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1、七年级暑假作业答案篇一:七年级暑假作业参考答案 七年级暑假作业参考答案 作业1 七上 StarterUnits 1-3参考答案: 音标专项训练: I.答案略 II. 1. game2.zoo 3. tea4.bike 5. red 6. map 7. big 8. late III.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B 作业2 七上 Unit1参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. first2. phone 3. zero4. meet5. three6. eight II. 1-5 CDCAD III.1. Whats her 2. What

2、s her 3. His name 4. Is your 5. is not 6. Yes is 7. No, arent8. the name of . 1. telephone number is 2. your phone No isnt 3. ID card 4. am Nice to meet 5. Whats a key6. My name 7. Whats his 8. telephone number V1. years 2. is 3. eleven 4. my 5.friends 能力提升: 1-5CAABC 6-10 DDCBA 作业3 七上 Unit2参考答案: 基础达

3、标: I.读音写词 1.father. 2. Mother. 3.parents. 4.cousin, daughter. 5.photo, family. 6.picture. II用所给词的适当形式填空 are 2.Those3.first 4.are5.parents .改写句子 These ,are 2.Who, are 3.Are ,your 4.This ,isnt 5.Yes , it 6.Who 7. These are 8. Father, mother. .完成句子 your, son 2. My , a 3. These, are 4. Those, are5. Thes

4、e , brother6.Whore Those , parents. 8. Hes,brother V.选词并用其适当形式填空 family2. parents 3. Those4. brother 5.Is 能力提升:C C B D C 4 七上 Unit3参考答案 基础达标 I 1.these 2.His 3.dictionary 4. Excuse 5. Thank 6. notebook II 1. my Her 2. not her 3. his, his 4. that a 5. you his 6-10 CCBAB 1. Whats that 2. Is your it is

5、mine 3. It isnt 4. How do you spell 5. It is not her ruler. 6. Those are watches 7. How is 8. Whats this 1. your pencil it is Its my pencil 2. your ring it isnt Its his ring 3. Whats this Its an orange 4. How do you spell 5. call at 6. a set of keys 7. Ask for 8. ID school card V Keys are Are your m

6、e 能力提升任务型阅读 1. Many Chinese people eat three meals a day./ Three. 2.have/eat, for 3.lunch , tea 4.C 5 开放性试题,答案不唯 作业5 七上 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. those2. photos 3. friends4. math5. plant6. room II. 1-5.BAAACIII.1. Is not 2. Is my 3. Where are 4.is on 5.That is 6. I dont know her phone number. 7. I need

7、 my notebook 8. Can you bring the key to your brother? . 1. Is under 2. Where are 3. are everywhere 4. model hers 5. are on 6. need dont know 7. bring to V1. are 2. has 3. to find 4. help5.asks 能力提升:完形填空:CADBC ADBCD 作业6 七上 Unit 5参考答案: 基础达标: I.1.sounds 2. volleyball 3. same4. love, with 5.sports, the

8、m6. only 7. boring 8. difficult II. 17: A D B A C C 8. good 9. friends 10. play III.1. dont have 2. doesnt have 3. they do, they dont 4. Does have 5. Where do, do your6. play soccer with 7. difficult for me 9. The computer game is difficult. . 1. Do have 2. dont have, but does 3. has two, four volle

9、yballs 4. with classmates after class 5. Lets play6. dont have 7. sounds relaxing 8. the same V1. has 2. tennis 3. doesnt 4. play5.watches 能力提升: A B C D ,擅长 七上 Unit6参考答案: 基础达标: I. 1.burgers 2.healthy 3. tomatoes 4.bread 5. strawberries 6.sure II. 1.eat 2.are 3. has 4. Does like5. playing6. doesnt ru

10、n 7. B 8. C III.1. Does have2. dont like or 3. What do like 4. have brothers 5. Thats an 6. How about 7. She likes bananas for dinner. 8. My parents want me to eat some healthy food. . 1.to be so 2.plays basketball well 3.What do 4. have week 5.sounds boring 6. after dinner 7. Do pears dont 8. likes

11、 carrots tomatoes 9. For breakfast eggs bananas apples V1.calls . worked 3.is 4. to see5.won 能力提升: 1.zoo 2.food 3.three 4.dont think right 5.首先,动物园是人们能看到世界各地很多不同种类的动物的地方。 作业8 七上 Unit7参考答案: I. 1.Me 4.clothes 5. sell 6. pair 1-9 BCADD 6-10 CACA 1.Doesnt 2. What do you 3. What can do for 4. How much? 5

12、. The blue sweater is sever dollars6. How much7. at very good prices . 1.How much 2.color T-shirt 3. Can help4.love green. How much5. looks nice6. take it 7. one pair two pairs 1.sells 2.has 3.are 4.need 5.Come CAC BDBDACB 作业9 七上 Unit8参考答案: 基础达标: 1 February2. September3. twelfth 4. art5. festival 6.

