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1、商场购物英语口语情景对话大家好,我是豆子。今天我们继续说说去奥特莱斯购物的这个话题吧 !Hieveryone!Thisis 豆子。Today,we continuetotalkabout shopping at Outlets.买鞋 !Lucy:Letsgotothatstore.You saidyouwereinterested with buying a pair of flat shoes.我们去那家鞋店,你说你想买一双平底鞋!Jessica: Right!What about you? Any plan?是的,你呢 ?啥计划 ?Lucy: No plan, but I am looki

2、ng for a pair of over-the-knee boots. It seems hard for me to pick a fit one.没计划啊,不过想看一双过膝靴,不过不好挑合适的。Jessica :Black boots are going well with any color of yourdress or coat. You needto trythemon;then,youwillknowwhat kind of boots are fit for you.黑色的靴子是百搭 !你得试 , 才能知道哪种类型的靴子合适你穿。两人来到鞋店,准备看鞋S:Hi ,ladie

3、s!What can I do for you?1女士们好,能为您做点啥?Lucy: Hi ,we are looking for some flat shoes and boots.你好,我们想看些平底鞋和靴子。S: Sure! We have several popular flats with different colors ,what size of your shoes?好的,我们有一些很流行的平底鞋有不同颜色,您的鞋几码?Jessica :Mine is 7 ,maybe 6.5?7 码吧,有可能 6.5?S:Ok ,I will take size seven for you.

4、 If it is big for you, I will take size 6.5 for you.好的,先给你拿 7 码,如果大了,给你拿 6.5 码 Jessica: Lucy, do you think this pair of ballet flats is fit forme?你觉得这芭蕾平底鞋合适么?Lucy: They are very cute. Are they comfortable?Only your feet can tell whether these shoes are comfortable or not.看上去很可爱。舒服么?只有你的脚知道舒服不舒服。Jes

5、sica :Yes,they are. Let me think for a while,I am notsure whether I need flats.舒服,让我想一会儿,我不确定是否需要平底。Lucy :Ok ,take your time.2好的,不急。S : Sowehaveankleboots,over-the-kneeboots,knee-high boots. Do you have any preference?所以,我们有脚踝靴,过膝靴,到膝靴。您有偏好么 ? Lucy: Not really. They are different styles. Would you l

6、ike to take a pair of ankle boots and a pair of over-the-knee bootsfor me? Size 7, please.没偏好,感觉是不同的风格,帮我拿一双脚踝靴和一双过膝靴吧,7 码!S: Sure! What color do you like?好的,啥颜色呢 ?Lucy: Black!黑色 !S: so this pair of ankle boots has high heel, our flat ankle boots are sold out. This pair of over-the-knee boots is fla

7、t, and it is very comfortale to wear.这双裸靴呢是带高跟的, 我们的平底裸靴断货了。 这双过膝靴是平底的,很舒服。Jessica:Over-the-kneebootsarebetter.Whatdoyouthink, Lucy?我觉得过膝靴好些,你觉得呢?Lucy: I will take this one without any hesitation. They are3reallycomfortable!Didyoumakeany decision?Buy flatsornot?毫不犹豫,买 !太舒服了。你呢 ?买不买平底鞋 ?Jessica :Not

8、right now. Lets check other stores.先不买了,我们再去看看别家!Lucy: Ok.好的 !Lucy :Hi , I willhavethispairof over-the-kneeboots.Thanks.你好,这双过膝靴我要了,谢谢。S: All right!好的 !选好了靴子,准备结账,这回不用现金了,用信用卡S:So the final price is 100 dollars,do you want to have amembership card? You will get additional 20 percent off with a membe

9、rship card next time.最后 100美金,您想办会员卡么 ? 有了会员卡,您下次来,还有额外的八折 !Lucy: No, thanks.不需要,谢谢。S:All right! Cash or credit card?现金或信用卡 ?4Lucy: Credit card, please.信用卡 !S: May I see your ID?可以看下证件么 ?Lucy :Sure, here it is.好的,给你。S: All right, please sign here. This is your bag, do you want to have your receipt in your bag?好的,请这里签名 (刷信用卡后,出单子,签名)。这是您的购物袋,您想把收据放里面么?Lucy :Yes, please.嗯,请放里面吧 !S:Ok, have a nice day, ladies!祝您今天愉快 !Lucy: You too!你也是 !5


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