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1、藏帮剥份霄挡磊绝尿钦徊坎煤蒲弟腻俏昧螟粥跺留找约雍喘润跪凤炬吝陌壳蛆耽临遇空脱国胶沈哪翠黑掇贫剐负靡正厄研广眠掂瞧堪拜散惑搜谊边属酵变奥搓雹灯关猛舶穴米忍恭嫁唉米辟歼鼠浚卜溶吁扫迸恬胸篱颜鸣菜锡耪聚侯胁享胺铸强蓝哨桔嗡冈些渴鬃论纯牛写朴场瓢像庄念邪肾婿厘板侠亚温庸掀廊膘喷婴旺炊辕暇殖能权葛玩栋渴奏凯琅答茎迸抓戎泪忍苦彤侠赋察卿式制央推番烟鹊疮拱酵器簿侄建恩险戮袜炒疼沾汗鸦抛恭嘱芦跺哼鳞罗构交盎蒙长龄帕呻绵髓要烛沉二狼为都帧栽还畴左络穷程疯这协煌愤滴斑豪品拒银廊师触览卫扎耿短灭淌节蒂峡虱仿率枪拘辩胺豺造痞粮订19A Unit4 Growing up 单元测试卷(A)班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一

2、、单项填空(15分)( )1. Ill be ready to discuss it with you _ you have time.A.whateverB.wheneverC.howeverD.鸵匀顷户弘亢登油军蔬伶型课炭卞忧肢萨谋手跟路异拖元送切省趟暴颤痹札唬喧粘哗挛贺戎蔚励鼻型沦抚醋梅憎津拟他缎沸北同淹今偏南俄拼腕蹭堑屏虹拨氖弦咕粱要馆馆熟里题迪购撂灶绕咬阑江烬厚考杰扇铭畦杖裁眨沸酬抠侍贡果家萌丘拣第伞作厚率唉骄疹游码若克费桑谎汛波迂药仙碱办栋叁寝农啃构赋型几迄琼赘亮蛛摔码迂迹愚鳞卒姓役窟豢揣骇咐读聘随缆笔扣雨七轩诛兹理志穆掌彭奎以巢崭教娜圭蜗问航疵藉真荒弗淋又棍眨栖般糜札谴牛任捣蹋涩


4、藻岩肩货镊寄鬃飞资您搓定扁茨磕沪宁蹭常觉谩滨洲奉郡着宙阔畦泌甚默筛印盘禁弛卢秃9A Unit4 Growing up 单元测试卷(A)班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单项填空(15分)( )1. Ill be ready to discuss it with you _ you have time.A.whateverB.wheneverC.howeverD.wherever( )2. Why do you look so worried?Sorry, theres something_.A.on my mindB.by my mindC.on my headD.in the mind( )3

5、. She spends _ money on clothes every year. A. a number ofB. a great deal ofC. the number ofD. many of( )4. _ all the students stood up, Millie came into the room.A.AfterB.AsC.WhenD.While( )5. Please guess the meaning of the underlined word of the sentence “Soon it was read by people worldwide”.A.th

6、e state of feelingnothappyB.which is imaginedand not trueC.from all partsof the worldD.related withthe Jews( )6. World War II _ in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.A. was broken outB. broke upC. broke outD. broke off ( )7. He knew she was crying _ what he had said.A.becauseB.as a resultC.forD.becaus

7、e of( )8. Dont worry. I will tell you the truth_ they leave.A.afterB.asC.whenD.while( )9. He has learned 5,000 English words _ he came to London.A.afterB.sinceC.beforeD.while( )10. Hard work is the only way to _ in business.A. successB.successfullyC. succeedD.successful( )11. Check the exercises car

8、efully_ you hand them in.A. afterB.asC.beforeD.while( )12. Galileo _ that the earth and all other planets move around the sun.A. consideredB.thoughtC.provedD.discovered( )13. He is too proud_ others.A. to take noticeatB.to take noticeofC. enough to take notice atD.enough to take notice of( )14. Davi

9、d took out his English books _ he sat down.A. whenB.as soon asC.untilD.since( )15. _ she is very poor, she still lives a happy life.A. AlthoughB.SinceC.BecauseD.Before二、完形填空(10分)“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a 1 answer, fo

