九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 9-10随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、九年级全册Unit2 Lesson9-10 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1. HopeyourChristmaswillbe_joy()A. fillwithB. filledwithC. fullwithD. filledof2. Youshouldlearn_speakEnglishafterclassYoucanmakegreatprogress_thisway()A. from;inB. from;byC. to;inD. to;by3. Helosthisability_becauseofthetrafficaccident()A. walkingB. towalkC. walkD.

2、walked4. She_tohelpotherpeoplewhoweredeaforblindlastyear()A. didherbestB. doherbestC. didherbetterD. doherbetter5. Whenshelosthersightandhearing,shebecame_and_()A. difficult;wildB. difficult;wildlyC. difficulty;wildD. difficulty;wildly6. Hehasstudiedhybridrice_()A. sincetenyearsB. fortenyearsagoC. t

3、enyearsagoD. sincetenyearsago7. Themovie_wesawlastnightwasfantastic()A. thatB. whatC. whoseD. Who8. -Whatbeautifulflowersinthegarden!-Yeah! Theyherelastyear()A. plantedB. wereplantedC. areplantedD. willbeplanted9. Thissongwasverypopular_()A. in1990sB. inthe1990sC. inthe1990sD. atthe1990s10. Wehadtog

4、iveuptheplan_hisillness()A. becauseB. becauseofC. thankstoD. as二、单词造句11. he,in,the,finishing,work,succeeded_12. study,he,cares,nothing,about,but,his_13. people,she,one,is,of,richest,the_14. dream,did,have,you,a_?15. day,he,to,field,went,twice,the,a_三、选词填空ability,progress,community,deaf,blind1. To my

5、 surprise,she was a _ girl2. He cant hear anything,because he is _ 3. He has the _ to bring out the best in others4. I made great _ in math this term5. Our _ has its own libraryhave a dream,asas,together with,go to sleep,work on6. He is _ the railroad7. A teacher _ five students was in the classroom

6、 then8. I hope I will be _ beautiful _ my mother9. I _ that one day I can go to the moon10. Tom _ before 9oclock because he was too tired in the daytime四、介词填空1. WeallknowLiNaisknown_atennisplayer2. Hehassucceeded_writing;hisfirstnovelsellsverywell3. Theythoughtforawhileandcameup_agoodidea4. Theycoul

7、dntgetthereontimebecause_thebadweather五、单句语法填空1. Shewillbe_(great)missedbyherstudents2. His_(ill)isveryseriousandhedbettergotoseeadoctor3. LeiFengs_(die)upseteverybody4. Thelittlegirlusually_(do)herbesttohelpothers5. Helentriedtoliveherlife_(with)anyregret6. Whatdoyoudo_yoursparetime?六、完成句子1. 我们从这些社

8、会活动中学到了什么?Whatdidwe_thesesocialactivities?2. 他是作为一名科学家而著名的Heis_ascientist3. 在你八十岁时,你会是什么样子?_80,whatwillyoubelike?3. 因为他的病,他妈妈不得不待在家里照顾他_his_,hismothehastostayathometolookafterhim答案一、1. B2. C3. B4. A5. A6. D7. A8. B9. B10. B二、11. He succeeded in finishing the work12. He cares about nothing but his st

9、udy13. She is one of the richest people14. Did you have a dream15. He went to the field twice a day三、1. blind2. deaf3. ability4. progress5. community6. working on7. together with8. as9. as10. have a dream四、1. as2. in3. with4. of五、1. greatly2. illness3. death4. does5. without6. in六、1. learn from2. famous as /well known as3. At the age of4. Because of;illness3


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