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1、,UNIT 5LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLD,Section Listening and Talking,Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress,Read the passage quickly and fill in the following blanks with suitable words.,Step 1Fastreading,problems,listening,recording,depends,1Whats the problem of Liu Wen? AHe cant get high marks a

2、ll the time. BHe cant get the main idea of native speakers. CHe has been having problems in listening since primary school. DHe doesnt listen to English radio programmes.,Step 2Carefulreading,2What can we learn from the words of Jia Xin? AHe seldom watches videos with English speakers. BHe usually r

3、epeats the radio programmes to compare his pronunciation with the English hosts. CHe finds it hard to deal with how to be polite while speaking English. DHe believes that what words to use while speaking English depends on who youre talking to.,3Which of the following might Li Rui agree with? AWe ca

4、nt just say like “close the door” to anyone. BYou must make your request or demand when talking to your parents. CIts difficult to keep a large number of words in mind quickly. DRemembering the usage of words isnt as important as remembering the words themselves. 答案13BCA,1_ n&vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗 2_ n舌头;语言 3

5、_ n汽油;气体;燃气 4_ n(NAm E gas)汽油 5_ n地铁 6_ n. 公寓套房 7_ vt.恳求;祈求;哀求 8_ n间隔;开口;差距,.重点单词,struggle,tongue,gas,petrol,subway,apartment,beg,gap,9_ n词汇 10_ n同等的人;相等物 adj.相同的;同样的 equally adv.相同地;同样地equality n平等 11_ n要求;需求vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问 demanding adj.要求高的;苛求的 12_ n描写(文字);形容describe vt.描述;描写 13_ vt.联系;讲述related

6、 adj.相关的;有联系的 relation n关系;联系,vocabulary,equal,demand,description,relate,1_观点;看法 2_适应;习惯于 3_与相关;涉及;谈到 4_放弃 5_某事有困难 6_取决于;依靠;依赖,.重点短语,point of view get used to relate to give up have trouble with depend on,7be related to _ 8fall in love with _ 9fight for_ 10fall silent_ 11cant help but do sth._ 12bri

7、dge the gap_ 13keep sth.straight in ones mind _,与有关 爱上 为努力 安静下来 只得做某事 缩小差距 记清楚某事,1the比较级,the比较级,表示“越越” It was exercise for my brain;_ I learnt of a language,_ my brain would grow. 这是在锻炼我的大脑。这门语言我学得越多,我的大脑发育得越多。 2Would you mind doing sth.? 请你做某事好吗? _ the window,please? 请你打开窗户好吗?,.核心句型,the more,the mo

8、re,Would you mind opening,1When I started studying German,it was a struggle. 当我开始学德语时,很难。 struggle n. & vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗,即学即练完成句子 The swimmer _ the tide. 游泳者逆流而上。 We should help those who are still _ rights. 我们应当帮助那些仍然为权利而斗争的人。 _ to make myself heard as the children talked so loudly at dinner table. 孩子们吃

9、饭时大声说话,我要使自己的话被他们听见真费力。,struggled against,struggling for,It is a struggle for me,2I used to get high marks in English,but now Im having a lot of trouble with my listening. 以前我的英语成绩挺好的,但是现在我的听力有很大麻烦。 have trouble with sth.某事有困难,You cant imagine the trouble I have with my housework. 你根本就想象不到我在家务活方面遇到的

10、麻烦。 即学即练单句语法填空 The old people who are _ trouble need our help. They always treat me as a family member and often take trouble _(do) me a favor. The boy leading the way,we had no trouble _(find) the strange cave.,in,to do,finding,3.our relationship is close and were equals,so I only need a few words

11、to bridge the gap between us. 这是因为我们关系密切,彼此平等,所以我只需要说几个字就能让对方明白我的意思。 equal v等于;抵得上 adj.相等的;胜任的n.同等的人;相等物,They are of equal height,but I think Robert is equal to the job. 虽然他们水平差不多,但我认为罗伯特能胜任这项工作。,点津(1)equal用作形容词,意为“相同的”“相等的”。be equal to表示“等于”“能胜任”“能应付”等,其中的to是介词,其后接动词时应用动名词。 (2)equal用作名词,意为“相等的事物”“(

12、地位等)相同的人”等,是可数名词。 即学即练英译汉 He did not regard himself as her equal in math. 在数学方面,他认为自己比不上她。 I felt more than equal to the task. 我感觉非常胜任这项任务。,4I must make my request longerand I must make it a question,not a demand. 那么我就得把我的请求说得长一些我得把它变成一个疑问句,而不是一个要求 demand n要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问,in,to see,(should) b

13、e told,5Does each sentence relate to the main idea? 每个句子都与主旨相关吗? relate vt.联系;讲述,即学即练完成句子 It is said that this festival _(与有联系)a legend(传说) His remarks (话)didnt _ (与有关)the topic under discussion. Theory should _ (与紧密联系)practice.,is related to,relate to,be closely related to,6It was exercise for the

14、brain;the more I learnt of a language,the more my brain would grow. 这是锻炼我的大脑。这门语言我学得越多,我的大脑发育得越多。 该句是“the形容词/副词比较级,the形容词/副词比较级”结构,表“越,(就)越”。 The more positive an article is,the more likely it is to be shared. 一篇文章越积极,就越可能被分享。,即学即练单句语法填空 The _ (much) they talk,the less men think. The _(careful) you

15、do your homework,the fewer mistakes youll make. 句型转换 If you learn more,you will want to learn more. _,more,more carefully,The more you learn,the more youll want to learn.,1Men and women must be treated _(equal) in education and employment. 2Unlike traditional gyms,appbacked gyms offer people flexibl

16、e options _ (exercise) 3It is required that the composition should be _(relate) to the students life. 4I acquired a good knowledge of that after I read the _ (describe) in the museum.,.单句语法填空,equally,to exercise,related,descriptions,5_ (listen)to English radio programmes helps him get used to how fa

17、st native speakers talk. 6It is important for us to struggle _ our dreams. 7Some students have trouble _ science subjects. 8People with a professional skill are _ demand no matter where they are.,Listening,for,with,in,1In many respects Asian women think that they _ (与平等)men. 2Researchers are trying

18、to _ low exam results _ (把和关联) large class sizes. 3Little Tom has _(有麻烦)physics ever since he was in junior Grade Two. 4The food in England is strange at first but youll soon _(习惯)it. 5Choosing the right bike _(依靠)what you want to use it for.,.完成句子,are equal to,relate,to,had trouble with,get used to,depends on,课时跟踪检测(二十四),谢谢观看!,


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