13、 first 1. sons 2. have 3. eighth 4. to buy5. Daves 1. dont have 2. When is 3. enjoy yourself 4. see you 5. Do you want to come to my birthday party? 6. How old7. When do have 8. Whats date 1. June 28th2 Do like book sale I do when is 3 thirteen years oldthirteenth birthday4. School Day on5. Is first

14、 it is6. an art festival7. art music 8. really busy 1. Childrens2. third 3. actor4. Marys5. students 能力提升 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 作业10 七上 Unit 9参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. subject2. because 3. science4.finish5. hours6. useful II. 1.was born 2. began was 3.to learn4. took 5. B III.1.is science2. What is favori

15、te subject3.dont think is4.favorite subject English5.when do have 6. Why do like 7.Her favorite teacher is Mr. Smith . 8.for helping. . 1.What favourite subject 2.My favourite subject 3.Why like fun 4.Who5.Why 6.the next day Saturday7.difficult interesting8.have for two 9.for sure V1. studies 2.to l

16、earn 3. gets 4. clean5.does 能力提升:1.others 2. ask for more food and forget to turn off the lights。3 We cant use anything and cant move. 4.我认为我们应该对每天浪费东西的同学说不。5. Waste 作业11 七下Unit1参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. join 2. sing 3. speak 4. drawing5. weekend6. write II. 1. play 2. to join 3. dancing4. to tell5. speak II

17、I.1. can not 2. Does your want to 3. What club does want 4. helps learn/ study 5. Can play or 6. What can play 7. but he cant 8. Are you good with the old people? . 1. good with 2. tell you stories make friends 3. wants to join4. help with 5.What sports6. Lets join 7. Are busy 8. on the weekend 9. n

18、eeds help to teach V1.kind 2. can 3. violin 4. with5.join 能力提升: CBADB ACDCA 作业12 七下 Units 2参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. homework 2. usually 3. exercise4. quarter5. shower6. oclock II. 1.has2. teeth 3.swim 4. to eat/eating 5. sisters III.1. Can do 2. What time does go 3. doesnt do 4. What do 5. take to 6. Where

19、does have 7. When do you usually play chess with your friends ? . 1. at about 2. to get 3. family has 4.What time take a walk 5. healthy likes eat 6.brush teeth 7. at 8. play sports for9. radio station V1. has 2. walk 3. takes 4. from 5.tired 能力提升: CBDBA 作业13 七下 Unit3参考答案 基础达标 I 1.take, 2. train, 3.

20、 river 4. boat 5. bridge 6. between II 1-5 DADCD 6-10 BCCCA . 1. Does have 2. How far from 3. How long does take your 4. takes to do 5. takes the bus to 6. How to 7. walking to 8. Ti is their dream to have a bridge. 1.How does gettakes the bus.2. between and 3. come true 4. an eight-year-old 5. is a

21、fraid of 6. is easy to 7. far is from V 1. speak 2. swimming 3. watches 4. is waiting 5. go 能力提升任务型阅读 1.One 2. B3.新年之前,人们忙着购物和打扫房屋。4. People usually have a good time during the festival. 5. B 作业14七下 Unit 4参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. quiet2.noisy 3. practice4. fight II. 1-10. DDBCD DBDDB 5. classroom6. after II

22、I.1. Dont play 2. Does have 3. Keep quiet 4. enjoy themselves 5. dont has 6. Dont play 7. What do 8. went by . 1. Dont be 2. listen to 3. too many 4. make rules 5. wear school6. talk about 7. has to 8. finish by V动词填空:are, make, Dont, run, work 能力提升:ACBCA DABDC 作业15 七下 Unit5参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. smart2.

