2012高一英语精品学案:Module6 整单元 (外研版必修4)(有答案).doc

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1、Book Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural worldPeriod Reading and Comprehension May . Read the four paragraphs in Introduction and fill in the blanks. Where does it liveWhat does it look likeThe bigfootThe YetiThe Loch Ness MonsterThe Grey Man. Read the text and answer the following questio

2、ns. 1. Fill in the blank according to the three recent sight seeings. Who saw the monsterWhat did the monster look like according to his description 2. Who saw the monster clearly?A. Meng Fan ying B. Xue Jun linC. a group of soldiersD. Li Xiao he 3. Which description of the monster is most detailed?

3、A. The soldiers.B. Meng Fan yings C. Li Xiao hesD. Xue Jun lins 4. According to the text, which statement is true?A. There have been reports of monsters in lake Tian chi since the beginning of this century.B. Lake Tian chi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. C. Scientist are sure that there i

4、s a monster in lake Tianchi. D. People have taken clear photos of the monster. . Translate the following into Chinese. 1. The “Monster of lake Tianchi” is back in the news after several recent sightseeings. 2. Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the loch Ness Monster in Scotland

5、 3. They say that the 1000-temperater lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 4. It covers an area of about tin square kilometers. 5. 靠近,走近 6、一个吓人的动物 7. 在颜色上 8. 清楚地看到 9. 潜入水中 10. 占有面积 附第课时答案:I. 答案见课文。 II. 1 答案见课文 2 D 3 A 4 B III. 1 2 3 4答案略 5Go close to 6. a frightening c

6、reature 7. in color 8.get a clear look at 9. dive into the water 10. cover an area ofBook Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural worldPeriod Language points May 1. frighten v. 使害怕 害怕n. adj. 受惊的,害怕的, adj. 令人害怕的 被吓得要死 完成下列句子:(1)The sudden noise the girl. (2)He spoke in a voice. (3)The girl was

7、speechless. 2. attack v. 攻击,进攻,(疾病)侵袭,也可用于名词。 词组make an attack on a heart attack come /be under attack (1)这只熊袭击了他 (2)胖人很容易患心脏病。 3. close (1)adj. 亲密的,仔细的,势均力敌的 一个亲密的朋友 密切注意 势均力敌的比赛 (2)近的,接近的,常与be, get , go stand , come 连用。 靠近 离站得近 4. claim vt. 声称,主张,要求claim+that 从句to do n. (声称拥有)(1)She claims the que

8、en. 她声称自己与女皇有关系。(2)The doctor claimed a cure for the disease. 这位医生声称已经找到治疗疾病的方法。(3)He claimed the robber . 他要求这个抢劫犯应该判处死刑。(4)Has anyone I handed in yesterday? 有人认领我昨天交来的钱包吗?5. He claim to have seen. 不定式完成时1)不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。2)表示过去没有实现的原望,打算、计划等。(1)他碰巧以前看过这部电影。 He happened the film before.(2)We wan

9、ted at the airport but we didnt get there in time. 我们原想去机场为你送行。6. skeptical adj. 怀疑的,不肯相信的 be skeptical about /of 我十分怀疑调查的结果。 7. be likely to do 可转为It is likely that/be unlikely to do 可转化为It is unlikely that. (1)His condition is unlikely to improve. (2)It is likely that he will come tonight. 8. cove

10、r an area of 占面积我们学校占地200亩。 cover 的其它含义。翻译下列句子,注意cover 的意义。(1)It was Tom that had been sent to cover the event. (2)I found that the ground was covered with fallen leaves. (3)They covered 60 miles in two days. (4)I have covered 1600 pages of the novel. (5)The report covered all aspects of the problem

11、. 附第二 课时答案:1 fright frightened frightening be frightened to death(1) frightened (2) frightening or frightened (3) frightened2. (1) The bear made an attack on him.(2) The fat are more easily under attack with a heart attack.3. (1) a close friend pay close attention to a close game (2) be/get/go close

12、 to stand close to4. (1) she is related to (2) to have found (3) to be sentenced to death (4) claimed to the wallet5. (1) to have seen (2) to have seen you off6. Im very skeptical of the result of the survey.7. (1) 他的境地不可能好转。 (2)他今晚有可能来。8 Our school covers an area of 200mu. cover的含义: 1 报道 2 覆盖 3 行走

13、4走完 5 包含Book Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural worldPeriod Grammar May 一、情态动词表推测的用法情态动词对现在和未来的推测对过去的推测使用场合mustmay/mightcan/couldshould二、情态动词表示责备和意愿 1、 本来应该做某事而实际未做 2、 本不该做某事而实际做了。 3、 本不必做某事4、 本能够做某事5、 本可以做某事6、 本想做某事,而实际没做。三、Exercise:1. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I so much fr

14、ied chicken just now. A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eaten C. shouldnt have eatenD. mustnt eat 2. We didnt finish the work in time. You us since you were there. A. might help B. should help C. could have helped D. must have helped 3. Its very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you it. A. mustnt h

15、ave doneB. wouldnt have done C. mightnt have doneD. didnt have to do 4. That car nearly hit me; I . A. might be killed B. might have been killed C. may be killed D. may been killed 5. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I when I was on the bus. A. must drop it B. should have dropped it C. must have dr

16、opped it D. had dropped it 6. you handbag in your office? A. Should you have left B. Must you have left C. Could you have left D. Need you have left 7. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture. A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have atte

17、nded D. shouldnt have attended 8. Did you criticize him for his carelessness? Yes, but I it. A. Id rather not do B. Id rather not have done C. I shouldnt do D. Id better not do 9. He attended the meeting this morning. He has been staying at my home for the whole day. A. couldnt have B. mustnt have C

18、. shouldnt haveD. neednt have 10. You go right now if you want, but I think, you , because we have enough time. A. may; needntB. must; needntC. should; mayD. may; must11. Listen, it must outside now. A. rain B. have rained C. raining D. be raining 12. Dont be late again next time. Yes, I . A. do B.

