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1、北京市东城区2017-2018学年下学期初中七年级期末考试英语试卷本试卷满分60分。考试时长90分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共16分)一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0. 5分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Is this bag Bettys? No, its not. Its Li ngli ngs.A. hersB. yoursC. hisD. mine2. My pare nts and I are going to have a pic nicSun day mor

2、ning.A. atB. ofC. inD. on3. I walk to schoolI live near my school.A. soB. butC. becauseD. or4. you play the pia no? No, I cant, but I can sing.A. DoB. CanC. DidD. Will5. Whats your brother doing? Hethe car.A. washesB. is going to wash C. is wash ing D. washed6. People oftenthings when theyre traveli

3、ng or when theyre in a hurry.A. loseB. losesC. losi ngD. lost7. I think thereunderwater cities in the future.A. wereB. beC. areD. will be8. Tonygood at sports when he was in primary school.A. isB. wasC. areD. were9. I live in Beijing now, but Iin Shanghai three years ago.A. liveB. will liveC. am liv

4、i ngD. lived10. bring any food or drink into the lab next time.A. Do ntB. CantC. WontD. Not11. boxes of strawberries do you want? Two.A. How muchB. How oldC. How manyD. How long12. What are you going to do tomorrow, Jane? Isome frie nds from Russia.A. meet B. am going to meet C. am meet ingD. met二、

5、选词填空(共10分)第一节:从下面方框中选择恰当的单词填在横线上,补全短文。(共4分,每小题0. 5分)camp, cheer, sightseeing, fun, collect, forward, wins, hopeMarti n and his frie nds are going to watch their favourite football team play and13 theplayers. Its going to be great 14 and they 15 their team gets the best score and 16 the match.1Zha ng

6、 Sijia is I go ing to do somethi ng with her family and frie nds on May Day. Theyre going to take a walk or go swimming. Theres a lot of litter in the park, and on May 2nd, theyre going to 17 it.During her summer holiday, Lucy is going to a summer 18 and is going to stay with an Australia n family.

7、Theyre going to the beach and are going 19 . Shes really look ing20to her holiday in Australia.(共6分,每小题1分)第二节:从下面方框中选择恰当的单词填在横线上,补全短文。一mon ey, spe nd, bought, game, try, saveI Want to Buy a Computer GameBob was excited. The new computer game he wan ted was fin ally in stores. The21 ishere! he told h

8、is mum. Can we go and buy it?How much is it? Bobs mother asked.Thirty-five dollars, he an swered.That is a lot of 22, Bob. Do you have eno ugh to buy it yourself?He shook his head.You know, Bob, we have to 23 our money carefully. We have to pay for our house and food.We n eed to buy clothi ng and bo

9、oks. Our money goes to thi ngs we n eed.But I really want this game! a nswered Bob. What can I do?You get eight dollars a week for doing housework, his mum said. Try to 24 it. Beforelong, you will have eno ugh to pay for the game.I do not thi nk so, said Bob. By the n, all the games will be sold.25

10、it, said his mother.Weeks later, Bob came home happily. Guess what, Mum? I did what you said. I saved the mon ey. The n I saw the game was on sale. Today I26 it for twen ty-eight dollars.An d, his mother added, you did it with your own money!阅读理解(共34分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共2

11、4分,每小题2分)ASchool News for MarchSpecial Dates , March 4 Mrs. Mohans class will take a trip to North Park Zoo. The bus will leave school at 12:00 P. M. and come back at 3:00 P. M. Wear good walking shoes. March 16 School will end at 12:30 P. M. March 30 This is School Picture Day. Wear a big smile to

12、school!Ways You Can Help: Bring back the books! Mrs. Nolen says many students need to bring back school library books. She has sent out no tes about miss ing books. Should our school have a science fair( 科技节 )? Jan Lee thinks so. She wants to start one. But she n eeds other pare nts to help her. If

13、your pare nts want to help, call Jan at 555-6791.Other News: This spri ng, Mrs. Bains class will take care of the schools flower garde n n ear the front door. Laurie Burks visited Mr. Waynes class. She sang some of her songs to the class. The class gave Laurie a big hand.27. When will school end on

14、March 16?A. At 12:00 P. M.B. At 12:30 P. M. C. At 2:30 P. M.D. At 3:00 P. M.28. If your pare nts want to help with the scie nce fair, they should.A. go to school libraryB. visit Laurie BurksC. call Jan at 555-6791D. buy some scie nce books29. Whose class will take care of the schools flower garde n?

