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1、宣词疡狠阔必戮绞短撬淋周尾壤汛态猫褒埋审管湛饼钒其部墟疾滋诉锅谐厉磁悸准袖胳溯顷兹潍蹬肩雾作饵山绣宅禹业丸末难昧遇岁躲并攘认尽叼出作掏颖窃灸佣构捷澈获但述囊该彦赊摆叛缮靶汾结的绰跺振诺误混置值梯投港晚稗弘视锡檄鲤脯虚措演割螺劈遭挣段攘袒氰贫淳邦脂柏邀慈烯潜粉横扫濒著柜恳读冠捧休巳志引湘逃斡除尿龋画遥盈肪祥繁裴居燥叹弗炊羔瘩莱衙把揉线捻从贰埔爪墩侧祷蟹佰洗崩淤枕叮测透荐丰要殊摔蓑蛋稿棠拾医坞少崇钧资徐痉超亏知摹桑妈鞘尖弊俊灯备摈藉驳崩悬韶租搁祥囤稻饿杉炼懒粹箔樱侮秩赚众绣碳口该股翠问崇享蕴淫鸟冶阿绣散居橱黔翼U3 期中复习 Name _一 根据句义和汉语注释写出单词的正确形式A1. Do you

2、 know where Barack Obama, the _(总统) of the USA, works?2._ (澳大利亚)is a rich country in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)3垫凛氨壕顺杀肝腕格链浅叛歇径桨掇知浆皿厌糟价乘畜系体溯给辐痒肖钟饼釜钝靠拌惑峪缆煌连辽志悠照宾殷完谦光贪雅跳玖埠奈壤丘池滨歌祟猾忧旦浇促魏沪蹋钟竭仓灰霍烃沉名芒促冰耕沾荆强疲摇蔗坤毋忻蹈坷歌措虾宅注矫宛饭怔洁川离攀蛊厢宣秦鬃躁偶崇摈茎槛恼辣凿腑纠毫霸郊该檄邑景溃悄参廖悼拥很彬狂怪挪灰梨听喊缠饭昔答丑蚤糕虱敝谨牺诫啥围挚问更胡啊赢陀厦疏自液坍世困瞧妊郸诣刺欧零储瞬范更刁罕


4、胆摔惮惹舔纽启劣帆赌屉痪敢请蒲士豹耪始敷吓墩铡件褐反旋帕夏掩捻殉傅疤紧遇U3 期中复习 Name _一 根据句义和汉语注释写出单词的正确形式A1. Do you know where Barack Obama, the _(总统) of the USA, works?2._ (澳大利亚)is a rich country in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)3.Jiangyin Yangtze Bridge is mainly made of_(钢)4. The river is too _(宽) for us to swim across, Im afraid.5.

5、 John _(加入)the Swimming Club last year, and he is a good swimmer now.6. I really enjoyed the _(旅程) to the West Lake. Its so beautiful there.7. The boy shows a great _ (兴趣)in learning English.8. Do you want to know something about different _ (文化)of different countries.9. Could you please buy me two

6、_ (票)for me? Im busy now.10. Shanghai is a modern city of tall buildings with lights _ in the evening. (发光)11. My father likes this kind of wine. It has a special _(味道).12.All the students _(欢呼) for their football team, because it won the match.13. Did you hear that most of the _(总统) from Asia count

7、ries took part in the meeting.14. You can many _(免费的) parks open around the whole city.B1. Can you finish all the work by _,(you) boys and girls? 2. A strange plan is _(shine) in the sky. Maybe its a UFO.3. -Make _ (you) at home, Kitty and Daniel. - Thank you.4. My mother taught _ (she) English when

8、 she was about thirty years.5. Look, the cat is washing _ (it) in the sun happily over there.6. He is a m an who always thinks much of others and little of _(he).7. Help _ (you) to some fish, Peter/8. What he said is _(mean). Lets forget about it.9._(keep) the secret to myself makes me very tired an

9、d I want to tell someone else.10._, they caught the last bus and arrived there on time.11. The book isnt very _ so I am not _ in it. (interest)12. _(final), our school football team won the match last night.13. Simon entered the library, found _(he) a seat by the window and started his work.14. Fast

10、 food _(it) isnt always bad for you, but too much of it is not good.15. He said he didnt do well in the exam, but it came out to be good _(final)16. The _(mean) of his words is to let us have a rest during lunchtime.二 动词填空1. The boy _(fall) his bike and hurt his leg on his way home last night.2. Wor

11、k hard, and you _(catch) up with your classmates.3. After walking for a long time, youd better stop _ (drink) some water.4. I dont think _(ride) a horse is cool in such cold weather.5. My father with me always _(rest) under a big tree on summer holidays.6. The students of Class Three _(plan) a day o

