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1、PEP 小学英语五年级下册 What are you doing ?精品教案一、课型:活动二、教学目标与要求(一)能力目标:1. 能够运用 “What is your father doing?”等句型询问他人正在做什么。2. 能够运用“ Hes writing an e-mail.”等句型表述他人正在进行的动作。(二)知识目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写动词短语的 ing 形式:listening to music, washing clothes, cleaning the room, writing a letter, writing an e-mail。2. 能够听、说、认读句子:Wha

2、t is your father doing? Hes writing an e-mail.(三)情感、策略、文化等目标培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。三、教学重、难点1. 掌握五个动词短语的 ing 形式: listening to music, washing clothes, cleaning the room, writing a letter, writing an e-mail。2. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词 ing 形式的变化,要正确示范。四、教学准备课件、单词卡、语音带和图片。四、教学过程五、教学过程(一)Warm-up1. greetings2. let s chantMr

3、. Bear Mr.bear what are you doing?3. Free talkT: What s the date today? What s the weather like today? What are you doing now?S: I m /We are having English class?T: Ok, Let s bigen.3. Look at the pictures, ask and answer.T: What are you doing? 一学生做 作 I am ,【 意 :通 TPR,chant 和 free talk 等形式回 所学的 ,以旧 新

4、,同 也 后面的新授、拓展做一 的 。】(二) Pre-task1. T: What is she/he doing?另一生回答: She/He is,Work in fours, and act out. 2. T: We are having English class. Whatdoes Mike milysfa doing? Mike 打 房 。T: What is Mike doing ?S: Mike is cleaning the room/the window/the教学: cleaning the roomT: Mike is cleaning, cleaning the r

5、oom. (chant)放水的声音 aunt 洗衣服 。T: Listen, what is Mike s aunt doing?S: She is washing教学:washing clothes出示水果、衣服 行 展。T: Aunt is washing, washing clothes. (chant) noodlesT: What is grandma doing?Chant 图 Grandma is cooking, cooking noodles.一段音 T: What is it?T: What are you doing?Ss: I m listening to music.

6、T: What is Mike s brother doing?教学 listening to music T: What is his sister doing?Chant 图 Sister is listening, listening to music. Alice pen(完整 )T: Guess, What s she doing now?S: Shes writing a letter. 教学 writing a letterT: write writing 书写时是去“ e”加 ing.(教师示范书写单词 )T: Alice is writing, writing a lette

7、r.(chant)图 uncle 发 e-mailT: What is Mike s uncle doing?S: He s writing an-maile.出示句子 Hes writing an e-mail. T: What is Mikes mom doing?Chant 图 Mom is writing, writing an e-mail.图 newspaperT: What is his father doing? Chant 图 Mike s father is reading, reading the newspaper.3. Listen to the tape. list

8、en and do. (B Let s learn)(听完毕 , remember game)T: What is ,doing?S:I m listening to the record.【设计意图:用图片、音乐等多种形式刺激学生的感官,引出短语,让学生体会现在进行时的意义。由句型的操练带出了chant,可让学生提早熟悉句型。】(三) While-task1. Let s learn B2. Let s chant B3. Read and match.4. Game: Let s take pictures. Guess. Where are they?学生选择自己喜欢的图片剪贴下来,粘贴

9、在小组场景中, 分组描述他们的照片。其他小组成员猜Where are they? 并描述有其动作。【设计意图: 设计拍照的任务活动, 在这个活动中通过学生动手在特定的情景中, 自己进行分类整理已学词语,并将以前所学过的有关动词的词语做了一次小结。 】(四) Post-task1. Make a new chant(改编 )Grandpa is drawing, drawing pictures.A2. Write a short passage about the pictures.分层完成 chant 或小练笔。 3. Proverb: Doing is better than saying

10、.【设计意图: 在作业设计中给学生设计梯度,以照顾全体学生。】六、板书设计U2. What are you doinglisten to music washing clothes cleaning the room writing a letter writing an e-maillistening to musicwashing clothescleaning the roomwriting a letterwriting an e-mail七、教学反思新课标下英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动, 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略, 发展自主学习的能力

11、与合作创新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。本堂课遵循以上原则, 并结合小学英语课程标准的要求而设计的。 课堂教学以“ What are you doing ?”为主题,我在课堂上为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围, 促使学生积极主动地学习英语, 并将所学的知识自然有效地运用于生活实际。在教学各个单词时, 我试着把五个单词有机地结合在一起, 使学生在不知不觉中学到了新知识。我以做家务引出各个动词词组的原形,再配以动作,教学词组的正在进行时。根据小学生好奇,接受新事物快等心理特点, 我在教学五个动词词组时尽量采用不同的方式来呈现,使学生不感到单一,朗读时也能做到从面到点,又由点及面,不同的方式

12、来朗读,在操练五个动词词组时,也用了不同的方式,做到重点突出,难易结合。比如在教学 answering the phone时,由于在试教当中发现孩子们在发这个音时比较难,所以我设计了一个游戏 hide and seek,让学生在有趣的游戏中掌握单词的发音。在操练环节中制作的 flash 游戏也引起了学生的强烈兴趣,既操练了单词,又操练了句型。我设计了一句课堂评价语:Doing our best ,we are the best!贯穿始终,既能调节课堂气氛,让学生有成就感,又掌握了单词 doing,我觉得整堂课的教学目标达成得比较满意,大部分学生能掌握五个单词的发音并且做到结合旧知进行对语言的运用及拓展。从这堂课的施教情况来看, 由于我是借班上课, 我深深感受到教师具备良好的语言素质和教学组织能力以及富有创新精神的重要性;同时,我也感受到创设和谐的朋友式的师生关系的必要性,我愿虚心地向同行们学习。


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