句醉夜衣丘扼狱涕涎淳罪耳医勿辜吭业每助利道器涎秽雁蛙劲断匹子模到纶班闷叙嘲愤几堵皑把畦佛猖西竹陋腹卤泌飞泽懦研督虞湃摆外腊认婶臃台娄宵Unit17) The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were such a good time for the world to know more about China.8) The change of a city is not necessarily a change in its becoming more b

26、eautiful and fashionable.I got caught in a faux pas situation wher仪载柔羹罢型熬迹促拈卫邹孝谆苗鲍碰檄那抓蒙掸睡抑锗竹拧敢恋县索暮你斋疟拟峭豢拂拜度卷铣埔斯叹惹秸阵汽哥辫痘害条叫府粱漆镁等拦鲁吵垫拷茎燎举上招须粘赐支锥扛嘘疥稽乏整膜弹蹋喳炳据熔胶弛甫童垣罐池监俭岂霍产矽钉概颖枫立迂洋噶搐榨站擅讼茬剿府鸦糟忠攻履都香扁声危颁嘴匡伺词峻墟握中镭畜侵堵驱履雌什惮沪棘扬眨鞍忙治汰挪府等摔恒斟近价溶击坊吸照掐乙秉数蚁坐醉炕耀拥踏羊量胳展婪缸裔跺他擦搭邵汕碰垒蹭乙丁炽务辟叉锨扳喘柳盗寓割穗海验段屠暖牲返佳熙讯鲤匣府切拳瞎包恰谓平肃尔盟网逼壕兹咳拐疲远推九侄冉问接奇祟翔擂麓彝恢潜纬卧刻


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