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1、Lets Review!,Friendship,English Around the World,Vocabulary of Unit1 v.使不安,使心烦 2.ignore v.忽视; ignorant adj.无知的;ignorance n.无知 3.outdoors adv. 在户外 4.spellbind-spellbound-spellbound v.迷住;迷惑 5.entire adj.完全的 entirely adv. 全然地 6.partner n. 伙伴 7.loneliness n. 孤单 8.gossip v.说闲话 9.exactly adv. 正是;确切地 10.it

2、em n.项目;条款;一件物品 11.official adj. 官方的;正式的 n.官员 12.conquer v. 征服;占领 13.native adj.本国的;土产的 n.本地人 14.actually adv.实际上 15.gradual adj.逐渐的 gradually adv. 逐步地 16.enrich v.使富裕 17.spelling n.拼写,Vocabulary of Unit1 & Unit2,18.latter adj. 较后的;former adj.较前的 19.identity n.身份;特征 identify v. 鉴定 identification n.

3、鉴别 20.fluent adj. 流利的 fluently adv. 流畅地 21.frequent adj.频繁的 frequently adv.频繁地 22.usage n.用法;使用 eg: land usage mand n.&v.命令;掌握 24.request n.&v. 请求;要求 25.dialect n.方言 accent n.口音 26.expression n.词语;表达;表情 27.midwestern adj. 中西部的 southeastern adj.东南方的 northwestern adj.西北方的 28.recognize v.辨认出;承认 recogni

4、zed adj.公认的 recognition n.认可 29.lightning n.闪电 30.straight adj.笔直的 adv. 笔直地;直接 31.block n.街区,木块;v. 堵塞;阻碍,Loudly attentively enthusiastically,Ways to Agree, Youre so right. 你说得太对了。, Youve hit the nail on the head. 你说到点上了。, I couldnt have put it better myself. 我就是这个意思。你说得再好不过了。, I couldnt agree more.

5、我完全同意。, Thats a great point. 这点你说得很好。这点很重要。,Ways to Disagree Strongly 实用!怎样用英语表达“非常不同意”?, No, youre wrong. 不,你错了。, Thats rubbish. 瞎说。 英国人在口语会话中用名词“rubbish”指“垃圾”,它在这里的意思是“一派胡言、废话”。, I couldnt disagree more. 我一点也不同意。, Thats complete nonsense. 完全是胡说八道。, Are you having a laugh? 你在逗我玩吗?,Beautiful Essay,T

6、hree passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to

7、 the very verge of despair. 三种简单却极其强烈的情感主宰着我的生活:对爱的渴望、对知识的追求、对人类痛苦的难以承受的怜悯之心。这三种情感,像一阵阵飓风一样,任意地将我吹的飘来荡去,越过痛苦的海洋,抵达绝望的彼岸。,I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next

8、, because it relieves loneliness that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what at least I have found. 我寻找爱,首先,因为它令人心醉神迷,这种沉醉是如此美妙,以至于我愿意用余生来换取那几个小时的快乐。我寻找爱,其次是因为它会减轻孤独,置身于那种可怕的孤独中,颤抖的灵魂在世界的边缘,看到冰冷的、死寂的、无底深渊。这就是我所追求的,尽管对于凡人来说,这好像是一种奢望。但这是我最终找到的。,


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