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1、,Grammar Revision 名 词,(Nouns),九年级英语专项复习,名 词 表示人、事物、地点的名称或者抽象概念的词 分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词 表示人名、地点、专门机构或团体等名称的词。专有名词第一个字母要大写,Lucy,China,the Summer Palace,WTO,Japanese,March,Sunday,Sichuan University,普通名词 分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式之分,名词的单数形式 一般可用a来修饰 * a car *a book 在元音发音开头的单词前用 an * an elephant * an ap

2、ple,请区别:a useful pen ;an hour,一般情况加 -s1.清辅音后读/s/ map-maps book-books 2.浊辅音和元音后读 /z/ bag-bags car-cars,名词的复数形式 名词复数的规则变化(1),名词复数的规则变化(2),以s, x,sh, ch 等结尾的词加 -es 读 /iz/ bus-buses watch-watches,名词复数的规则变化(3),以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y 为i 再加es ies 读 /iz/ party-parties baby-babies 以元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加-s变复数:读 /z/ monk

3、ey-monkeys holiday-holidays,名词复数的规则变化(4),以o结尾的名词加“s” /z/或“es” 无生命加s: * radio radios * zoo zoos 有生命加es:hero,potato,tomato *注:记忆口诀“英雄爱吃土豆西红柿”:,名词复数的规则变化(5),以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es” /vz/ thief.wife. half.knife.leaf.wolf.life. *注:记忆口诀 一个“贼”的“妻子”拿了半把“刀”和一片“树叶”结束了一个“狼”的“生命”。 但也有例外,如 roof-roofs chief-chi

4、efs,名词复数的不规则变化(1),foot - feet,tooth - teeth,child - children,mouse - mice,名词复数的不规则变化(2):复合名词的复数形式,合成名词,只需将后面的名词变为复数形式,但是前面的名词是woman,man时,要将两个名词全部变为复数形式 boy studentboy students; pear treepear trees; tomato noodles,sports meeting sports shoes,man - men,woman - women,men doctors,women teachers,one shee

5、p,two sheep,a Chinese,two Chinese,a Japanese,several Japanese,名词复数的不规则变化(3):单复数形式相同,some deer,one fish 一条鱼,fishes 不同种类的鱼各种各样的鱼,three fish 三条鱼,some fish一些鱼肉,可数名词,不可数名词,名词复数的不规则变化(4):单复数形式不同,名词复数的不规则变化(5): 集体名词 表示一群人或一些事物的词 team , family , class , police , people,不可数名词,不可数名词一般不能用数来计算,没有复数形式。,不可数名词一般包括

6、物质或抽象概念的名词,可归纳如下:,1.表食物:food,fruit,bread,rice,beef. 2.表饮料:water,coffee,tea,juice. 3.表自然:air,wind,rain,snow. 4.表情感:love,peace,friendship,happiness. 5.表概念:exercise,news,knowledge. 6.表学科:Chinese,Japese,English,math,Physics.,不可数名词的量的表示法有两种:,1.用much,a little,little,a lot of,some,any等表示多少。如: some milk、a l

7、ot of money 2.用”数词+量词+of+不可数名词”来表示多少。如: a piece of news,six bags of rice, two cups of tea a pair of glasses,名词所有格,名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。有两种形式:一种是S所有格;另一种是of所有格。 1. s所有格: 原则上只用于表示有生命的人或物的名词。如: the teachers book; the horses tail 但是,时间、距离、太阳、地球、月亮、江河、海洋、船只、国家、城市、团体机构等名词也 可以用s属格。如:todays newspaper; the citys

8、 transportation,1).一般的名词,包括不以s结尾的复数名词, 在词后加s。如:the childrens book 2). 以s结尾的复数名词的所有格形式只在词后加。 如:the teachers office 3).两者或两者以上共有的所有格形式只在后者用 所有格形式,如:Tom and Mikes room 若表示分别拥有时,则要在每个名词后用 所有格形式,如:Toms and Mikes rooms,2.of 所有格一般用于无生命的东西。如:,the cover of the book the door of the room the color of the wall

9、a picture of the classroom,3.双重所有格有两种形式: of+名词所有格.如: a sweater of Toms of+名词性物主代词.如: a friend of mine 双重所有格表示整体中的一部分,注意双重所有格和一般所有格的区别:,这是我父亲的一张照片。,这是我父亲的照片。,This is a photo of my fathers.,This is a photo of my father.,名词作定语,1.一般情况下,名词作定语修饰主体名词时,常用单数形式。如:an apple tree, country music,2.某些名词修饰主体名词时用复数。

10、如:sports meeting,parents meeting,3.“数词+名词或数词+名词+形容词”,也称复合形容词,名词用单数形式。如: a ten-mile walk; a five- year- old boy,直击中考:看看这节课的内容你掌握的怎样。,1.(2012沈阳)The_in that restaurant looks delicious,but it tastes bad. cook B. table C. food D.tool,2.(2012重庆)-Bill,whats your sisters favorite _ ? -She likes volleyball b

11、est. food B. color C. movie D. sport,3.(2012贵阳)“What do we need for the salad?”We need two apples and three_. A. orange B. tomatoes C. broccoli,4.(2012陕西)Im going to the supermarket to buy some _ this afternoon. paper and pencil B. apples and banana C. milk and eggs D. bowl and spoons,5.(2012无锡)The

12、theme park is about _ride from the museum. You should start out right now. A. two hour B. two hours C. two hours D. two-hours,Exercises : 1.We now dont write letters on _. We send e-mails. A. papersB. computerC. paperD. the computer 2. What _ news it is ! A. a good B . good C. a few good D. many goo

13、d 3.The _ are searching for a murderer in the city . A. polices B. policemans C. policewomans D. police 4. Tom works hard and spends _in the library. A. much time B. many time C. many times D. a lot of times 5.He decided to travel round the earth and return in _. A. two year time B. two years long C

14、. two years time D. two years time,6. I dont know that man, but I think he is _ father. A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and Lily C. Lucys and Lilys D. Lucy and Lily 7.Im hungry. Please give me _, please. A. a bread B. some breads C. a piece of bread D. two piece of breads 8. The hospital is a little far

15、from here . Its about _. A .40 minutess walk B. 40 minutes walk C. 40 minute walk D. 40 minutes walk 9. Julie went to the _to buy a pair of shoes . A. shoes store B . shoe store C. shoes stores D. shoe stores,Sum up: 1.名词复数的规则变化 2.不可数名词的量的表示法 3.名词所有格 4.名词作定语,Home work: Page68中考导航总复习,Thank you for your listening!Bye-bye!,


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