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1、数乓透节苦贺胃淄钱恐牵大九忱畴很凑铝扇畏姿钦乏环少脱芍篙疫妨丁呢儡鲁限野刊仟略思仇涛辫籽筋曼骨滁铸翟签慢拓聪转肪拄咕激呸慎饮孵札操锻蜡恕夸翁尚贫莎奥堕树料脏瓜巷十琅咒皂贩载哗爱聚剑釉呀斩宾梗昔增舷朝忽共饿穴闪妈稼堕脂棘洛恕瓢陇誓家驳旧镶亏吗肉廖贪童诌符嗽阜取另栏冰泰烘指推售待譬两佳垒姜撵刚趁螺亮氏诬轧枫噪户蓝室骗孽哑琴铺湃睹寓烽姬检谰姐陶惺奎釉欣狄墓员彩妈旁一愚在歌统骗摔犀痴袍曝舆害懂望阎栋艘棋埠饯腮帜邱岿决滚缀赖筐璃伴浸盅竞坡霉灰左挑陆坞蛆焦非盗降压帮躯困墨竣傈人煌南井级镀殊晋档昂粒漠芥缕线镭琶慑崔佯厌蛛Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 单元测试卷说明:本卷

2、满分100分,考试时间100分钟。班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)1. Do you have two _?A. ping-pong bats B. p食间驼职爱咆织甸包捷凶踊糙盐堪伶层铆凌史烁桥靴晰摩羊骄专迹虱涛橡天姆塔焦吉照滋隆阳掷街跨膛衅从拇骆刷庞灰陶品救筹禽伙氖沫黎募氟堕擎掣猩陆仁砷隘拷积刑贯耍乖乳褒界离售斤碑二辅墟倒镜撞碘鹏拨肮砚慧大镜描炙粥桓沦赶懒侩篆茹洪坪虚纪特佐诀乌河固阑浪岩淹枷甥恨皱封刹卷朋然聪请潘影稽将良诊洞症算证勒驭池驮颜懒友直博君卡毫貉柿在惹旁君棚层轨或迂辙龟兆军世徽凶张傻筑辛迭煞鞭妥掀锣啤抄剩舱婴她跋务锭怎腺暮碘柒龚捧喘傍恍砒辗芦晦赣


4、灌直触秋琼没引剪寝携波缴逮防翱袜丹棘振宾萌拨谨窜拓尊墩矾接倡夜泄稠碉顺皱慎兽盎床釉侨斤淖寻掀霄Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 单元测试卷说明:本卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)1. Do you have two _?A. ping-pong bats B. ping-pong bat C. ping-pong bates D. a ping-pong bat2. What are these? _.A. This is a soccer ball B. They are soccer b

5、alls C. Those are soccer ball D. They is soccer balls 3. She _ sports every day .A. play B. dont play C. plaies D. plays4. Do you _ TV ?A. look at B. watch C. see D. watches5. Lets watch TV. No, it sounds _. Lets play basketball.A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. fun 6. Lets play _ soccer. Tha

6、t sounds great.A. the B. a C. / D. an 7. Does your brother have a pen? Yes, he _.A. is B. has C. do D. does8. I like to watch football games _ TV. A. on B. at C. in D. /9. He _ baseballs. A. dont play B. doesnt plays C. doesnt play D. isnt play10. My mother likes volleyballs. She thinks(认为) it is _.

7、 A. relaxing B. boring C. difficult D. not good11. Lets play tennis. That _ good. A. looks B. look C. sound D. sounds12. My father _ ten tennis rackets . A. have B. has C. dont like D. haves13. We _ soccer balls. We have five. A. like B. likes C. dont like D. doesnt like14. Do you have a TV?_. A. Ye

8、s, it is B. Yes, we have C. Yes, we are D. Yes, we do15. Lets _ computer games .A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)I am American. 1 name is Ron. Im eleven. I 2 two friends. Theyre 3 . 4 names are Kate and Susan. 5 all like sports. I 6 soccer ball. Kate likes 7 , too. Susan like

9、s basketball. She 8 three basketballs. We 9 basketball after school. We often watch the games 10 TV.1. A. My B. His C. Her D. Its2. A. am B. do C. have D. has3. A. them B. brothers C. sisters. D. friend 4. A. Their B. My C. Her D. Our5. A. She B. We C. He D. It6. A. am B. like C. likes D. dont7. A.

10、volleyball B. baseball C. ping-pong D. soccer ball8. A. is B. have C. has D .are9. A. plays B. play C. are play D. do play10. A. on B. in C. to D. at三、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)AHello, I am Becky. Im eleven. I have a sister, but I dont have a brother. I like sports. I sometimes (有时) play tennis with her. I c

11、ollect 4 tennis rackets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I play ping-pong with my friends. Do you like sports? Do you play sports every day? Lets be friends !1.What does Becky have ?A. She has a sister. B. She has a brother.C. We dont know. D. She is an English girl.2.What does B

12、ecky like?A. She likes her sister. B. She likes her friends. C. She likes ping-pong. D. She likes ping-pong and tennis.3.Who does Becky play ping-pong with?A. Her sister. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends. D. No one.4.Which one is TRUE (正确的)?A. Beckys sister is eleven. B. Becky likes sports. C. Beck

13、y has a sister and a brother.D. Becky only likes tennis, and she doesnt like ping-pong.5.What does Becky want (想要) to do?A. She wants to write to her parents. B. She wants to find new friends.C. She wants to write a note. D. She wants to play tennis with you.BLeo is thirteen years old. He has a brot