23、Australia 3. sleeps4. legs5. friendly II. 1.interesting 2. to eat 3.lives 4. go 5. goes 6.first III.1. Does like 2. What animals 3. kind of 4. does come 5. Why not see 6. Why you 7. What do 8. Why dont you see the pandas first? . 1. cut down 2. get lost 3. to save 4. comes from 5. helps with 6. for

24、a long time 7. remember places with 8. symbol good luck V1. because 2. beautiful 3. China 4. to play5. quiet 能力提升: ACBAD 作业16 七下Unit6参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. host 2. Dragon 3. living 4. studying 5.wish 6.clean II. 1.is swimming 2. Do 3.playing4. helps 5. is sleeping6.have 7. C8. C III.1.Is she reading 2. Wh

25、at is doing 3. Why do 4isnt watching 5. doesnt want 6.more than7 having fun 8. Steve is listening to music in his bedroom. 9. My father sleeps eight hours every night. . 1. is reading 2. is drinking tea 3. Are walking 4. is boring Lets go to the 5. a photo Marys family 6. sounds good 7. are talking

26、to/with 8. making friends9. is going help with/study V1. are playing 2. is running 3. look 4. are 5.talk 能力提升:1.C 2,F3.three/3 4.在第一张照片里,他和家人正在吃饭。 5.Yes,I do./No, I dont. 作业17 七下Unit7参考答案: 基础达标 I.读音写词 weather 2.doing 3.visiting II用所给词的适当形式填空/单选. 1. is snowing ,2. to visit,3. to help,4. speaking 改写句子

27、 1.arent sitting2. What are doing3.to learn4. Hows the weather like in Jinan5. The weather is hot and cloudy. 完成句子 1. Hows going 2.take a message for 3.are playing basketball4. How weather sunny5.tell call back . No, problem V选词并用其适当形式填空 watching, swim ,is, take ,write 完形填空 BABDB BDBCD 作业18 七下Unit8参

28、考答案: 基础达标1. supermarket 2. street 3. money 4. spend 5. around 6. crossing 1. is2. looking after 3.riding 4. Marys5.easily 1. betweenand2 .Are any 3. in front of 4. How does go5. Where is 6. lots of 7. in front of 8. the way to 1. How many are there 2. Turn left 3. To get to 4. clean air sunshine5. t

29、ime goes quickly. 6. along across from 7. the way to8. turn right on 1. are 2. supermarkets3. many 4.friendly5. goes 能力提升 阅读理解: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D5.D 作业19八上 Units 9-10参考答案: 基础达标: I.1. tonight2. another 3. differently4. describe5. each6. medium II. 1.height 2. singing, singer 3.living4. photos 5. fr

30、iendly III.1.Does have 2. What does look like 3. isnt tall thin 4.has straight blonde hair 5.the same as 6. What is 7.his brother is of medium build . 8. Is tall or short . 1.of medium height 2.long straight hair 3.tall or short 4.look like 5.medium build 6. long straight brown 7. Do have 8.medium b

31、uild good at playing V1. am 2.wear 3. play 4. popular5.funny 能力提升 任务型阅读 1.playing basketball 2.Hong Kong English 3. She has black hair and black eyes. 4. 你能找到我吗? 我是那个戴眼镜的男孩。5. There are seven. 作业20七下 基础达标: I.1. specials 2. order 3.bowl4. different5. candle6. popular II. 1.is 2. would 3.noodles 4. to

32、 drink 5. is III.1.Would, like, any 2. What would 3. doesnt like, or 4. would like to 5. with chicken 6. What kind of, do 7. What size bowl of, would8. No, there isnt . 1. May, take, order2. would, like, or, pancake3. some good specials 4. a large bowl of noodles5. mutton, potato6. also, some ,with

33、7.What size 8. kind, noodles V1.adress 2. chickens 3.large 4.porridge5. dumplings 能力提升: D A C A B B D Unit10参考答案: 作业21 七下 Unit11参考答案: 基础达标: 1 excellent 2 feed 3 pick 4 interested 5 museum 6 expensive 1 were 2 rained watched 3 went 4 climbed 5 have 1 didnt have any or 2 did see any 3 how was your 4 w

34、hat did do 5 when did clean 6 grew last year 7 I didnt 8 I didnt know they could play chess with us. I.1 did his last night 2 how was trip last 3 did take any photos 4 gift shop expensive 5 everything about 6 all in all an exciting 7 quite a lot of 8 didnt at all II.Was slept got went relaxing III D