19、would C. will D. cant 13. Did you leave your umbrella at the market? Yes, I . Which one of the following is WRONG? A. did B. may have C. might have D. might 14. You your parents, if they are wrong. A. mustnt obeyB. dont have to obey C. wouldnt have obeyed D. cant have obeyed 15. I have come earlier,

20、 for you have needed some help. A. might; shouldB. should; mightC. must; shouldD. must; might附第三课时答案:情态动词表推测的用法情态动词对现在和未来的推测对过去的推测使用场合mustmust doMust have done肯定句may/mightmay/might do May/might have done肯定句或否定句can/couldcan/could doCould have done否定;疑问句shouldshould do 肯定句二、情态动词表示责备和意愿(1) should have

21、done or ought to have done(2) shouldnt have done or ought not to have done(3) neednt have done (4) could have done (5) might have done(6) would have done三 CCDBC CABAA DCDBBBook Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural worldPeriod May 1. adapt v. 适应,改编扩展:(1)adapt to (2) adapt oneself to (3)adapt

22、 a play (4)adapt from When he move to Canada, 孩子很能适应变化。 这本书是为初学者改写的。2. die out (1)(物种)灭绝,绝迹 (2)(习俗)消失 这种动物已经绝种了。 旧传统正在消失。扩展: (1)(风声)渐渐平息 (2)平息,熄灭 (3)由于而死 3. come straight to the point 扩展:(1)off the point (2) to the point (3)on the point of 4. throw light on upon 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗? go for (1)适用于 (2)喜欢,支持

23、Your sister is a selfish girl and . 你也是如此。 . 你喜欢现代音乐吗?6. be back in the news 4 Its quite something 附第四课时答案:1(1) 适应于 (2) 使适应于 (3) 改编剧本 (4)根据改编 1 the child could adapt to the changes very quickly 2. The book is adapted for beginners. 2. (1) This kind of animal has died out. (2) Old customs are dying o

24、ut. 拓展:die away die down die of/from3. (1)跑题 (2)切入正题;中肯 (3) 正要4Can you throw light on the problem?5. (1) it goes for you too (2) Do you go for modern music?6, 有成了新闻Book ) Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural worldPeriod May . Read the passage and finish the following True or False questions

25、. 1. Dragons can bring us good luck sometimes. ( ) 2. Dragons have an important position in the mind of people. ( ) 3. Dragons have closely relationship with the royal family. ( ) 4. A person born in the year of the dragon is sure to be cleverer. ( ) 5. The same animals may have different meanings i

26、n different countries. ( ). Try to find out the following expressions in the text. Then write them down. 1、带来好运 2、和相关 3、皇室 4、龙年 5、民族感 6、因为;由于 . 1. Indicate v. 指示;表示;象征; n. (1) The arrow indicate the way to the park. 那个箭头指示到公园的路。 (2)His signs indicate what we should do. 他的手势告诉我们该怎么做。 (3)Those clouds

27、indicate rain. 那些云是下雨的迹象。 2. Fortune n. 运气;财产 adj. fortunate in doing 常构成:be fortunate 在方面运气好 to do have the fortune to do 幸好/幸运做 receive a large fortune 获得一大笔财产 1、他父母去世了,留给他一大笔财产。 2、能赶上火车,我很幸运。 3、他幸运地通过了高考。 3. According to 根据,按照;随着 (1)根据天气预报,今天会下雨。 (2) the timetable, the train leaves at 10:25, so w

28、e should be at the station by 10:00. A. According to B. Because of C. Judging from D. In the opinion of 4. due to 由于,因为 He succeeded at last which his efforts instead of luck. 他最后成功了,这很大程度是由于他的努力而不是运气。(1)adj. 应付的,到期的; (2)adj. 预定的,预期的知识拓展:(1) 。他们得到应得的钱了吗? (2) 。会议预定下周召开。 5知识拓展:表示原因的短语还有 , , , 第五课时答案:I

29、. 1. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.TII. 1. bring good luck 2. be connected to 3.the royal family 4 the year of the dragon 5. a sense of national identity 6. due toIII. 2. (1) His parents died, leaving him a large fortune. (2) I was lucky to have caught the train. (3) He passed the entrance examination to college

30、fortunately. 3. (1) According to the weather forecast,its going to rain today. (2) A 4. was due to (1) Have they been paid due to them? (2) The meeting is due to be held next week. Book Module 6 周周清 May 一、单词拼写 1. The young scientist is (怀疑)about the theory. 2. He stayed under water for two minutes,

31、and then swam to the (表面) 3. The computer has been a by the virus. 4. There is no proof that people e in outer space. 5. I dont believe these reports of UFO s . 6. I have read an article about Yao Ming, one with good (名誉)at home and abroad. 7. He (暗示)that in fact your help was not welcome. 8. The fi

32、re happed last week caused the (毁坏)of our bookstore. 9. On my way to school, an accident happened, F , I wasnt late. 10. He has much money and doesnt care about it too much, so he often g gives some to the poor to help them out. 二、短语翻译 1、靠近 2、占有面积 3、不可能做 4、潜入水中 5、适应于 6、灭绝 7、谈正题 8、阐明某事 9、由于,因为 10、根据 三、完成下列句子 1. Al


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