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1、Do you want a Job?,How to get that job you want,CV / Resume,Do you have a CV / Resume? Writing a good CV is very important if you want to impress others. A Simple and straightforward layout is best. What information is needed required? Which information is more important than others? What is more im

2、portant Education or Experience,CV / Resume,Read me you Personal Statement that you wrote in the last class? Would you change anything? You can “dress yourself up” to look really great HOW!,3 Techniques to a better interview,1) Body Language 2) Know your skills 3) Be prepared,1 - Body Language,Altho

3、ugh all 3 points are as important as each other Body language can be the difference between SUCCESS and FAILURE at an interview. Body language is the FIRST IMPRESSION the interviewer will get. He will see you before you even say any words.,1 - Body Language,FIRST IMPRESSION: This starts as soon as y

4、ou enter the room. So when you enter the room you must walk tall and straight. Look and feel confident,1 - Body Language,1 - Body Language,THE HANDSHAKE: This is one of the most BASIC FUNDAMENTALS of a job interview. Dont shake it like he/she has a disease Shake it Dont break it,1 - Body Language,1

5、- Body Language,EYE CONTACT. If you look at someone in the eye its a sign of 3 things. 1) You are confident in your self 2) You are telling the truth 3) A sign of respect to the other person,1 - Body Language,Having good eye contact is about being interested in being there. Show the interviewer that

6、 you are interested in him/her and also the job. If you can not look at someone in the eye then dont go to the job interview.,1 - Body Language,DONT DO THIS:,1 - Body Language,SITTING: Dont slouch Dont sit up too straight Look comfortable when you sit Boys just have your legs “slightly apart” Girls

7、DONT!,1 - Body Language,LOOK ENGAGED: When you are being spoken to “nod your head slightly” but “not up and down like a chicken” As he/she is talking to you can look away to the side for a short time then go back and focus on the person again this shows the interviewer that you are taking in the inf

8、ormation,1 - Body Language,SMILE: If you can smile when you meet someone, then you are happy to see them “simple” It doesnt have to be a BIG smile - just a small one is ok. Just to show you are “GLAD TO BE HERE”,Excellent Body Language,1 - Body Language,FINALLY: BAD HABITS: Do not Speak fast or loud

9、 Turn off your phone Do not touch your hair Tap your fingers Scratch anything Chew gum,2 Know Your Skills,This is important as the interview will ask you about your past. You need to know your RESUME from top to bottom (word for word) so if he/her asks you something about you - you can give him a fa

10、st and accurate answer. DO NOT LIE! when you get a question.,2 Know Your Skills,The interviewer may ask you many Questions about YOU: “Your strengths” “Your weaknesses” “How do you handle pressure” “What are your salary expectations” “What motivates you”,2 Know Your Skills,The Interviewer may ask yo

11、u questions about the New Job and Company: “What interested you about this job”? “Why should we employ you”? “What do you know about the Company” “What types of Challenges are you looking for in this job”,2 Know Your Skills,Also ask questions about your future: “Where do you see yourself in 2 years”

12、 “Do you have any long term goals” “say 10 years” “What will you do if you DONT get this job”,3 Be Prepared,Preparation is the KEY to doing an Interview. Do not think you can just go to the company and try to go through it because you are smart. No Prep No job.,3 Be Prepared,What to wear: Dress for

13、Success make sure that you turn up to the interview looking like “you could start today” Dont turn up untidy Make sure your clothes are clean Smell nice,3 Be Prepared,Relax: Try to find a way to RELAX before the interview. This is very important as being relaxed shows you have prepared. Try to think

14、 that you are going to see a friend about a job it will take some pressure off you.,3 Be Prepared,Be Professional Make sure you have all your documentation with you so the interviewer see you with some documentation “dont go with nothing”. Do a little research about the company you are going to. If you dont understand something just ask dont GUESS,YOU CAN DO IT!,Finally tell yourself this - “you can do it”. Always say to yourself positive things. Try to “SELF MOTIVATE”,


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