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1、关于李阳疯狂英语的实习演讲策划书(一)、时间:xx(二)、地点:xx(三)、对象:中小学生(四)、内容:(1)主题:学好英语,传播中国文化(2)具体内容(两部分):1点燃,释放能量2脚踏实地,学好本领(五)、开始:(1)、引入(引起同学们的好奇心和兴趣):中国人学习英语要过四六级,那么外国人学习中文也要考级,大家想不想听听我们中文四级的考题呢? 例题:小明和小东正在教室里谈论小芳,这时候小芳恰好进来,小明说道,真是“说曹操曹操就到”啊!请问,究竟是谁到了?A、曹操B、小芳C、小明D、小东(2)、呈现(背景)目前越来越多的人在学习汉语,世界汉语热的浪潮一浪高过一浪,作为一名中国人我们更应该将英语

2、学好,为更好地传播中华文化而奠定基础,为世界了解中国搭建桥梁。大家有信心吗?(3)、操练(练习发音和手势)我是中国人。I am Chinese.我热爱自己的祖国。I love my country.我同样也喜欢中文。I love Chinese language ,too.它是一门美丽的语言。It is a beautiful language.它是一门历史悠久的语言。It is a historical language.每天都有越来越多的人开始学习中文。More and more foreigners are starting to learn Chinese every day.我想和你

3、一起分享我的梦想,我亲爱的朋友。I want to share this dream with you my dear friends.我的梦想是能够讲一口流利的英文。My dream is to speak excellent English。我可以用世界上最重要的两大语言中文和英文进行自由交流。I can municate freely in the worlds two most important languageChinese and English。我要做一个国际化的中国人。I can be an international Chinese。让更多的人来了解中国。Let more

4、people to understand china。了解中国文化。Know about Chinese culture。让更多的外国人来说中国话。Let more foreigners speak Chinese.(4)学习内容(经典的自我介绍)十大内容构成一个清晰完整、经典的自我介绍(1)、 问候everyone/everybody/ladies and gentlemenHi/hello,good morning/afternoon/eveningIt is an honour to be here today.Im very glad/happy/pleased to have the

5、 opportunity to be here.(2)、 介绍姓名Im.My name is.(3)、 籍贯,居住地Im from the peoples republic of chinaI e fromIm from Chengdu ,Sichuan provice.(4)、 家庭There are four people in my family, including my father,mother,one sister and myself.I have one brother and two sisters。I am the only child in my family ,but

6、 xxtead of being Spoiled on the country ,I an very independent。(5)、职业 I am a student at chengdu university ,teaching Chinese as a foreign language。 I work in bank。 I teach math in a high school。 I run a bookstore。(6)、说明来此的原因和目的 I should like to made more friends ,and so I have came here。 I want to l

7、earn more useful things ,and so I am taking part in this 。 I would like to do advanced studies。 I want to broaden studies。 I want to broaden my horizons。(7)、兴趣 My hobby is music。 I like sailing for pleasure。 I like /enjoy sports 。 My favorite /greatest/usual /habbies/interests /pastimes/forms of enj

8、oyment are reading and listening to music. Having been influenced by ,I love(8)、个性 I think I am a little shy side。 I value friendship。 I think I am reasonably frank by nature。 表个性的词:extraverted/outgoing外向的/introverted内向的/happygolucky随遇而安的/active积极的/passive被动的/Frank率直的/bashful害羞的/timid胆小的(9)、介绍自己的抱负

9、I hope to be a Chinese teacher one day。 I hope I can bring what Ive learned into full play here,and be a good engineer。 My ambition is to bee a diplomat ,and to do some useful things。(10)、结尾语 I hope I can bee friends with you。 I hope I have the chance to develop my interests and capabilities here。 L

10、ets have fun together。 Lets all have a good time。 Finally ,I would like to thank everyone here who has made my participate so meaningful。 (5)、每天(三)、(二)、一。(三句谚语,两个谜语,一个传统文化实践)三句谚语:(1)、A years plan starts with spring.一间之计在于晨 2 、Eat to live ,but not live to eat.人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。 (3)、Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。两个谜语(1)、 What tables can be seen in the fields?vegetables(2)、 What tree does every one carry in his hand?palm一个传统文化实践1折纸paper folding 7 / 7


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