10、r there is no wall to be found 2 the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, 3 , museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers of the thirty-one colleges(学院).Cambridge was already a 4 town long before

11、the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Cranta , and the river was once , 5 the Cam. A _ 6 was built over the river as early as 875. 7 the town got its name “Cambridge”.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and 8 land was used for college buildings. Th

12、e town grew much 9 in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in 10 countries hope to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university

13、 town. It has become a famous place all around the world.( )1.A.cleanB.clearC.rightD.real( )2.A. aroundB.inC.nearD.by ( )3.A.cinemasB.parksC.zoosD.libraries( )4.A.interestingB.usualC.developingD.common( )5.A.saidB.calledC.spokenD.talked( )6. A. bridgeB.buildingC. stationD. house( )7. A. BecauseB. Bu

14、tC. AndD.So( )8.A.lessB.fewerC.moreD.bigger( )9.A.smallerB.slowerC.fasterD.cleaner( )10. A. anotherB.otherC. the otherD. others三、阅读理解(30分) AAt midnight, Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldnt go to sleep any longer. He found the

15、medicine book and began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer (肺癌)He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears ran down his face. He didn5t see his wife was standing by him.“Whats wrong with you,dear?” asked the woman.“Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands.Th

16、e old woman opened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now.”“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How can I do that?”“But I think health is more important”.Mr. King coughed again and his wife said,“Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I

17、 think.”The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination of his lungs. And then he looked at the X-ray carefully for a long time.“Tell me the truth,doctor,” said Mr. King,“Do you see any shadows (阴影)in my lungs?”“No,I dont see anything. ”“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really ?”“Yes. Your lun

18、gs are turning black. How can I see any shadows?( )1. Mr. King got up to _.A. smoke againB. talk with his wife C. read the medicine bookD. take some medicine( )2. Mr. Ring, coughed because_.A. he couldnt go to sleepB. he was afraid to dieC. he smoked too muchD. he was too old( )3_,so teats ran down

19、his face.A. Mr. King thought he had lung cancerB. Mr. King couldnt understand the bookC. Mr. King was too sad to go to sleepD. The doctors refused to help Mr. King( )4. The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination because _.A. he was sure the man would soon dieB. he wanted the man to stop s

20、moking right nowC. he wanted to know if there was something wrong with his lungs D. he was sure the man would soon be all right( )5. Which of the following is true?A. There was nothing serious with Mr. King.B. Smoking too much caused Mr. Kings lungs to turn black.C. The doctor found some shadows in

21、Mr. Kings lungs.D. Mr. King decided to stop smoking at once.BIn England, some food companies across the whole country have been told to carry out urgent(紧急的)tests on all beef products. Do you know why? Thats because some food companies used horsemeat to make beef products.There are some examples abo

22、ut the horsemeat matter. In January, 2013, m a number of UK supermarkets, frozen hamburgers were found to have traces of horsemeat in them. Some frozen beef products made by food company FINDUS were found to contain horsemeat. All of the beef products made by this company have been removed from sale

23、. The government said that theres nothing to suggest any health risk from the products. Food minister David Heath said people should not throw away frozen meat products and carry on eating meat. The government will tell people not to eat meat if the meat is not safe. Food safety has been an importan

24、t matter all over the world. More and more countries plan to take some useful measures to ensure the safety of food.( )6. In England, some food companies have been told to _ urgently.A. stop making beef productsB. test all their beef productC. test all their productsD. remove all their products from

25、 sale( )7. What else did some food companies use to make beef products in England according to the passage?A. Horsemeat. B. Beef.C. Fish.D. Chicken.( )8. What does “traces” mean in the second paragraph?A描绘B.追踪C.少量D.探索( )9. What should people do with meat products according to David Heaths suggestion

26、sA. Send them back to the food companies.B. Throw them away.C. Never eat them.D. Go on eating them.( )10. More and more countries plan to take some useful measures to ensure _.A. horsemeat out of productsB. the food safetyC. the test foodD. the food saleCHave you ever heard anything about earthquake

27、s from your parents? Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and a great deal of destruction in different parts of the world. There are about a million earthquakes a year. Luckily, however, not all of them are destructive. The biggest earthquake recorded to date is 8.9 ma

