Unit 5 How much is it.doc

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《Unit 5 How much is it.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 How much is it.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Teaching Plan of Grade_4_Unit _5_ How much is it?l Topic: shopping l Language systems: 1. Lexis: colorful、pretty、cheap、expensive、sneakers、slippers、sandles、boots2. Grammar: the plural forms of nouns3. function: can describe the clothes and shoes in simple words, can talk about the prices, colors and

2、styles.4. phonology: the letter A s two different articulation in wordsl Language skills: 1. Listening: Follow and understand the words in Part A and B. lets do and the sentences in dialogues.2. speaking: can describe the clothes and shoes in simple words, talk about prices and give evaluations 3. r

3、eading: recognize the new words and read the articles about shopping or describing clothes.4. writing: the four- skill words such as apple, banana, pear, orange and the sentence “How much is it/are they?” l Objectives:Ability aim: 1.Can describe the clothes and shoes in simple words, For example: it

4、s pretty.2.Can talk about the prices, colors and styles. For example: How much is it? 3.Can follow and understand the instructions in the text such as Put on your sneakers. Run in the park.Knowledge aim: 1. Can grasp the words in Part A&B and sentences in Read and write2.Can understand the contents

5、in Lets chant, Story time, Good to know.Emotion aim: 1. Be polite when relate to others2. To tell the differences on sizes about clothing from China and other western countries. l Evidence:学生在已经学过衣物,水果等词汇。本单元可利用这些词汇展开去商场购物的活动实行教学。l Procedures:1st Part A lets learn lets chant 2nd Part A lets talk Gro

6、up work C. Task time3rd Part A read and write C. story time4th Part B lets learn lets do C. lets sing5th Part B lets talk Group work C. lets check6th Part B read and write Good to know C. Prounciation First LessonSpecific vocabulary: colorful pretty cheap expensiveSpecific target sentences: Its chea

7、p/pretty/expensive/colourful.Specific functional exponents: able to describe the character of clothingSource of material: 1、本课生词的单词卡片 2、衣服的实物 3、配套的教学课件4、配套的教学录音带 5、课文配套挂图Assumptions: 三年级上册U4 B chant : look at the cat. It is fat. Look at .利用该chant来唤起学生的记忆,练习本课句型Look at that dress, its pretty. Anticip

8、ated problems: expensive 的读音会比较难读。Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1课前播放三年级上册U4 B chant (温故引新)2.Talk about the weather,Whats the weather like today? What do you want to wear?Step 2 Presentation1. 引出shopping: Today is Amys birthday. Lets go to her birthday party, OK? But I dont have a pretty dress. So lets go

9、shopping, OK? Look! This is a clothes shop. 2. 操练单词。1)pretty: A:look at the clothes in the shop. I see a dress. Its pretty. B:幻灯出示chant: Look at that dress, it is pretty. C:T带读 D:boys/ girls chant E:My skirt is pretty. My sweater is pretty, too. How about yours?(引导学生说出My -is-这一句型,用上学生自己带的衣服)2)colour

10、ful: A:(课件呈现一条裙)Look at the skirt. Red and yellow and pink and green. So many colours!B: 播chant: Colour, colour, colourful, I have a colourful skirt, you have a colourful skirt.C:句型练习My .is colourful. 3)expensive: A:The skirt is colourful. I like it so much. How much is it? Wow! 500yuan. Its so expe

11、nsive. B:出示 chant: Look at that skirt , its expensive. C:My sweater is expensive. My skirt is expensive. (衣服裙子有标价) Is your dress expensive? (引导学生讲句子)4) cheap: A:The skirt is 500 yuan. Its expensive. But this jacket is 10 yuan. Its cheap.5) 比较cheap和expensive (出示有标价的两种东西,问which is cheap/expensive?)Ste

12、p 3 games 1.Games :listening and saying. 准备本课单词及衣服单词,同位一份。老师读句子,学生抓单词并说句子,如T says “the dress is pretty”, Ss should catch “dress” and “pretty”, and stand up. (举得最快的组要读出整个句子)2Guessing game: Just now I bought a pretty skirt. But I dont have gift for Amy. Lets go to the gift shop. Oh, theyre special. Ca

13、n you guess which one is pretty/expensive? (设置surprise, 古董文物A不好看,但是很贵; 女孩背影B很漂亮但实际脸长满皱纹)(有整个小组来讨论,猜出答案)Step 4 Conclusion1. Its a pity. The gifts are not good. Em-Yes, I have a great idea! I can send Amy some flowers. (实物) Look! The flowers are colourful and pretty. Theyre cheap. They re not expensiv