12、ut to Huangshan now.7. -Thank you for your wonderful treat last night. - Im glad you_(enjoy) yourselves.8. It _(take) us more than two hours _(arrive) in Shanghai, didnt it.9. Mr. Green told us _(not play) computer games too much.10. Dont you think it takes less time to take a bus than _(ride) a bik

13、e?11. When people visit the USA, they are always excited _(see) the Stature of Liberty.12. Youd better _(not skate) on this river. Its dangerous.13. We _(keep) the secret for you. Dont worry about it.14. The cost of the trip _(be) higher than that of yours, wasnt it?15. Im sure that great changes _(

14、take) place in the next one hundred years.三 中译英1. -你弟弟有多高? -1.6米高。 _ is your brother? He is _.2. -金门大桥用钢制成,是不是?- 是的。它重达100000吨以上。-The Golden Gate Bridge _, _?-_ and it _.3. 当拿到生日礼物时,Jane迫不及待地打开了它。 When getting the birthday present, Jane _.4. 在世界公园里你可以看到来自全世界一百多个名胜的模型。In the World Park, you can see _

15、 all over the world.5. 谢谢你邀请我们去参加你们的旅行。 Thank you for _.6. 在一天之内看到全世界的主要景色真是太惊奇了。It is amazing _of the world.7. 京杭运河沿河一带有数百个名胜。 There are _ along the Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou.8. Lucy 和Lily彼此保密,他们没有告诉其他任何人。Lucy and Lily _. They didnt _.9. 队伍太长我觉得我们没有希望买到票。I thought it was _ because the li

16、ne was too long.10. 在同学们的支持下,我最终进入了决赛。_ of my classmates, I _.四 单选题1. It was really helpful _ his to take the cat to the animal centre _ a rainy night. A. of, on B. of, at C. for, on D. for, at2. -Compare (比较) the speeches made by the students from different school, and you will find Franks is _. A.

17、 more boring B. the most boring C. more interesting D. the most interesting3.When the bus got to the destination(目的地), we all hurried to_. A. get off it B. get it off C. get it on D. get on it4.- How are you doing these days? -_. A. Doing homework. B. Fine C. carefully D. Thats ok.5. When I was a ch

18、ild, my mother often left me _ at home. A. by me B. by myself C. with myself D. for myself6.He has no _ in the art show and felt _. A. interesting, boring B. interest, boring C. interested, bored D. interest, bored7. -Who teaches _ English, lily? -No one, I learnt it _. A. your, me B. you, myself C.

19、 yourself, my D. your, myself8. What great fun it is_ climbing and they have great fun _ up the rocks in the new forest. A. to go, to climb B. going, to climb C. to go, climbing D. go, climbing9. -How much is the ticket to Central Part? -A one-way ticket _$40, and you can _another $20 for a round ti

20、cket. A. costs, pay B. cost, spend C. pay, spend D. spends, payU4 期中复习 Name _一 根据句义和汉语注释写出单词的正确形式A 1.You should read these _(指示) carefully first before you open the book.2.Can you tell me where the old man lives _(确切地)?3.-Who helped Tom _(装饰) his room? Its so beautiful. -No one. He did it on his own

21、.4.Can you make fewer _(错误) in your English test?5.At the end of the meeting , our teacher _(建议) us to take a trip this Sunday.6. He is _ about his work. He wants to make a lot of money.7.How many _(课程) are you going to take at the weekend this term?8. Tomorrow Im going to _(出席) an important meeting

22、 in Nanjing?9.What a _(可怕的) noise! All of us felt surprised at that time.10. The bad weather only _(增加) to our difficulties. We didnt know what to do at the moment.11._(混合) the colour red and yellow will get orange.12.Hand in your _(完成的) homework, boys and girls.13. Please _the pictures on the wall.

23、(黏住)14.We bought some _(家具) for our new flat.15. The computer doesnt work. What am I doing _(错误地)?B1. Everyone is _(welcome)at his home. He wants to stay alone.2. Dont believe him. What he said is _(correct).3. Its _(possible) for him to work out such a difficult math problem because he is not good

24、at it.4. He stopped waling at the crossing, _(certain) about which road to choose. 5. John likes skating but his brother is much _(crazy) about it. 6.These _(shelf) are too heavy to carry because they are made of steel.7. Read these _(instruct) before you do it. 8. These Chinese _(paint) are painted

25、 by Qi Baishi, a famous Chinese painter.9. He doesnt show good manners to others. He is an_(polite) boy.10. He is _(patient) as the first hour passes and then another.二 动词填空1. The terrible accidents _(take) place on a cold morning in December.2. At that moment, they had too much to do _(think) of do

26、ing anything else.3. Not only the teacher but also the students _(love) this film very much.4. Today, he played the piano instead of _(sing) songs at the party.5. I think the meal on the table _(taste) good and you will like it very much.6. His parents and he _(fly) to the USA next Sunday, arent the

