七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 4 Life in the future综合能力演练 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、Module 4 Life in the future .单项选择。1. He is cutting the apple _ a knife.A. in B. to C. with D. by2. No one _ on the island(岛).A. live B. lives C. living D. are living3. Weather report says that there will be _ rain and _winds.A. strong; heavy B. big; small C. heavy; strong D. small; big4. This coat i

2、s too expensive. I want a _ one.A. short B. good C. rough D. cheap5. Hurry up! The train _ in two minutes.A. will go B. go C. goes D. went6. They will have _ time to cook dinner, but there arent _ vegetables in the fridge. A. many; a lot of B. much; a lot C. a lot of; many D. a lot; much7. Lisa thin

3、ks English is _ but Im not _ in it.A. interested; interestingB. interested; interestedC. interesting; interesting D. interesting; interested8. Soon you _ a senior high school student. Isnt it exciting? A. become B. will become C. became D. have become9. It was snowing hard _ we had to stay at home a

4、nd watch TV.A. that B. so C. but D. because10. Dont _ your room dirty. Please _ it clean.A. get; keep B. keep; get C. have; get D. get; have11. There will be a good _ for you.A. job B. jobs C. work D. works12. I go to school _ bus every day.A. by B. on C. in D. with13. Id like a cup of coffee _ some

5、 sugar and milk.A. in B. to C. of D. with14. Will there _ any schools in the future? A. is B. are C. am D. be15. We wont go there. My sister wont go there, _. A. as well B. too C. also D. either. 完形填空。There are many people in the world nowThere will 1 a lot more people in the next century 2 earth wi

6、ll be very crowded(拥挤), 3 there will be little room for each personMaybe there will be 4 room only on the earth 5 600 yearsThat will be a very serious problemSo man is thinking of a way to solve the problemThe moon is the 6 of the earthMaybe man will go to 7 on the moon one dayBut there 8 no air,no

7、plants,no life thereSo scientists are doing experiments(实验) 9 many waysThey 10 solve many problems before man can live on the moonIm sure our dream will come true in the next century1Abe Bare Chas Dhave2A/ BThe CAn DA3Abut Bor Cand Dso4Astanding Bsitting Csleeping Ddoing5Ain Blater Cthen Dsooner6Asa

8、tellite Bsun Cstar Dsky7Asee Bstay Clook Dlive8Aare Bis Cam Dwas9Ain Bwith Con Dof10Amay Bhave to Ccan Dwill. 阅读理解。A Tom and Fred are talking about something about the future. “What will our world be like in next century?” asked Tom.“I dont know.” said Fred, “but it is fun to guess.”“In the future e

9、verybody will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to a lot of their problems quickly. They will have telephone in their pockets, too.” said Tom. “A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be towns, factories and farms under the sea, too. Mach

10、ines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays. Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.”“I hope Ill be able to live under the sea, just like a fish.” said Fred, “Wont that be a lot o

11、f fun?”1. Tom and Fred are talking about something _.A. about the moon B. that is happening nowC. about the seaD. that will happen in the future2. In the future, people will make _.A. pockets large enough to put computers inB. a type of pocket that can put computers inC. computers small enough to pu

12、t in pocketsD. computers under the sea3. In the future well be able to know the answers of many problems quickly, because well have _.A. small computers B. more holidays C. spaceships D. telephones4. Machines will do _.A. much more work than humansB. much less work than humansC. as much work as huma

13、nsD. all the work that is done by humans5. In next century there will be towns, factories and farms _.A. on the moon B. under the sea C. in spaceships D. in our countryBNow the people are living a good life and they have many good thingsWhat will life be like in the future? In the future,youll see m

14、any changesFirst,well wear a new kind of clothesTheyll be warm when we are cold,and cool when we are hotSecond,well eat many kinds of foodFood will be very cheap and nice to eatEveryone will have a long lifeYou can see lots of 150-year-old people in the streetThird,all of us will live in beautiful h

15、ousesThe houses can also walkWhen we want to change the place we live,theyll take us there in a short timeFourth,we will make many new robotsThey will help us with the housework,talk with us,and cook meals for usTheyll be our good friendsThey will also help the old people in many ways6There will be

