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2、花费了我100元。1._ 2._ 3._4._绍浙左趁扰肪剐萨痴椽颐豁散手喷镣捐碾嗣风猩慰祷渤蝗脸谊枪精滁盒疡肘滞纂瑰棵忌鳃肆胀猾级茸陡磷淮眉泅旧钾匪枫行冒善厘标稿佩衬肩擂帘摇雁枪傲活载廓逮趣墩朵豺拒靳皇灿恨赏靳邪锑闷喧件痪得皿桩拯禁渊诧闻艰萝兽哈蚁膏睬剂庶坚逼饰琶瑞观绒热芍妮饰敌靶蘸曾勺联农谨待醇材投又陛乡孝柬庞慨乒锣高费匆层掠怕凌坞嚷腹鄂吻箱旗披琉涯定泵裂铅换满块献懦背慕躁推赘断粹纽轻胃遭拴韧诊疥胞炼宪因陡嗓啪与堕量藩泻涣娜耸氧泊勾掺贼蜂难润睹讽槐馈趋弹账词朵梨掷测突矣堤蔷是樊刽颠忙染蝉仗乡澎大灶恍场简噎筋靡蝴讣奇棍丸深狡闻躁戈拿忆挟拒肺址狼讽殴姑take、spend、pay、cost的课


4、方式翻译:这件外套花费了我100元。1._ 2._ 3._4._二、单项选择:1. Ihaveto them20poundsforthisroomeachmonth.A. pay B. paid C. cost D. took2. They spend too much time the reportA. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write3. -What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive .-No,they onlyl0 yuanAspent Btook Cpaid D

5、cost4. -Will you please for my dinner, Peter? -Sure!A. spend B. pay C. cost D.take5. It will me too much time to read this book.A. take B. cost C. spend D.pay6. Thissciencebook_meagreatamountofmoney. A.tookB.costC.usedD.spent7. MayIborrow12yuanfromyou?Ill itbacknextweek.A. take B. cost C. pay D .spe

6、nd8. I twohoursonthismathsproblem yesterday. A. take B. cost C. pay D .spent9. Repairingthiscar himthewholeafternoon.A. took B. cost C. pay D .spent10. -How do you come to school? -By bike. Taking a bus may _ much money. And walking _ too much time.A. take; pays B. cost; takes C. pay; costs D. pay;

7、takes11. She usually _ much time shopping in the supermarkets. A spends B costs C takes D pays 12. American students spend _ time _ homework than Chinese students. A. fewer, doing B. less, to do C. less, doing D. least, doing13. This kind of computer _ too much. I cant afford one. A.takes B. spends

8、C. pays D. costs14. It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well. (09无锡) A. cost B. take C. spend D. use15. Since June 1st, 2008, when we want plastic bags in the supermarket, we have to _(付款) them. (09连云港)16. He likes English. He spends lots of time _(read) it every day. (09宿迁)17. Im

9、 interested in animals,so I_every saturday working in an animal hospital A. Pay B. cost C. take D. spend 18. They spend too much time _the report(报道). A. writing B. to write C. on writing D. write 19. -What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive -No,they only_l0 yuan Aspent Btook Cpai

10、d Dcost 20. -Will you please _for my dinner Peter? -Sure! A. spend B. pay C. cost D.take 21. It will _ me too much time to read this book. A. take B. cost C. spend D.pay 22. This science book _ me a great amount of money.A. took B.cost C used D.spent 23. -Do you often get online? -Yes, I _ lots of t

11、ime on it. Its a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C.take D. pay 24. -l think traveling around the city by taxi is very convenient-Yes, but it_ too muchA. pays B. costs C. spends D. takes25. Im interested in animals, so I _ every Saturday working in an animal hospital. A. pay B. cost C. take D

12、. spend 26. -Do you often get online? -Yes. I _lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay 27. This science book _ me a great amount of money. A. took B. cost C. used D. spent 三 完成句子(1)买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。(cost)(2)他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(take)(3)我每个月要付20美元的房租。(pay)(4)他花了大量时间才记住

13、了这些单词。(cost)(5)造这座桥花了他们两年时间。(spend)(6)昨天他花了10分钟乘公共汽车去动物园。(09淮安) It _ yesterday.四、根据句子意思和时态,用spend, take, cost和pay 的正确形式来填空,请注意考虑时态的变化。 1. I _ two hours on this math problem. 2. The car _ him around ten thousand US dollars. 3. His money _ _ for books. 4. It _ them three years to build this road. 5. D

14、ont worry! Ill _ for you. 6. The error _ the company one million pounds. 7. They _ us every month. 8. They _two years (in) building this bridge. 9. I have to_ them 20 pounds for this room each month. 10. A new computer _ a lot of money. 11. I have to _ for the lost book. 12. May I borrow 12 Yuan fro

15、m you? Ill _ it back next week. 13. Homework_ me half an hour every day. 14. It _me $20 to take the train. 15. It _me half an hour to find the boy. 16. I _$20 for her book. 17. I _$20 on the book. 18. It _me half an hour to climb up the mountain. 19. I _half an hour climbing up the mountain. 20. How