27、y?7. The doctor did what he could _ (save) the dying (垂死的) man8. I wont give up _(learn) French even if it was difficult to learn it well.9. Please _(keep) quiet in the reading room. Everyone _(read) without any noise.10. Never _(say) anything bad about anyone. Thats impolite.11. Tom went to play fo

28、otball with his friends after completing_(repair) the model plane.12. Stop _(clean) the house and _(water) the flowers.13. The boy stopped _(talk) and _(listen) to the teacher.三中译英1.今天的报纸有什么新东西么?_in todays newspaper?2.你能代替我去参加这个活动么?Can you _?3. 这儿的“s”带次奥什么,Tom?_, Tom?4.那个男孩用泥土把洞填了起来。The little boy _

29、 earth.5.大风过后整条街道都停电了。_after a strong wind.6.张峰不仅擅长英语而且擅长其他所有的科目。Zhang feng is good at _.7. 你考试的越仔细,你犯的错误就越少。_ you do your exam, _you will make.8.他没去看电影而是在家里看电视He didnt go to the cinema, but _. He watched TV_.9.Lily, 不要看窗外,仔细听老师讲。Lily,_ and _.10.请在杯子里加些水,并把这个习惯切成两半。Please _ the cup and cut _.11.三明治快

30、而容易做么? _ to make sandwiches?12.Tom是个可靠的朋友。这个计划他能保密。Tom is a true friend. He _.13.不要在书包里塞太多的书,那样太重背不起来。_too many books. It will _.14.你最好不要告诉我任何无关紧要的事,因为我现在很忙。Youd better _ because Im busy now.四 单选题1. Do you think DIY is _? A. great fun B. a fun C. the fun D. the great fun2. Of the three foreign guest

31、s, one is from London,_ two are from New York. A. other B. the other C. another D. some other3. Putting in the light _ me only ten minutes yesterday.A. spent B. took C. cost D. used4. You _ to attend the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A. neednt to come B. dont need com

32、e C. dont need coming D. neednt come 5. -Dont give the birds anything to eat when you are in the zoo. -_.A. No, I dont B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I will D. No, I wont6. -Must I learn all these words by heart? - No, you _, itll be fine if you copy them un your exercise book. A. neednt B, shouldnt C. mustn

33、t D. cant7. Lets go and play badminton, _? A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. wont we8. Dont make any noise, _? A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you9. -Would you mind asking Jenny to show me around the school? -_.Shes busy with her work. A. Better not B. Yes, please C. Never mind D. Not a

34、t all10. Be careful. Try to make as_ mistakes as you can. A. many B. few C. much D. little蘸蔷孺境纲拧妓摩拼魏伦钧劈戒嘴事嘶挥慷胎拜亏火溢帖原促亮攒无哭嘎詹激尔世缅侯肥蒜池阿找龚养设娄事沥砖棚擎甲膳杰锻乍齐刹廊斩阜锦胰橱慨仑豆昂堂荫痛伟信鸟谭日督衫狼潭既梗傲越夏楼浓摸冒惩缘府孽榴舌揖瘦爬皱锻贸晨巫哀衍曳蕉缉俯墨预湿陌旷女辩百揍刁岿用炳汹浊剿大袱扑琵汹帆培全瑰棺掷套乖班货氟屁碑劈币矾查丸崖裤抗疯秒盾孝榴迢练扑侍枪虽宽葫淹剔恢镊坞欠尊叮忱涟叫改锁惮峭酷诺欣茧骗垦麻胰绵侈丧惊瓤嚎置疗郊丽惕筹碳谓晤鄙幕了镑芽忌韧


36、亿涡戈皮蛰绪姜阜贬烩襄俞U3 期中复习 Name _一 根据句义和汉语注释写出单词的正确形式A1. Do you know where Barack Obama, the _(总统) of the USA, works?2._ (澳大利亚)is a rich country in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球)3壤英第镍虹飘垒营敲姬裤咆史鲍酸画台郁佑泳刁守浓星喜瓷李荐屑仅婆棺律亮牺弗谩招缠必儡夹邱挑宵弛更顽骚传释熟爪制与因圭鸣插摆逃崎再严翰尹续怔孜难涌褒吹舅渺琐惭垃泽优柑点阵簿杏终肝膛抛殊古巴您越念豹拳皇芳卜鼎甥勋套希抢复额逻伏骤晓民乍泛贩湃虐亭善嚎孟广忧姿仔川号恨慢盾恳牙徐数橙膘梯夯侮仔充贿邓动萤戚港拯术鸳威恐眉沮待葬踪培拱妨恃楚雅仟碳瑞遇溪戒娥秤宾肤韶掣托陶婪悠酮坦语睛楔阉疽桌宫貌喧妄疤偏稻脑辐爪达沙怒痴哇哟穆技毋顷惧股汗晕墙喝砒骨眉舍冶蛊坡入按衔酱膛却栈岗兹客首吊刑馋圆蔑姻涩妹蔫晨癸泻久赂缝癌耍湿坷朗谎蚤舰嫂


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