14、e.2. sing a song: I send the flowers to Amy .She must be very happy. Look! Amy is pretty .(课件)Its her birthday. Lets sing a song for her. (生日歌 + 同样曲子套上本课所学内容)3. Let s chant: 3.Today we learn “ Unit 5 How much is it ”chant 播一次, 用实物来帮助理解, 两组问两组答, 共同完成chant。Step 5 Homework 1.听本课录音3次。2.用本课句子介绍两件自己的衣物。Se

15、cond LessonSpecific vocabulary: colorful ,pretty, cheap ,expensiveSpecific target sentences: Can I help you? How much is this skirt/.? Its colourful/.” Specific functional exponents: 1、听懂会说:Can I help you? How much is this skirt/.? Its colourful/.” 2、能在实际的情景中运用进行实际交际。Source of material: 1、配套的教学课件2、配

16、套的教学录音带 3、课文配套挂图Assumptions: 学生在第一课时已经学了Look at that , it is . 为本课的对话学习做了铺垫。Anticipated problems: can I help ? 在 四年上册U5 B lets learn 出现过但用法与本课不同。部分学生可能会混淆。Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Lets chant 2. Sharp eyes: 看中文或英文价格,用英语读出来,如 12yuan / eleven yuan 3. How much is that shirt/.? 出示幻灯练习衣物与价格,先师生对话示范再到生生对话

17、。Step 2 Presentation 1.教师在教室中挂上孩子们带来的衣物(背面有价格),围绕教室挂一圈。教师和孩子们进行对话的交流:T: Look at this shirt. Its colorful.S: Yes, its pretty. T: How much is it?S (请一个孩子走到背面翻出价格)Its one hundred yuan . Its too expensive.2.教师出示教学挂图,让孩子观看图片,预测内容。3.播放课件(没字幕),边看边听,回答问题: How much is the dress? Amy likes the dress. Yes or n

18、o? Mom likes the dress, Yes or no? why? 看2次,解答三个问题。4. 打开书跟读对话,然后分角色朗读。可增加给课件配音,小组练习、表演等活动。Step 3趣味操练 (Practice)Group work孩子运用自己手中的卡片,进行对话和描述。仿照Lets talk部分中的对话。Step 4扩展性活动(Add-activities) 购物活动 (task time) 教师发给每个孩子100元纸币(孩子自己制作的),把教室分成四部分,组成四个服装店,每个店请一个孩子扮演售货员。 让孩子们仿照课文中的对话,进行购物活动。活动完成后,小组中交流购物收获 。运用H

19、ow much is this skirt/.? Its cheap.等句子进行描述。Step 5 Conclusion and Homework 1. 听本课录音三次2. 同位合编一组对话,自备衣物或卡片。Third LessonSpecific vocabulary: big small long short nice Specific target sentences: The shirt is colourful/, but its too. Specific functional exponents: able to describe the character of clothin

20、gSource of material: 1、本课生词的单词卡片 2、衣服的实物 3、配套的教学课件4、配套的教学录音带 5、课文配套挂图 6. 句子卡片Assumptions: 学生已经学过big small long short nice这5个单词,本课只要开展一点游戏来促进学生对单词的记忆。 Anticipated problems: nice 的读音与nine的区别。Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1、检查上节课作业:同位编对话2、播放三年级下册U6 A lets do :tall , tall,tall. make yourself tall.Step 2 Presen

21、tation1、教师准备好一些大小不一的衣服。说:“I like this skirt . it is pretty.”然后教师穿一下,说:“But its too big.”然后再拿起一件,说:“This one is nice. Its fits me well.”2、教师请一个孩子上来选衣服,指导孩子运用句子:This is , but its too.3、然后多请上几个孩子上来说。4、小组活动: 孩子每人带一件家里人的衣服来,在小组中每个孩子轮流挑选衣服,在这一过程中运用This shirt is ,but its too.5、打开书,初读课文 ,判断对错: Five animals

22、go shopping together. The shirt is pretty, but its too big for Rabbit. The shirt is good , but its too small for Giraffe. The shirt is nice and fits Zoom well. 6、小组认读句子,让孩子逐句认读。找出疑问。7、两人一小组,一个拼,一个写。单词的抄写练习。8、出示句子的句卡,然后孩子试读,教师提示学生注意句子第一个单词的第一个字母大写,提示孩子注意标点和占格。Step 3 games and practice1、拼一拼,猜一猜教师读一个单词