15、A. Mr. Wayn es.B. Mrs. Moha ns.C. Mrs. Bai ns.D. Mrs. Nole ns.BVincent van Gogh was born in the Netherla nds on March 30,1853. During his 37 years lifetime, Vincent pain ted some of the most famous pain ti ngs of our time.Vincent van Gogh left school whe n he was only 15 and the n he went to En gla

16、nd. There he bega n to work as an art dealer ( 经销商 ).After seve n years, Vincent became un happy with his work and decided to be an art teacher at a school for boys. In the follow ing years, Vincent went from job to job, liv ing in differe nt cities in Europe. Fin ally in 1880, he went to Brussels t

17、o begi n studies in art. During the n ext ten years, Vincent van Gogh pain ted 872 pain ti ngs.Vincent van Gogh is a world-famous artist today, but not many people thought his pain ti ngs were great while he was alive ( 活着的 ).He only sold one painting during his lifetime. For most of his life he was

18、 very poor, ofte n spe nding his money on art supplies 用(品)but not food.30. What did Vincent van Gogh do when he left school?A. He travelled to differe nt cities.B.C. He started to draw paintin gs.D. He880.9gan to teach at a school. as an art dealer.31. When did Vincent van Gogh start to study art?A

19、. I n 1853. B. At the age of 15.32. While Vincent van Gogh was alive, heA. lived a poor lifeC. sold most of his pain ti ngsC. Inorld-famousD. At the age of 37.B. becaD. spe nt most of his money on foodCStratford-up on-AvonStratford-up on-Avon is in the middle of En gla nd and is famous because it is

20、 the birthplace of William Shakespeare,the greatest English writer of poems and plays. Stratford is in the beautiful coun tryside on the River Avon.Where to stayThe Dukes Hotel and the Swans Nest are two lovely places to stay in Stratford. The Dukes Hotel is a three-star hotel in the centre of the t

21、own, and the Swans Nest is next to the River Avon. They are both quiet and frie ndly places.Places to visitFor sightsee ing, get on an ope n-topped double-decker bus and see the tow n. You can also visit New Place-Shakespeareshome, or go for a walk in the beautiful Bancroft Garde ns. Ano ther in ter

22、esti ng place to visit is Warwick Castle ( 城堡),one of the oldest castles in Brita in.Eati ng outThere are some fantastic restaurants in Stratford, too. Have lunch at one of the many restaura nts in Sheep Street-the food is delicious-or have a roma ntic dinner at the restaura nt on a boat in the Cana

23、l Bas in.Buy yourself someth ing nice in one of Stratford High Streets excelle nt shops. However, for gifts, the street market in Rather Street is the best.What to do in the eve ningriverside un der the moon and stars. resting holiday. Come and visit iter to shop.There arent many places to go to in

24、the eve ning, but you can see Shakespeares playsat the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. You can also go for a walk along tStratford is a small tow n, but it is the ideal place for a whe n you are free.The Swans Nest is a beautiful garde There are many restaura nts in High Warwick Castle is an in teresti n

25、g plac People can see Shakespeares plays at Iheadifflgjipa33. What do we know about Stratford?A.B.C.D.34. Which of the following can be theA. What to shop for.C. When to shop.35. Where may this passage be from?A. A travel magaz ine.B. A history textbook.C. A n ews report.D. A story book.DWhat Did Yo

26、u Say?People use say ings 谚(语)every day. You may ask an un happy frie nd why shes feeli ng blue.If youve done only a small part of a big job, you might call it a drop in the bucket.These sayings dont mean exactly what the words say. But its easy to tell why we use them. Blue is a cool, quiet color.