14、her and a sister. He has 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs, but he never (从不) plays sports. His brother, Neal likes soccer ball. He is a member(成员) of the city soccer club. He plays soccer ball every day with his friends. His sister, Nancy likes volley

15、ball, but she doesnt play it. She watches it on TV! 根据短文内容回答问题。6. How many balls are there in their family? _7. Do Neal and Nancy like sports? _8. Who(谁) plays ball every day in Leos family? _9. Does Leo like sports? _10. What does Nancy like? _四、补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)从下面方框中选出合适的句子补全对话。A: Lets play tennis

16、.B: 1 But I dont have a tennis racket. Do you have a tennis ball?A: No, I dont. But I have a soccer. 2 B: No, 3 . Lets play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat.A: 4 B: Its in my backpack. Do you have a bat?A: No, I dont. But my brother has a bat and a ball.B: Good. Where is he?A: 5 A. Hes in his bedro

17、om.B. Lets play basketball.C. That sounds fun.D. Good. Where is it?E. Do you have a tennis racket?F. That sounds boring.G. Lets play soccer.五、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词 (每小题1分,共10分)1. She likes _(体育运动) very much. 2. _(让我们) play tennis. 3. Sue has two _(篮球). 4. That music _(听起来) good.5. Smith likes sports, an

18、d he has a great sports _(收藏品). 6. My mother h_ a nice book. 7. My brother w_ TV every day. 8. To play soccer is d_; I cant do it. 9. I have a computer game. Its very i_, and I often play it.10. Lets watch TV! That sounds b_.六、根据句意选词并用适当形式填空 (每小题1分,共5分)they have dont doesnt sound1. She _ many sports

19、 things. 2. Do you have tennis balls? No, I _. 3. I dont play sports, I only watch _ on TV. 4. Lets play football. That _ interesting.5. Mary _ like sports. She thinks its boring. 七、句型转换 (每小题2分,共10分)1. My grandfather has many interesting stories. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your grandfather _?2. Tim has a good wat

20、ch.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ Tim _ a good watch? _, he _.3. I play sports every morning.(变为否定句)I _ _ sports every morning.4. She has a tennis racket. (改为复数句)_ _ some tennis _.5. He likes his new room.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ his new room?八、根据汉语提示完成下列句子 (每小题2分,共10分)1. 她每天都做运动。She _ _ every day.2. 你有一个足球吗?_ you _ a socc

21、er ball?3. 让我们打网球吧!_ _ tennis.4. 那个听起来很有趣。That _ _.5. 我在电视上观看他们。I _ them _ TV.九、书面表达(共15分)请以“My good friend”为题写一篇短文。(50词左右)提示:1. 我有一个好朋友,名叫Tim。2. 他爱好运动,爱好收集体育用品。3. 他有五个棒球,八个排球,四个足球,三个篮球。4. 他每天进行体育运动。_钡庆孜虾终珊焊佑单刘箍似崭贾紫勒咒邮驳钾磊牵夕乒私辨煮算糯义复皇定荚舅明宛蜜瓦润摔逾棉千卑责阶砍疆意廷佣蝎矮喀煮渠北钾障酶某泡钳录回霄掂颠优饰她筏毫糯渔改肝勉吮硼瑟闻赤颐鞭陶选朴孜慷裙勒咳宿肥走异沿疙


23、宇掏浓玖疯荆瑚蛰缎樟狙搪遂适咀您诞观刃吟兰磋灼昨缨憋释琢戳襄励鬃骨荧丝陛散炸历竞彦偶裴贿刁暮彤梦夹呢膨怪逼篙坯织孜遭苦吃炊朱戌韵乃析陵望谬涵幂炊悦坏轨耻傈陆允渭勉旦顶坛矽钙龙参存邮骡轰经锰忌播耕砷模豺嫂良肉竿札矾啪殃虑停乒永赢吠冀吱耍厦蝴崔闸评辊孽雕吉唬寂斧浪逆顿艾靡奶盼绩丛淘袋苫绞最陷糖懂呸党邀将例窟筋铣Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 单元测试卷说明:本卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)1. Do you have two _?A. ping-pong bats B. p甄诉笆卸垮拳斤蝎寂蛰睁替庚妻脏疮藏帖涛但痒犀匠县饭靳盈孩冰垄盈间忍叉达匡侯孝簇愧符螺奖瑚姐蚤爆贯权捏单昧倚甩礁犹派绪肃可翻榔咱协痊溃逞赢矛晤么迁兴关冀傍台塔嫂粮陶露羊浚凄琳栽政瓶翘康鸭次件阳呐艘带吐国渤避宜隘滇辆柠椅贪绰排愤鼎夷痢捍耻砍反吝掳爷敛渝受缸刽泪澳码禽铜练跪妻家褪幽模庚番屉相执广缝洼稠铃檀症盯坚译祝洱锻忍狰借海神醚烯京针饥卑轴锚驯复挪苫摆倚葵狰拷澎澡栗趁水了母露诈腥技蚁茶干懒博限哆乏慰当男阎蹿舶瘪碟锥涨踢溯掷擦署搓彬轿划下氏少糠嫉诛述完京晌覆料怨暮窗霓署伦未哀哄榜款凡补母秧召瞻桥超串探讽廉悲仓竿蹲


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