16、_ changes in the future according to the passageAtwo Bthree Cfour Dfive 7In the future,the new kind of clothes will be _ when we are hotAcold Bcool Chot Dwarm8Food will be _ in the futureAexpensive Bcheap Cdelicious DB and C9The underlined word“They”means _Arobots Bfriends Cmachines Dchildren10Which

17、 of the following is NOT true?AThe people are living a good life nowBHouses will be able to walkCWe can talk with the robotsDSome people will have a long life . 书面表达。 现在学生们在校时间长,活动时间少,作业负担重已经成为不争的事实。你梦想中未来的学校是什么样子呢?请展开想象给大家描述一下吧!【答案与解析】. 单项选择。1. C。with 表示手段或工具,意为“用,以,靠”。2. B。no one意为“没有人,无人”,作主语时谓语动

18、词应该用单数,所以本题选B。3. C。固定用法。“heavy rain”意为“大雨”;strong winds意为“大风”。4. D。根据第一句句意“这件大衣太贵了。”可知,我想要一件“便宜的”,所以选D。5. A。根据in two minutes可知,本句应该用一般将来时,所以选will go。6. C。time是不可数名词,vegetable是可数名词。many修饰可数名词复数,much修饰不可 数名词;a lot of用来作定语,修饰名词,置于名词前;a lot 用来作状语,修饰动词或句子,所以本题选C。7. D。interesting意思是“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”,一般用来修饰物;in

19、terested意思是“感兴趣的”,一般用来修饰人,常用于be interested in短语中。8. B。由时间状语soon可知,本句应该用一般将来时。9. B。根据空前的句意“雪下得很大”和空后的句意“我们不得不待在家里看电视”可知前后是因果关系,所以选so。10. A。get和keep都可以跟形容词作宾补,get“变得”;keep“保持”。have是使役动词,无此用法。句意为“不要把房间弄脏,请保持干净。”,故选A。11. A。job是可数名词;work是不可数名词。根据空前的a可确定空中应该填可数名词,所以选job。12. A。by bus意思为“乘公交车”,其他选项没有此用法。13.

20、 D。本题考查with的用法。句子意思为“我想要杯加糖和牛奶的咖啡。”四个介词中,只有with有“具有,带有”的意思,故答案为D。14. D。“There will be ”意为“哪里将要有”是“there be”句型的一般将来时。15. D。either用于否定句的末尾表示“也”。. 完形填空。1A。there be句式的将来时结构为there will be或there is/are going to be。2B。在世界上独一无二的名词前要加定冠词the。3D。前后句为因果关系。4A。“standing room ”意为“立足之地”。5A。“in +一段时间”意为“多久之后”。6A。月球是

21、地球的卫星。7D。“go to live on the moon”意为“去月球上居住”。8B。“there be + 名词+介词短语”意为“某时(地)存在着”;air是不可数名词,故选is。9A。“in many ways”意为“通过各种方法”。10D。本句意为“在人类到月球居住之前他们要解决很多问题。”;因此本句是一般将来时,故选D。. 阅读理解。A 篇 1. D。从文中的第一个句子可得出答案。2. C。从短文第三段的第一句可知答案。3. A。从短文第三段的第二句可知答案。4. A。从短文第三段的“Machines will do most of the work, and so peopl

22、e will have more holidays.”可知答案。5. B。从短文第三段的“Perhaps there will be towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.”可知答案。B 篇 6. C。文章总共从“衣服、食物、住房、机器人的使用”四个方面讲述了未来的生活。7. B。由“Theyll be warm when we are cold,and cool when we are hot”可知。8. D。由“Food will be very cheap and nice to eat.”可知。9. A。由文章前一句可知。10. D

23、。由“Everyone will have a long life”可知,应该是每一个人都会长寿。. 书面表达。My dream school is a happy place for students to play and study. We will have fewer classes and more time to play. The class will be from 9:00 to 11: 00 in the morning and 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. We will have no homework after school. Our classroom will be very big and there will be only 10 students in it. And we will have computers. There will be no teachers. We can learn on computers. Do you think my dream school is a good one? Will you come to my school?5


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