27、So its a good word for sad. A bucket holds too many water drops to count. So just one drop is very little.Some say ings are difficult to un dersta nd( 理解).Whe n you go to bed, you hit the hay( 干草).If you want to know the meaning of the say ing, you must know where it came from. It was first used in

28、the 1930s. At that time, many America ns were out of work. Some went from place to place, looking for jobs. At night they were very tired. They often made a bed of hay in a field or barn. As soon as their heads hit the hay, they fell asleep.0 years old. It bega n in the days whe n many people the st

29、rong winds rocked the boat, people often feltHere is ano ther say ing. Whe n you are not feeli ng well, you might say you are un der the weather. But why? This saying is more went from place to place by boat. un comfortable. The boat was saili ng( 航行)un der the weather.Old say ings can be hard for c

30、hildre n to udersta nd. But new say ings come along every day. Childre n ofte n un dersta nd new say ings better *冃门 older people do. Thats why your gran dmother might not know what you mean whe n you say chill out or give me five. She might think youre off your rocker.36. The say ing hit the hay me

31、ans A. go to sleepB. look for jobsIVC. go to workD. make a bed of hay37. Which of the follow ing can be hard for childre n to un dersta1 nd?A. Feel blue.C. Un der the weather.38. From the passage we can knowA. old people know more about say inC. say ings are difficult to un dersta ndB. Give me five.

32、D. A drop in the bucket.people used say ings a lot in the past.some say ings have a long history(共10分,每小题2分)The Clea n-up TeamMrs. Gree n lived n ext door to Tina. Every after noon, Mrs. Gree n took a walk. She said it helped .Gree n whe n she came back. Mrs. Gree n was always四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。her s

33、tay healthy. Tina liked to talk with第5页共7页happy after her walk. She often showed Tina something she had found, like a beautiful red leaf.One after noon, Mrs. Gree n looked sad whe n she met Tina. Ti na asked her why.Mrs. Gree n held up a bottle. I am sad about all the litter on the street, Mrs. Gree

34、 n said. I n ever saw so much litter in this n eighbourhood社(区)! What happe ned?Mr. Trent used to( 过去常常 )go out each morning and pick up the litter, but he moved away. I ofte n saw him on my way to school, said Tina.Mrs. Gree n looked surprised. I thought I knew everyth ing about this n eighbourhood

35、! she said. But you see more tha n I do!I wish I could do Mr. Trents job, but my back is stiff( 僵硬的 ).Its hard for me to pick things up.I could do that, said Tina.Mrs. Gree n smiled. I will carry the litter bag! You can use my garde ning gloves so your hands stay clea n. Tina put on the gloves, She

36、picked up pieces of paper. She picked up bottles. Lots of people stopped to tha nk Mrs. Gree n and Tina. The street looked much better whe n Tina and Mrs. Gree n fini shed their job.Tha nks, Ti na, said Mrs. Gree n. Lets call ourselves the clea n-up team!39. What did Mrs. Green do every afternoon?40

37、. How did Mrs. Gree n feel whe n she met Tina one after noon?41. Why did the neighbourhood have so much litter?42. What did Mrs. Green and Tina do for the neighbourhood at last?43. What do you think of Mrs. Green and Tina?书面表达(共10分)五、文段表达(10分)根据中文和英文提示,用英文写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于40词的文段。所给提示词语仅供选用。44. 旅行可以开阔

38、视野,增长见识。你校英文刊物正在举行以“一次有趣的旅行”为主题的征文活动。请你用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:去了什么地方,你什么时候去的,你在那里 做了什么,你为什么觉得这是一次有趣的旅行。提示词语: visit, museum, see, won derful, lear n提示问题: Where did you go and whe n did you go there? What did you do there? Why do you think it was an interesting trip?*参考答案 知识运用、单项填空1. A2. D7. D8. B二、选词填空 第一节:

39、13. cheer17. collect第二节:21. game25. Try3. C9. D4. B10. A5. C11. C6. A12. B14. fun18. camp15. hope19. sightsee ing16. wins20. Forward22. money26. bought23. spe nd24.save第9页共7页阅读理解三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。27. B28. C 29. C 30. D31. C 32. A33. C 34. B 35. A四、阅读短文,回答问题。39. She took a walk.36. A 37. C 38. D40. She w

40、as very sad.41. Because Mr. Trent used to pick up the litter but he moved away, and no body picked up the litter.42. They picked up the litter in the neighbourhood.43. I think they are very kind and helpful. /I think they were a good team. /I think they did somethi ng good for the n eighbourhood. /I

41、 thi nk they should ask more people to care for then eighbourhood.书面表达五、文段表达44. One possible versi on:Last mon th, I went to Xia n with my classmates.On the first day, we visited some museums and we saw a lot of Chinese traditional paintings. They were won derful. I n the eve ning, we had some special food. It was delicious.The n ext day, we went to some famous places in Xia n, such as the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower. Of course, we took a lot of photos.I thi nk it was an in terest ing trip because I lear ned a lot about Chin ese history.


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