23、,让孩子迅速拼出字母,小组竞赛。2、把单词排列成句子:教师将对话中的句子打印出来,一句话一行,剪开每句话。准备若干份。学生以小组为单位,每组一份对话,重新排列对话顺序并读出来。然后教师仿写句子并指导学生在活动手册上练习。3、教师请几个孩子穿上不同大小的衣服(有的服装不合适),然后大家一起来评论一下。运用句子This shirt is ,but its too.Step 4 Conclusion 句子书写的注意要点。Step 5 Homework 1.听本课录音3次,读3次。 2. 抄写一个单词一行,一个句子两遍。并自己默写单词和句子。Fourth LessonSpecific vocabula

24、ry: boots, slippers, sandals, sneakers, a pair of.Specific target sentences: Can I help you? Yes, I want a pair of sneakers.Specific functional exponents: 能听懂并发出简单指令,如:Put on your sneakers. Run in the parkSource of material: B Lets learn. Lets do Lets sing.Assumptions: Anticipated problems:学生分析:学生已经

25、在能够简单描述衣服的大小和评论价格,本节课学习鞋子的名称,这节课的词以复数的形式出现,在读音上可能对学生有点难,特别是slippers与sneakers,用a pair of描述鞋的数量,并在实际情境中运用,这对学生来说也是个难点。Step 1: warm-up1、Let chant P582、学生角色表演A Lets talk复习购物用语。3、Guessing game教师将各种标有价钱的衣服放到一个大储物袋中,让学生猜一猜里面有什么,学生猜对后,取出并描述一下大小、价钱等。(设计意图:首先通过Lets chant,guessing game活跃课堂气氛,再通过对话复习学过的句型为教授部分做

26、好铺垫。A)Step 2: presentation1、教师出示大挂图,让孩子结合图说一说What can you see? 引出新的各种鞋的单词,让学生整体认识单词。2、通过设置去鞋店买鞋的情景,描述图中的各种鞋,引出a pair of并教学新单词。boots,slippers, sandles, sneakers.在教学单词同时结合Lets do.(设计意图:创设情境,引入课文的学习。A)3、学生进行情景表演练习,并熟悉新的单词及a pair of的用法。4、听录音,跟读单词。5、播放课件,理解Can I help you? Yes. I want a a pair of sneakers

27、.6、孩子分角色跟读。小组表演、各小组展示。7、播放Lets do. 边读边做动作。 分小组练习。老师发指令,学生做动作。(设计意图:充分利用多媒体手段,展现教学内容,引入入胜,并设计听音答问,跟读,表演等教学内容,使学生进一步了解、掌握课文内容,从而降低学习难度,增强学习效果,提高学习兴趣。R)Step 3: Practice教师出示各种鞋的图片,然后将一图片藏起,并询问:What are they? 学生猜到后,找到该图片,用学过的知识描述被藏起来的鞋子。(设计意图:通过游戏,使学生轻松愉快地接受,掌握新知,巩固所学。A)Step 4: add-activities1 学生运用学过的知识描

28、述自己的鞋或其他同学的鞋。2 同步练习册。Step 5: Homework1. 向家长听、读录音三次。2. 描述自己的鞋或其他同学的鞋。Fifth LessonSpecific vocabulary: size, take, a pair of,son.Specific target sentences: A pair of for.What size? How much are they? Well take them.Specific functional exponents: 能询问价格并简略评价。Source of material: B Lets talk Group work C

29、Lets checkAssumptions: Anticipated problems:学生分析:学生在上一课时已经学习了鞋子的名称,这节课在句型中继续巩固词组a pair of.在这节课中A pair of for是难点,在教学法中要注意。What size? Size ftve.注意英美两国与我国的衣物尺码标记的差异。Step 1:Warm-up/Revision1、Lets do教师发出口令,孩子听到口令后出示图片并做出相应的动作。2、学生说唱本单元的歌谣。(设计意图:用chant调节课堂气氛,让学生在轻松的节奏中感知本单元的知识点。A)3、出示一些实物复习句型:How much is

30、it? Itsyuan.再出示一些复数的物品,教学How much are they? Theyre.(设计意图:通过复习学过的内容,为新授课作准备。A)Step 2:Presentation : 1、教师出示Lets learn部分的挂图,让孩子表演图中的情景,教师与学生共同表演对话。教师挑出两双鞋,一双适合自己的脚,另一双或大或小,然后让学生猜哪一双是自己的鞋。学生猜过两三次后,教师告诉学生:I take size 38 sneakers. Which pair is mine? Please guess! 学生猜出后,教师问学生:What size do you wear?指导学生回答:

