九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 33-34随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、九年级全册Unit6 Lesson33-34 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1. Thegirl_aredjacketismybestfriend()A. wearsB. towearC. wearingD. iswearing2. Wavescan_onawindynight()A. hearB. heardC. hearingD. beheard3. Youcanget_youwantinthemagicbag()A. whateverB. howeverC. whereverD. whenever4. Thecouple_20yearsago()A. gotmarriedB. willmar

2、ryC. havemarriedD. havebeenmarried5. Myparentsaskedme_computergamesagain()A. dontplayB. nottoplayC. notplayingD. notplay6. _stupidtheoldfishermanwas!()A. WhatB. WhataC. HowaD. How7. -Couldyoumakemearichman?-_()A. ItsapleasureB. ItdoesntmatterC. NoproblemD. Yourewelcome8. -Wouldyouplease_footballonth

3、estreet?Itstoodangerous-Sorry,wewont()A. notplayB. nottoplayC. notplayingD. dontplay9. Workhard,_youwontpassthecomingexam()A. andB. orC. thenD. because10. Wehave_homeworktodotodayand itis_difficult()A. muchtoo;toomuchB. toomuch;toomuchC. muchtoo;muchtooD. toomuch;muchtoo二、单词造句11. him,please,go,let_1

4、2. anything,doesnt,Jenny,want_13. has,my,grey,grandma,hair_14. believe,you,it,can_?15. fool,a,how,you,did,marry,such_16. back,the,come,lights,on_17. yesterday,to,what,him,happened_?18. once,go,the,and,goldfish,at,see_19. you,I,what,can,do,for,else_?20. students,teacher,is,the,among,sitting,the_三、选词填

5、空be married to,goldfish,wife,we,whatever1. Their _ are both women teachers2. _ you do,Ill support you3. Their classroom is bigger than _ 4. I like _ very much5. Li Mei _ a famous director last yearmad,guard,among,serve,queen6. _ the four seasons of a year,I like autumn best7. Kings and _ live in the

6、 palace8. The _ of my school are very strict9. She wants all the people around her _ he10. What he said made his wife _ 四、完成句子1. 一条金鱼从网里跳出来Agoldfishjumped_thenet2. 我会给你你想要的任何东西Illgiveyou_you_3. 渔夫捕到一条会说话的鱼Thefisherman_a_fish4. 它请求渔夫放了它Itaskedthefisherman_it_5. 你为什么不向它要一栋新房子?Whydidntyou_it_anewhouse?

7、6. 不要生我的气Dont_withme7. 我能为你做什么?What_Ido_you?8. 他坐在那里,向窗外看着Hesatthere,_thewindow9. 这个老人多么愚蠢呀!_theoldmanis!10. 课上请不要说话好吗?Couldyouplease_inclass?答案一、1. C2. D3. A4. A5. B6. D7. C8. A9. B10. D二、11. Please let him go12. Jenny doesnt want anything13. My grandma has grey hair14. Can you believe it15. How di

8、d you marry such a fool?16. The lights come back on17. What happened to him yesterday18. Go and see the goldfish at once19. What else can I do for you20. The teacher is sitting among the students三、1. wives2. Whatever3. ours4. goldfish5. was married to6. Among7. queens8. guards9. to serve10. mad 四、1. out of 2. whatever;want3. caught;talking4. to let;go5. ask;for6. be angry7. can;for8. looking out of9. How stupid10. not talk3


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