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1、文章编码:XXXX日期:2021年x月x日Error! No text of specified style in document.页码:第12页 共12页沪教版小学二年级英语教案范文英语老师要通过其他动作的导入来教授新的句子,使学生一步步进入学习状态,能够很好的让学生掌握句子结构和意思。以下是整理的小学二年级英语教案,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。小学二年级英语教案范文一:Unit1WhereIliveLesson1教学内容:Unit1 Where I live Lesson1教学目标:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions.2

2、.Using the definite article to refer to specific classroom objects.重点难点:1. Review the sentences: Look at the Open/Close the Show/ me your Take your2. Teach the new sentences: Clean the desk, please. Sweep the floor, please.教学方法:1. Read and say:2. Look, read and learn:3. Look and say:4. Think and gue

3、ss:5. Look and read:教具准备:tape recorder, tape, word and picture cards, some objects.教学过程:Teachers activityStudentss activityRemarkPre-task preparation1.Warming up: Sing a song: Hello!2. Free talk:1) T: Hello, boys and girls, Im very happy to see you again. Welcome to back our school and our classroom

4、. (Ss say the word classroom together several times.) First please say hello to your partner. Ss do it.2) T: Good morning, S1.S1: Good morning , Miss Shen.T: How do you do!/ How are you?/ I m happy to see you.S1: 。. ( Ask and answer several times.)3.Ask and answer:1) T: what is this? (Point to the d

5、esk) S2: This is a desk. Encourage the class to point to their own desks and say desk。2) T: And your know, this is our classroom.(Gesture with Ts arm to Listen and sing a song together. Say hello to each others in the class. Greeting between T and Ss. Ask and respond.歌曲开始课堂让学生重新感受到英语课的气氛。 1)和2)是让学生先

6、动动,调起他们的积极性。 这是为了教授新的知识而做的准备工作。T: This is our Ss: Classroom.T: Yes, we are in the classroom now. ( Ss follow.)T: Is our nice? S3: Yes.T: Ok, our classroom is nice. We must help to keep it clean.While-task Procedure1.Learn the new instructions:1)T: First, please look at your desk. All the Ss look at

7、their desk. T: And now please look at Miss shens desk. Its very dirty. I will clean the desk.( T wipe the desk with a rag.) Please clean your desks. Ss follow T and say clean the desk。2) Practices: T invite a more able S to come to the front. Give the rag to him/her and say clean the desk, please.(T

8、he S performs the action and repeats Ts command.) T invite more Ss to come to the front. Let the more able S give the command and others do the action. Repeat with several groups of Ss.3) T invite another more able S to come up and say the command Sweep the floor, please. ( T tell the S secretly) Gu

9、ess the meaning of Sweep the floor. Then one S performs the action. Repeat 2)。2. Listen and say:T play the tape ,Ss listen to the instructions and repeat.T first do and say, Ss repeat. Practice in groups with rag. Teach the new instruction by the actions. Give the commands and do them. Listen and re

10、peat the instructions.这一部分新内容是通过发命令和做动作来教授的,这样很容易就可以让学生理解句子的意思。 听录音,模仿语音语调是不可缺少的,这样可以让孩子们更准确的说。Post-task activities 1Divide Ss into pairs. Have one S give the commands and the other mime the actions. Then let them change roles. Eg: Show me your pencil-box. Take your chair. Clean the pencil-box/chair

11、/window/door Sweep the floor。Invite pairs of Ss to act out the dialogue to the class. Ss vote for the best pair. Have a match. To practice in pairs with actions.To vote the best pair then give them a star.先分小组,一学生发令,其他学生做动作,再让学生成对表演,然后选出组合。通过这样一个活动学生快乐动起来,又巩固和复习了知识,一举两得。Assignments Ask Ss to clean t

12、heir own bedroom. They must say Clean/Sweep the when they do the housework. Do and say.板书设计:Clean the desk, please. (rag)Sweep the floor, please. (floor)教学后记:通过其他动作的导入来教授新的句子,使学生一步步进入学习状态,能够很好的让学生掌握句子结构和意思,而且整个课堂气氛十分活跃,就是单词的发音不是很准确,这要再多加练习。小学二年级英语教案范文二:Whatwouldyoulike教学目标:1.Learn the pronunciation

13、of “ds, ts” in the words.2.Ss can do the exercise correctly3.Ss can use the daily sentences freely重点难点:1.Ss can do the exercise correctly2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely3.Learn the pronunciation of “ds, ts” in the words.教学准备:Tape教学过程:Step 1.Revision.1.GreetingT: Good morning/ afternoon, boys

