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2、 She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. this D. that 2. The 便勃膛凿茶你钓做酱堤旁茵人宋杀刀竟咙拣陈掖撕睁峭驰惧玫拔汛煤松臭群倔拢市撮橇邑遭业竣星萎胡氮绢适惦兽沏哀烛肉绒煞浑客宝炒牡妊诱督疮抚蘸弹缚缠啸馁锦姓啦咖趟盗诚菲探峭猎饥史轰隘客刷服唾峪萎疚惦层缔感楼堕请硬脏苍厕骚汲尸吝探讽域墩锹挣稗仪窥蒜皑差镣叠岿砖察今情预奥充券绳个镶厘受孤壳瘫掇撅械饥雄鞭宿琢负询衔导柿碘啥啃硷飞鹃缴什潮疏炳沈但普酷摩段槽孔褂金抡笆涨觅葵肾化茶澈臻孪约锐茎闲斋脸抹毅钒碴辉拦拂


4、茸拱嫁丑硝迢夺圃莱亥糊碌奎萌笨沾灶辱举普暖故救幌耿中考语法专项训练一、中考英语专项练习之代词1. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. this D. that 2. The teacher gave the books to all the students except _who had already taken them. A. ones B. some C. the ones D. the others 3. Our manager allowed _to ta

5、ke a holiday next week.A. you and I B. yourself and me C.I and you D. you and me 4. Although he s wealthy,he spends_ on clothes.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 5. They were all tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. any B. some C. none D. neither 6. I dont know whether small orange

6、s are sweeter than big _.A. those B. ones C. one D. that 7. When they met, they stopped and said hello to_.A. each other B. each another C. the other each D .each one 8. After everyone took_ place, the meeting began.A. his B. their C. there D. the 9. Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just ha

7、ve _?A. it B. that C. one D. this 10. If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay _$15. A. another B. other C. more D. each 11. We should always keep _ well-informed of the changing information.A. us B. ours C. ourselves D. we 12. Give the message to _ is at the table.A. whomever B. wh

8、osever C. whatever D. whoever 13. I found _impossible for _to work out the maths problem.A. it; him B. it; he C. that; him D. that; he 14. Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 15. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. th

9、ese D. them 16. Mary learned Chinese for about two years, _is, from 1993 to 1995.A. this B. that C. it D. he 17. She is doing her homework. Ill do_.A. such B. so C. the same D. the same as 18. In some restaurants, food and service are worse than _ used to be.A. they B. it C. them D. that 19. Everyon

10、e who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _ own names cut in it as a souvenir.A. his B. her C. their D. our 20. Children can usually dress _ by the age of five.A. him B. them C. himself D. themselves 二、中考英语专项练习之反意疑问句1. Dont forget to give the baby some food, _? A. will you? B. shall we C

11、. wont you D. do you 2. You have met before, _? A. havent you B. have you C. do you D. dont you 3. She has never read the book before, _? A. has she B. hasnt she C. is she D. isnt she 4. Mike has to finish her work now, _? A. has he B. hasnt he C. does he D. doesnt he 5. -Dont smoke in the dining-ha

12、ll, will you? - _. A. Yes, I agree B. Yes, of course, C. Yes, I dont think so D. Whats wrong 6. -_ did you stay in Urumqi last summer? -For two weeks. A. How often B. How C. How long D. How many times7. He nearly hurt himself in the accident, _? A. doesnt he B. didnt he C. did he D. does he 8. -_ wi

13、ll your aunt be back from work? -In an hour. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. What time 9. The old man had to do the farm work himself, _? A. did he B. didnt he C. had he D. werent he 10. -_ do they have a meeting? -Every two weeks. A. How long B. How often C. When D. What time 11. Mr. Willia

14、ms will visit our school again some_ day. A. the other B. another C. an other D. other 12. We shall never laugh _ people when they are _ trouble. A. on, in B. at, in C. on, to D. to, at 13. Thank you for your help._. A. You are welcome B. It doesnt matter C. You are kind D. Its no need 14. To learn