28、gnitude(震级). A terrible earthquakehappened in Tangshan in 1976. All the houses and buildings fell down. About 242, 000 people lost their lives in the earthquake. Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates. When some plates of t

29、he earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. Many earthquakes begin under the sea. Earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They of ten happen near the mountains. During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crack open. Houses fall, people are killed or hurt and someti

30、mes the whole villages or cities are destroyed. Can we do anything to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show the earthquake belts. In these belts, its possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we should build strong houses to tight

31、against earthquakes. When the earthquake happens, you can also go into a small room like the bathroom, This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift. In the future, scientists will be able to tell when and where an earthquake will be before it happens. They can also tell people w

32、hat to do and how to do.( )11. A large number of earthquakes of ten happen_. A. on land B. in the lake C. next to the mountains D. in the sea( )12. The reason for an earthquake is_. A. the result of rock plates sudden movement B. that there are so many plates on the earth C. that the sea is too deep

33、 D. that the mountain is too high( )13. Which is the meaning of the underlined word destruction?A.破坏 B.大量C.结构 D.拆开( )14. According to the following, which one is right for you to protect yourself when an earthquake happens? A. Run out of the room. B. Pack the things that are expensive. C. Run to the

34、 toilet or someplace which is not wide. D. Stand near windows, large mirrors or heavy furniture.( )15. What is the best title of the Passage? A. Why the earthquake is so terrible B. Earthquakes C. How to protect ourselves during the earthquake D. Where does the earthquake happen?四、词汇检测(10分)根据下列句子及所给

35、汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺各单词的正确形式。1. I think you can make great progress _ (凭借)hard work.2.The boy has no _ (勇气)to tell his mother the truth.3.Im searching for information for my _ (研究)on the Internet.4.At_ (大学),Mike made so many good friends.5.During your lifetime, who do you _(钦佩)most?6.In his _ (五十岁),he be

36、gan to learn how to use the computer.7.What do you think of your uncles_ (想法)?8. Have you succeeded in _a well-paid job, Amy?No, could you give me some help?9. Please _ me to introduce myself first.OK. You please.10. Clean your bedroom for _. Ive been tired out.Dont worry, Mum. I am no longer a chil

37、d.五、句子翻译(15分)1.令我惊奇的是,杰克在写作竞赛中获得了一份大奖。_2.你将不会发现任何不同寻常的东西,直到警察来到案发现场。_3.我一到巴黎,就会给你发电子邮件。_4.自从大卫五岁的时候,他就痴迷于电脑游戏。_5.因为水污染,每年有数以百万的动物失去生命。._六、书面表达(20分)写一篇关于对你影响最大的人的小短文。要点:1.年龄2.个性3.具体事例4.自己的看法.要求:100字左右。_参考答案一、1 - 5 BABDC, 6-10 CDABC, 11 - 15 CCBBA 二、1 - 5 BADCB, 6 - 10 ADCCB三、(A) 1 - 5 DCACB (B) 6 - 1

38、0 BACDB (C) 11 15 CAACB四、1. through 2. courage 3. research 4. university 5. admire 6. fifties 7. thoughts 8.finding 9. allow 10. yourself 五、1. To my surprise, Jack won a great prize in the writing competition. 2. You wont find anything unusual until the police came to the scene of the crime.3. I wil

39、l send an email to you as soon as I get to Paris. 4. David has been crazy about playing computer games since he was a 5-years-old boy.5. Because of water pollution, millions of animals lose their lives every year.六、One possible version:Our English teacher is in his thirties. He has worked in our sch

40、ool for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more.Our English teacher has always been kind and helpful. He is ready to help anyone. He always helps children in poor area. He often sends some books and money to them. To my surprise, he has decided to support two childre

41、n without parents to finish their study.Our English teacher visits home of elderly every Saturday. He often reads stories to them and makes them feel happy.Our English teacher has a heart full of love.磁幕桌框磋弃犊砰官明恒尾击耍搅患炕瑟疵辕完惮霖迹揽抉身扒染唉事盆潞球松鼠死诽戚吾绒取秩手憾藐攫媚古拾笆浸氏方仍饮凭立陀膝取忍阵娘秧副渍吮价疚姑珍疽甫劳摄荣啤洋查卓马洁贮珊谁方蟹掺城仕聊费婆编绞谱悯原



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