14、and girls!Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss chen!2 Hungry,hungry ,Im Hungry,Hamburger, hamburger, heres a hamburger.Thirsty ,thirsty ,Im thirsty,Coffee,coffee,heres some coffee.(pies, juice;biscuits, milk)3 Free talk:T:Do you like biscuits?S:Yes , I do.T:Me,too.Do you like sweets?S:Yes,I do.T:Oh,no

15、.I dont like sweets.Step 2:Look at the picture of Part F:T: Look at those boys. What are those in their hands?Ss: Theyre biscuits and sweets.T: What are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作)Ss: Theyre birds.Read the words and sentence.birds friends biscuits sweetsMy friends like birds ,sweets and biscu

16、its.学生列举含有该发音的其他单词。Step 3:Read and act:1.师生交流,在情景中引出新句子。T: Hello,whats the time ?S:Its T:Lets go and play basketball. S:OK.Lets go.T:I cant move now . Im hungry.Teach the phrases“go and play”and the word “move”。2.Listen to the tape and answer some questions:What do they want to play ?What does Gao S

17、han want?Does Go Shan go to play basketball?3.Read the dialogue after the tape .4.Read in pairs.5.Make a new dialogue and act it out.Step 4:Consolidation教学后记:本堂课以操练句型What would you like?Id likeAnything else?How much are they?为主。What would you like?Id like这个句型学生在以前已经接触过了,所以操练起来比较方便。首先我让学生根据书上的歌谣自编一首新

18、的儿歌,由于学生对词汇的掌握已经很好了,所以在编的时候兴趣非常高,同时我让他们把自己编的歌谣朗读出来,让全班都来分享他的成果,学生都是很乐意的,再加上自编的动作,边说边演,课堂气氛很活跃。同时,我还创设了一个情境,让学生自己来扮演服务员和顾客,让他们到快餐店里去买东西,在这个轻松的氛围中,学生的口语虽然说得不是特别流利,但是他们敢说,肯说,达到了英语教学中让学生乐说的效果。小学二年级英语教案范文三:Ilike教学目标:Using nouns to indicate some sports; e.g. football, basketball, baseball, ping pongUsing

19、“play+ objective” phrases.Using “I like” to indicate preference;Using “modelled sentence “what do you like to play?” to communicate with others;Helping students to develop their daily English.重点难点:Using “play+ objective” phrases;Use “modelled sentence “what do you like to play?” to communicate with

20、others教学准备:A computer, a TV set, PPT教学过程:Pre-task:Lets sing a song ”walking walking”Daily talk:Where do you like?Do you love Shanghai? Why?Ss: I love Shanghai, because it is _, _and_.(help Ss to use more than one adjective to present reasons of loving shanghai and develop their ability to use connec

21、tives to add information)While-task:guess riddles and make riddlesT: do you like riddles? I have a riddle for you. Listen carefully.It is round!It is big!It is orange!What is it?Ss: it is a basketball!Teach and practice the pronunciation of “basketball”。Teach and practice the phrase ofT: What am I d

22、oing?( T Miming play basketball)T: this time, I tell you the answer of the riddle, can you make a riddle? I give you 1 min, pls discuss in groups. Ready? Go!Ss:Teach and practice the pronunciation of “ping pong”。Teach and practice the phrase of “ play ping pong”。T: What am I doing?( T Miming play pi

23、ng pong)Ss pass the football and say “play ping pong”I have another riddle for you. Listen carefully.It is round!It is small!It is white!You play it with a stick.What is it?Ss: it is a baseball!Teach and practice the pronunciation of “baseball”。Teach and practice the phrase ofT: What am I doing?( T

24、Miming play baseball)T: this time, I tell you the answer of the riddle, can you make a riddle? I give you 1 min, pls discuss in groups. Ready? Go!Ss:Teach and practice the pronunciation of “football”。Teach and practice the phrase of “ play football”。T: What am I doing?( T Miming play football)Ss pas

25、s the football and say “play football”Play + sportsgame: T acts, Ss guessS acts, Ss guessWhat do you like to play?I like to play_.(with all sports showed)T asks individualsPair workConversationT: Today is Saturday. Sam and May is planning to go out. Lets see what they are talking.I am May. Who wants to be Sam?T- individualT- whole classS- S (pair work)第 12 页 共 12 页优质文档


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