31、Size 。教学What size?Size 。教学再用句型问两、三个同学:T:What size do you wear?Ss: Size T: How much are they ?Ss: Theyreyuan.2、教师指导学生做以上的问答练习,进行小组汇报。3、出示挂图让学生猜图意。4、观看课件并回答问题。What size does John wear? How much are they?(设计意图:通过让学生装猜图意,培养学生的猜测能力,通过让学生带着问题听对话,师生问答自然引出新句型,培养学生的听力。R)5、学生跟录音朗读课文,教师指导学生朗读。学生分角色朗读对话。进行Pair

32、work,分组表演。(设计意图:通过跟读,小组练习,让学生表演,提高学生学习的兴趣。A)6、Group work:教师为学生布置任务,完成书中的表格。学生通过询问小组成员:How much are your jeans/?的交流活动,在实际的生活中运用语言。学生完成表格后,再以对话的方式向同学们汇报。(设计意图:通过调查完成表格,对本节课的重点句型进行有效复习,并鼓励学生把听到的对话用自己的语言来转述,对本课的内容进行拓展。R)Step 3 Practice :活动:买鞋教师为学生准备写有各种要求的卡片,如:50yuan sandals size 36.活动时,学生两人一组进行,其中一个抽卡片

33、决定要买的鞋,让后运用学过的语言知识进行交际,并买到要求的鞋。描述买到的鞋向大家汇报,买对、并汇报正确的加两分,最后评出优胜组,奖励。(设计意图:通过这个活动巩固所学的新句型,同时激发学生的学习兴趣。R)Step 4:Add-activities1、Lets check2同步练习册(设计意图:用Lets check训练学生的听力,并检测学生对这个单元的掌握情况。C)Step 5: Homework:1、 向家长听、读录音三次。2、 跟你的好朋友表演对话。Sixth LessonSpecific vocabulary: apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelo

34、n Specific target sentences: How much are they? Theyre three yuan .Specific functional exponents: 使用购物基本用语并能询问价格。Source of material: B Read and write C Task time PronunciationAssumptions:Anticipated problems:学生分析:学生在听、读、说单词、句子的基础上,这节课要求学生正确书写单词和句子,强调学生注意“Theyre”写法。 Step 1:Warm-up/Revision1、Listen an

35、d show:教师说单词或相关事物,孩子看想一想,举出相应的单词卡片并重复单词。孩子在小组中做游戏。2、小组比赛表演Lets talk.3、Guessing game:教师准备许多物品,学生猜一猜物品的价钱?复习How much is it ? Its . How much are they? Theyre.(设计意图:通过游戏比赛,结合已学句型,操练新学的单词。通过学生间的合作交流,使学生体验到交流的成就感和快乐感。R) Step 2:Presentation1、教师出示Read and write课文挂图,问:What can you see in the picture? 学生说一说所看

36、到的东西。教师出示学生所说的单词卡片apple, banana, orange, pear,watermalon,并让学生拼写单词。(设计意图:看图或根据实际进行描述,复习上节课词汇和句型,有图作为依托学生就有话可说,比凭空说好。R)2、听录音并回答问题:How many apples does Zoom want to buy? How much are they?3、学生同桌试读对话。4、听录音,跟读,纠正语音语调。5、为录像配音,小组操练熟悉后进行对话表演。(设计意图:让学生一一认读新句型,逐步让学生掌握正确的读音。通过扮演角色,让学生进一步熟悉对话。R)6、教师让学生不看书回忆书中要求

37、书写的单词和句子,学生说一个,教师带领书写一个,注意讲解。7、学生在活动手册中书写,老师指导。(设计意图:在课堂上完成书写练习,并逐渐培养他们良好的书写习惯。R)Step 3: PracticeListen and order 教师说一些单词或句子,学生迅速按顺序排列单词卡片,并大声朗读单词。(设计意图:通过游戏活动,进一步巩固单词。R)Step 4: Add-activities买水果:教师准备一些水果或学生自己画一些水果, 学生根据实物或水果图片编排购物的场景进行现场交际表演。评出优胜组给予奖励。(设计意图:让学生进一步运用所学知识,实现真正的语言交流,从而使学生初步体验用英语交流的成就感。A)Step 5:Homework1. 抄写单词每个两行,句子两句。2. 听、读课文三次。备注:教学步骤请注明设计目的/理论支撑,教学活动注明ARC类型。


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