35、 B A A D 作业22 七下 Unit12参考答案: 基础达标: I. 1.camped 2.sheep 3. language 4.natural 5. forest 6. beach篇二:2015年七年级下册数学暑假作业答案 2015年七年级下册数学暑假作业答案 一、1、B 2、B 3、(1); (2)二、1、x&ge;3 2、x;1.5 3、x<-8/3 4、2x<-4 5、C 6、C 7、(1)x;6 数轴表示略(2)x;-2 数轴表示略 8、(1)x;2 数轴表示略 (2)x;-2.5 数轴表示略 9、2&le;x<3 数轴表示略 10、x;3/

36、11 三、操作探究(1)当x=2时,y=15,当x=-2时,y=3 (2)-17/8&le;x<-1.5 (3)x&le;-17/8 1、x&le;1/2 2、(1)4000元 (2)5种:甲6,乙9;甲7乙8;甲8乙7;甲9乙8;甲10乙5 (3)a=300,甲6乙9更有利 四、1、x&le;280 2、137/18;x;137/19 3、4.5km 操作探究(1)C;A;B (2)R;S;P;Q 创新舞台 当m;n时,不答应;当m=n时,无所谓;当m 五、1、B 2、D 3、(1)a+ab (2)x+y (3)1 (4)ac 4、(1)36a4b(篇三

37、:初中七年级下册语文暑假作业答案2015 初中七年级下册语文暑假作业答案2015 一、选填成语 。 1、解释:(1)、无动于衷:形容表情冷漠,一点也不动心。 (2)、贪得无厌:贪婪而不满足。 (3)、乐不可支:快乐地不能支撑。形容快乐到了极点。(4)、屈指可数:弯着指头计算数目。形容数量很少。(5)、黔驴技穷:比喻有限的一点本领用完了。 (6)、喜不自胜:高兴得自己也无法承受。 (7)、喜出望外:出乎意料的高兴。比喻遇到了意料之外的好事而十分高兴。 (8)、呕心沥血:形容为了做某事而耗尽心血。 (9)、扶摇直上:乘着盘旋急剧的暴风之势一直上升。后形容积聚上升,也比喻仕途得意。 (10)、举世瞩

38、目:全世界的人都注视着。 (11)、锐不可当:来势威猛,不可抵挡。 (12)、循序渐进:按照顺序,一步一步前进。 (13)、自怨自艾:本义是悔恨自己的错误,自己改正。今多指自悔自恨。 (14)、亭亭玉立:高高直立的美丽姿态。形容女子身材修长或树木挺拔秀丽。 (15)、心旷神怡:心情舒畅,精神愉快。 (16)、一尘不染:形容人品高尚纯洁,没有沾染坏的习气和作风,也指环境或物体十分干净,没有灰尘。 (17)、含辛茹苦:忍受辛苦,吃尽苦头。比喻经历千辛万苦。 (18)、扑朔迷离:比喻情况错综复杂,让人难辨真相。 2、填空。(1)扶摇直上(2)举世瞩目(3)锐不可当(4)循序渐进 (5)亭亭玉立(6)

39、心旷神怡(7)一尘不染(8)含辛茹苦 (9)扑朔迷离 (10)无动于衷(11)贪得无厌(12)乐不可支 (13)屈指可数(13)黔驴技穷(14)喜不自胜(14)喜出望外 (15)呕心沥血 二、标点符号。 答案:1B 2B 3A 4C 5B 6A 7D 8C 9B 10C 三、诗词背诵。 (一). 1.潮平两岸阔。2. 天街小雨润如酥。3. 泣涕零如雨; 4. 门前流水尚能西5. 何事长向别时圆。6. 稻花香里说丰年,7. 南市买辔头。8. 关山度若飞;9. 安能辨我是雄雌。 10. 足蒸暑土气。11. 萧关逢候骑。12. 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。13. 赢得生前身后名。14. 感时花溅泪。15. 隔江

40、犹唱后庭花。16. 留取丹心照汗青。17. 无为在歧路。18. 化作春泥更护花。19. 谁家新燕啄春泥。20. 甲光向日金鳞开。21.千嶂里。 22. 到乡翻似烂柯人。 23. 君子好逑。24. 宛在水中央。25. 忽如一夜春风来。26.润物细无声。27. 悠然见南山。 28. 欲渡黄河冰塞川。29. 山重水复疑无路。30. 日月之行;星汉灿烂。31.峰峦如聚,波涛如怒。32. 但少闲人如吾两人耳。33. 择其善者而从之。34. 万水千山只等闲。35. 引无数英雄竞折腰。36. 应为万道细流汇于空谷。37.他已经死了。38. 其实地上本没有路。39.花枝招展的。40.无限趣味。41.42. 东

41、风无力百花残(二).提示性默写: 1. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.2. 朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。3. 我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。4. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小.5. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.6. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春.7. 何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时.8. 9.不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。10.海日生残月,江春入旧年。11.谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。12.瀚海阑干百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝。13.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。14.东风不与周郎便,铜雀深秋锁二乔。15. 妇姑荷箪食,童稚携壶浆.16. 庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也.17. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆.18.