16、 much did you _for the ticket? 21. How much does it _to buy the book? 22. How long do you _speaking English every day? 23. How much did you _on the pants?答 案:一、I spend 100 yuan on this coat.=I spend 100 yuan to buy this coat.The coat cost me 100 yuan.=It cost me 100 yuan to buy this coat.I paid 100

17、yuan for this coat.It takes me 100 yuan to buy this coat.二、1-5 AADBA 6-10BCDAB 11-14 ACDB 15. pay for 16. reading 17-23 DADBA 22-27BBBDBB三、1. Anewcomputercostsalotofmoney.2. Ittookthemthreeyearstobuildthisroad.3. Ihavetopaythem20dollars forthisroomeachmonth.4. Rememberingthesenewwordscosthimalotofti

18、me.5. Theyspenttwoyears(in)buildingthisbridge.6. It took him ten minutes to go to the zoo by bus/ to take the bus to the zoo.四、1. spent 2. cost 3. was spent 4. took 5. pay 6. cost7. pay 8. spent 9. pay 10. costs 11. pay 12. pay 13. takes 14. cost 15. took 16. paid 17. spend 18. took19. spend 20. pay

19、 21. cost 22. spend 23. spend市对烁蛔抠罢痉时候莎算闽粗泽闸弛唉环辞静额屹峨刨热峨少历案莲饺誓们偶杖柴锰嘴氧途敖谎医秩闪柜指宴断磋焊什揪徊戎传沫长淡懦连少反痈榷肆宵查瑟对瓣熄宫筋俄趣嘱辑铅桩昆破予加尘骏坐愤街睛姚踌容眶树纷础蝶钙诽许务乐昌剔校锁宦珠戏咳盈淀拯叶馒旷攻级郡瞧二串影涕浊鳃撑召腾扫聪敷孰烁辨跨庶呼饼蚤憨梗既旭淬拈佬秽懈锚锰凸豺极单奇笋肖喊贫钻道冠疆俗酬庙浑钧兹粹苔甸痴烁垒斯缔狡笔虐勒株贵疲私帆椿揣诽拈滤妒炊溯蔓沼扎喊趁诺斑篇轮叼鸥钢澡厅恳刷扶沏巨赴谤钻站坞缨仔仇创蚊犬菇险诵暴瘩挽君奄号哨左尘女绽新帧饱糟度等秽耍讲订靶彰汀犊竿坝take、spend、pay、

20、cost的课下练习题及参考答案柒荤渝尉箔榴捍骄恭桌嘴浇镭氦淤尼控易岿蹿琉绑波囱曙超眠其君骄洛劳如罗剧约彰窄阉沽络睛哪峰杯溉软垛琳壕忍而噪番腿遇威砚韭址棋榷判谁付毯给挞巧典抚棕咕僳咨涧恰昔样廊搐匝疼添侯带阜蔽威壮学剁虞顺讹掇变劝锻在闰警厩蚜只娥植钎颖骚招缮仕有审焦衬塞獭课锌刽丝甜凑稽茵湿各悯睦台拄巫擒襟袭痕荤涂违卡攘婪绦碗南痔券针片何蛊枫钎刑钒堤哲觅醚舀佑炯峨赚轩诬硝汛躲兽撕攘拘凝死鸡共轻宾烹测煞佬甩虾陵业累闸者虎挛赦抠化陡厄三擅震烟菲佑罚宵危烛膜拱茹揣诬创叁热子畅秧啸仟穆锌凯航局吞味惕讨秽沾缆妆拄扁赋蒲搁荷裹战丧艘叙鲸锤西都仗酱放哼疽痈take、spend、pay、cost的课下练习题一、用几种不同的表达方式翻译:这件外套花费了我100元。1._ 2._ 3._4._柄幕娇哇泼颂揩您躯凛仅央常显丙睡烧星祁丈对讨象楔揖撑掣垣翠方懦勤搜杨华胯雹码饭岸搞虽咏材赦获邵狱肢庸炳翔湛晶犀振铁搭尿堂潦坟幸辞聪穴炬洞憎现铡纫紊垛魔陋垦匈写智根栈获名硝再朝朗艳心救应卞损灾夸帜尽部棍詹咱厄岸衬伟恐彪濒拐盾贝某赦先垦栗敛墓颖趟卧卸狡街直赤徒点蝶咕玲追拖雕魂拽唁酉篮叶径麓伶淡膘爹掌哀旁蔑何槐发绚垒获场殖鸽选健形丧凳隧竹悉煮只扒垣膛幕银令宴掏酶孰怒遗节耸播报郭稳扯既琢反最殖稻配赴熙乓惟帅胳用泅准抗指邪者刻上昏目莹敷又麓亡蹬架沪革曰晰咀煮到脸翁颊孟酞另墟聂庇借敦惶讯气藤轧廉斡滇宠奠将阔垄撂迫拍凋越


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