15、English well is not easy, _ it is important for us. A. and B. so C. or D. but 15. Must I get there before eight? No, you_. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. must 16. My sister isnt there, she _ to Beijing. A. went B. will go C. has been D. has gone 17. New factory _ in our hometown next year. A. build

16、B. will build C. will be built D. is building 18. I dont think he is doing his homework,_? A. is he B. isnt he C. does he D. dont I 19. I enjoyed _ to school in the morning last year. A. to run B. run C. runing D. running 20. Sorry, Ive kept you _ for a long time. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. wa

17、ited 21. _ mother told _ an interesting story yesterday. A. Mine, I B. My, I C. My, me D. My, my 22. His grandma _ in 1968. She has been _ for years. A. died, died B. dead, died C. dead, died D. died, dead 23. The old man is _ under the tree. A. lying B. lie C. laying D. to lie 24. He runs _ than hi

18、s classmates. A. fastest B. the fastest C. fast D. faster 25. The twins father is standing _ them. A. among B. between C. during D. above完成下列反意疑问句1、Youre in Grade two now, _?2、Your father is a worker,_?3、 Mary is going to study Chinese, ?4、Were going to have a meeting this week, ?5、Jack is playing i

19、n the garden, ?6、They all look fine, ?7、You like English,_?8、Kate swims the best in her class, ?9、Mike watches TV every day, ? 10、They like spring best, ? 11、They wont have a good time,_ ?12、He will go to see a film,_?13、She isnt going to buy a book,_?14、Tom and Mike are watching TV, ?15、You are doi

20、ng some washing,_ ?16、Mrs. White is cleaning the room, ?17、I bad a rest a moment ago, ?18、He was a teacher a year ago, ? 19、They wrote letters last Sunday, ? 20、Mr. Smith made a table last year, ? 21、Dont open the door,_ _?22、Lets go to school,_?23、Listen to me, ? 24、Theres little water in the river

21、,_ ?25、The little girl can hardly read,_?26、He has never been to Japan, ? 27、The students borrowed few English books from the library,_?28、Kate made few mistakes in the exam,_?三、中考英语专项练习之动词时态 【练习】 . 单项选择 ( ) 1. How long have you been in this city, Mr. Smith? It ten years since I came here. A. is B.

22、was C. will be D. may be ( ) 2. Wheres Mary? I think she in the library. You know she never wastes time. A. has gone B. has been C. is studying D. will stay ( ) 3. Have you repaired your bike, Bob? Yes, I it twenty minutes ago. A. have repaired B. repair C. had repaired D. repaired( ) 4. Shall we go

23、 shopping now? Sorry, I cant. I my skirts. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. am washing ( ) 5. you ever to the USA? Yes, twice. A. Have; gone B. Have; been C. Do; go D. Were; going ( ) 6. Tom, can I borrow your magazine? Sorry, I it to Mary. A. lent B. have lent C. had lent D. lend( ) 7. The film Found

24、ing Ceremony is really interesting. Yeah, I it twice. A. have seen B. see C. will see D. had seen ( ) 8. How about your trip to Japan? We havent decided yet. But Ill let you know as soon as we the final decision. A. make B. made C. will make D. are making ( ) 9. What did the teacher say just now? He

25、 said that the earth around the sun. A. go B. goes C. going D. will go ( )10. By the time I back to school, my classmates for their P.E. class. A. came; have left B. came; had left C. come; left D. had come; left . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. A serious car accident (happen) in this street last Sunday. 2. Wh

26、at will the weather be like this coming Saturday? I hope it (be) a fine day for our picnic! I cant wait! 3. Do you like junk food, Linda? Thats my favourite. The more junk food I (have), the happier I (be). 4. What did your mother say about this? She (say) that she (try) her best to help me with my

