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1、重点 句draw upthanks toconsider doingHave you ever done ?Yes, I have./No, I havent. Where have you been?I have been toWheres Maria?She has gone to Cuba 后 I 用所 的适当形式填空。1. _ you ever _ (feed) disabled children?2. Our English teacher _ (come) back just now.3. My uncle _ (live) in Shanghai for more than tw

2、enty years.4. There _ (be) a lion in this zoo last month. We _ already _ (see) it.5. _ Mrs. Zhang _ (arrive) yet? Yes. She _ (arrive) already. When _ she _ (arrive)? She _ (arrive) just now.II. 填空。1. China is a _ country while America is a_ country. (developed, developing)2. Where have you _? I have

3、 _ at the cinema. (been, gone)3. Hello! May I speak to Mr. Green? Sorry, he _ Hangzhou. (has been to, has gone to)4. We received a letter from him _ (recent, recently)5. _ the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops. (Thanks for, Thanksto, Thank to)III. 单项选择。1. -Have you evermy stamps?-Yes, I

4、them on your desk yesterday.A. saw; sawB. saw; seenC: seen; sawD. seen; was seeing2.Ive finished much of my homework.A. yetB. alreadyC. everD. never3. I like Guilin. Ithere, twice,A. goB. have beenC. have goneD. went4. Have yonMr. Yang, a very pop teacher?A. listenedB. heard ofC. heard fromD. heard5

5、. Have you turnedyour radio? Lets go out.A onB. upC. offD. down6. -Wheres Li Ping?- HeHong Kong.A. goes toB. went toC. has been toD. has gone to7. we got up early, we could catch the school bus.A. IfB. WhenC. AfterD. Before8. When they were young, theyaround from place to place.A. used to travelingB

6、. used to travelC. were used to travelD were used to traveling9. the teacher, I passed the English exam.A. Thank forB. Thanks toC. Thanking toD. Thank to10. The teacher told me to writecomposition.A. an 800-wordB. a 800-wordsC. an 800-wordsD. 800 words11.- -Have you read this book?- Yes, Iit two weeks ago.A. is readingB. have readC. will readD. read12. a friend, I will give you some help.A. ForB. likeC. AsD. With


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