42、 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。19但愿人长久,千里共婵娟. 20. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来.21. 日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。22. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。 23. 会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。24. 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。28.马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳先弦惊。29. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小;沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春.;欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。30.长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济仓海。 31. 山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处。32. 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。33. 结庐在人境,而无车马喧。34. 何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦

43、足! 35. 别是一般滋味在心头 (三).1.秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起;八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅;自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝;角声满天秋色里,塞上燕脂凝夜紫;塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意 2. 我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。无言独上西楼,月如钩。明月几时有,把酒问青天 3. 乡书何处达,归雁洛阳边。(王湾次北固山下);日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。(崔颢黄鹤楼) 四、病句修改答案 1、删去鸟鸣或改为天空又一次飘满风筝,回荡着鸟鸣.删去漫不经心地或随意.删去使或删去在和中. 2、(1)祥改为

44、详(1分)(2)加强改为加快(或加速提速)(3)三种改法:在当第一部现身江城武汉之后加时(的时候);在人们尚未想到带来多少变化之后加时(的时候);将当第一部现身江城武汉,人们尚未想到带来多少变化改为当第一部现身江城武汉时(的时候),当人们尚未想到带来多少变化时(的时候)。 3.C 4.D 5.(3)删去戏剧 6、A 7.C 8、(修改符号略)(1)删掉温度或气温(2)把火山爆发前移至熔岩横溢(3)漏写的一句话插入从火山喷发出的气体后 9、事半功倍改为事倍功半;被改为把;告白改为告诫 10、清&mdash;&mdash;青倾&mdash;&mdash;顷 病句:第

45、二大岛之一改句:(去掉之一)第二大岛 五、仿句 1.示例:也许,在宽阔的原野面前,你会觉得自己假狭隘,你会不安.短语示例:小草的翠绿。 2、示例:我原想收藏一片红叶,你却给了我整个枫林;品尝一个金桔,果园;捡拾一束稻穗,粮仓;采摘一束菊花,花(菊)园等。 3.示例:对象是未来-可以由完美的计划萌生希望;对象是朋友-可以产生诚挚的友谊。 4. 参考答案:青松不惧风寒,是在告诉我们做人要坚毅刚强。海纳百川,是在告诉我们做人要宽宏大量。(答案不求同一,合符题意即可。 5.参考答案:失去了明媚的太阳,收获了皎洁的月亮;失去了童年的天真,收获了青春的朝气。(答案不求同一,符合题意即可。)6.示例:书籍给

46、我们信念力量,我们感恩 7、能符合要求,语意连贯即得满分。示例:让我们来做根的事业吧,把养分输送给叶和花。 让我们来做土的事业吧,把千万棵花孕育得根深叶茂。 8、要求合理搭配材料内容,组织两个转折关系的句子,语言通顺。答案示例:他资助了178名贫困学生,却无暇照顾自己的女儿。 他捐赠钱物近300万元,却在身患绝症时负担不起医药费。 他只有一个女儿,却有179个孩子称他爸爸。9、示例:这个世界一张美好的通行证 10 我慨叹辛弃疾了却君王天下事,离得生前身后名,可怜白发生的悲壮。评分说明:诗句内容与古仁人相符1分;仿写句通顺 六、语段概括 1、答案示例:平凡的人,平凡的事,却铸就了不平凡的人生和事业,让我们看到了另一种祟高和伟大。不求名,不为利,荣军的需要成了他工作的理由。三十五年如一日,谱写了男护理员工作的华丽篇章。在他身上闪耀着中华民族的传统美德。2.今天多云转阴有阵雨或雷雨,温度20-28&deg;C , 风力小于3级。出门的朋友,请带上雨具;雨天路滑,请注意安全。3.廊桥造型优美,结构巧妙。(或:桥与


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