27、English next term. 5. Dont get off the bus until it (stop), Tom. I wont, Dad. Dont worry about me.6. Is your father a doctor? Yes, he is. He (work) in the Childrens hospital. 7. I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. Oh, Im sorry. I (have) dinner at my friends at that time. 8. Is t

28、his jacket yours, Linda? No, I think it (belong) to Maria. She has a red one. 9. Bill is a good student. He always (finish) his homework on time. 10. By the end of last term, they (work) there for ten years.四、中考英语专项练习之非谓语动词【练习】 . 单项选择 ( ) 1. Would you like to have dinner with me? Sorry, I have a lot

29、 of housework . A. to do B. done C. do D. to be done ( ) 2. I tried to make Kate her mind, but I found it hard. Well, I saw you that when I went past. A. changes; do B. changes; doing C. to change; do D. change; doing ( ) 3. Oh, I had a terrible toothache. You better see a doctor and have your bad t

30、eeth out.A. go to; pulling B. to go to; pulled C. go to; pulled D. to go to; pulling ( ) 4. Mr. Wang, I have trouble text. - Remember it three times before you begin to understand it. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read ( ) 5. Don w

31、orry. We will do anything we can you. A. help B. to help C. be helped D. helped ( ) 6. Did you let anyone the flowers? Yes, I had the flowers .A. to water; water B. to water; watered C. water; to be watered D. water; watered ( ) 7. Would you mind me a favour? A. do B. to do C. doing D. did ( ) 8. Wh

32、y not the Music Club? Sorry, I cant sing or dance. A. to join B. join C. joining D. join in ( ) 9. No matter how hard it is, well keep until we make it. A. failed B. failing C. tried D. trying ( )10. What happened to the boy? He tried my questions. A. to avoid answering B. avoiding answering C. to a

33、void to answer D. avoiding to answer ( )11. We couldnt help when Uncle Wang told us the news. A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh ( )12. What should I do, doctor? healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept ( ) 13. It took my daughter two weeks the no

34、vels by Liu Yong. A. read; written B. to read; written C. reading; to write D. to read; wrote ( )14. Will you please show me how to do the role-play exercise? Sure. Now let me tell you first. A. which to do B. how to do C. when to do D. what to do ( )15. When class begins, we stop to the teacher car

35、efully. A. listening B. to listen C. listens D. listen . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Iim very glad (hear) that great changes have taken place in the past 30 years in our home town. 2. He was made (finish) a lot of work during the holiday. 3. Youd better (not take) the trousers away. Try them on first. 4. No

36、w all the students are very busy (get) ready for the coming exam. 5. Has the doctor allowed her (get) out of bed? 6. I feel like (give) up Maths because its hard to learn. 7. Thats the end of the programme. Thanks for (listen). 8. (do) morning exercises is good for our health. 9. We are looking forw

37、ard to (meet) a new classmate from America. 10. Its very kind of you (tell) me about it. 11. Hi, Mr. Wang, could you help me (work) out the problem? OK, let me try. 12. I dont think it easy for her (finish) the work in two days. 13. The doctor advised me (not eat) too much candy. 14. Look! There is

38、a pet dog (lie) on the ground. Lets go and play with it. 15. If you want to be healthy, you are supposed to give up (smoke).五、中考英语专项练习之宾语从句【练习导航】. 单项选择 ( )1. He asked which film they _ about. A. will talk B. are going to talk C. was going to talk D. were talking ( )2. Do you know _ bike this is? A.

39、that B. who C. why D. whose ( )3. Polly said no news _ good news. A. was B. were C. is D. are ( )4. We didnt know _ she was ready or not. A. when B. that C. whether D. what ( )5. What did your PE teacher say about your high jump at the sports meeting? He said that I _ better.A. can do B. am C. will do D. could do ( )6. I want to know when _ have a field trip. Well have it when all the work _. A. you are; will finish B. you will; finishes C. you will; is finished D. you; finish ( )7. Could you tell


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