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1、2021-2021学年初三教学调研卷英语20212021学年度初三教学情况调研英语第卷(选择题,共55分)一、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A)单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1There are over58,000 rocky objects in space,about9 00 of which could fall down onto earthAthe;the B不填;the Cthe;不填 Da;the2一I think dragons are the of ChinaDo you think so?一I a

2、gree with youAsymbol Bshape Csign Dsculpture3Just be patientYou expect the world to change S O soonAcant Bneed nt Cmay not Dmust nt4A conversation a wise person is worth ten year s study of booksAfor Blike Cwith Dto5Ladies and gentlemen,whether young or old,some money of yours to the poor people in

3、mountain areasAto donate Bdonating Cdonate Dwill donate6According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you ha ve a cold一Scientists agree with herANo way BAre you serious? CIn your dreams DBel ieve it or not7一One weeks time has been wasted一I Cant believe we did all that work for A

4、something Bnothing Ceverything Danything8一Could you tell me ?Since 2021Awhen did you buy the MP4Bwhen you joined the navyChow long have you been a guitar playerDhow long youve lived in the town9Great care is needed the old couple can look afte r themselves wellAsince Balthough Cwhen Dif10一Yesterday

5、Suzy fell over and was terribly hurt while she a big snowballIm sorry to hear thatAmade Bmakes Cwas making Dis making11MrBlack is very happy because the clothes made in his company have never been Apopular Bmore popularCmost popular Dthe most popular 12Last night someone the shop and took away lo ts

6、 of golden watchesAbroke out Bbroke up Cbroke down Dbroke into13You wont realize your eyes are until youre near -sightedSo take care of your eyesAhow important Bwhat importantChow an important Dwhat an important 14Soon after,the bad news all over the city and everybody knew itAremained Bspread Ccove

7、r ed Dexplored15一Its time for bedYou have to get up early tomorrow, ?Yes,my class is going hiking tomorrowAarent you Bhavent you Cdont you DCant youB)完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。For foreigners in China,food is not simply a mealIts sometimes a 16 I often fail t

8、o order the right food and use chopsticks 17 when Isit down in a restaurantBecause not every dish has a picture on the menu,ordering food becomes a ga meMy father and I often 18 what kinds of vegetables or meat were eatin gIn one of our favourite Sichuanrestaurants,three waiters spent 15 minutes tak

9、ing our order for 19 I s imply wanted water,but my father wanted to try one of the fresh juices listed on the menuThere were two 20 ,howeverThere were neither pictures nor English on the menuFinally,he just ordered a Coca ColaOne of our most embarrassing experiences was at a famous restaurantIt was

10、always 21 ,so we thought it might be a good one to visitWe had the most difficult time ordering our meal,since there were so many 22 Luckily,the waiter in the restaurant was rather patient and finally 23 usDuring t he dinner,noodles slipped through my chopsticks onto the table lots of timesI tried t

11、o pick up a dumpling for my father,but I dropped it on his shortsI looked 24 me and people were laughing about my chopstick skills No matter how difficult it is for us to understand the menu,the waiters are always very understanding of our 25 They always give us good serv ice,even when they realize

12、they have to clean up the noodles that have slipped through my chopsticks16Asurprise Bchallenge Cprize Dmiss17Aquickly Bcorrectly C8afely Dcarelessly18Aexplain Breport Cguess Dfear19Adrinks Bfruit Cveget ables Dsalad20Aprogrammes Bdirections Cinstructions Dproblems21Anoisy Bpeaceful Ccrowded Dempty2

13、2Achoices Bchanges Cchannels Dchances23Areminded Baccepted Cmistook Dunderstood24Athrough Baround Cafter Dover25Aculture Bhabit Csitu ation Dshame二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A26By saying“If you get yourpawson your first issue,you will surely look forward to

14、 the next”, JAC means ABark is really a wonderful magazineBthe fist issue of Bark is not interestingCpets show great interest in the magazineDBark is different from other magazines27Which magazine may have an issue with only one topic?AModem Dog BBark CAnimal Wellness DDog Fancy28We can learn from t

15、he material that AAgent English prefers the recipes for petsBPatrick Heyrman thinks Dog Fancy is perfectCModem Dog helps you get along with your dogDAnimal Wellness has the most issues of the fourBWalter Dean Myers,born on August 12,1937,was an American writer of ch ildrens books,best known for youn

16、g adult literatureHe wrote more than 100 books,including picture books andnon-fiction“I care about writing for young people because I remember how muc h I needed help and guidance at that time in my life,”Myers said in his book Just Write:Heres How!Myers loved writingHe got up at five oclock every m

17、orningHe worked at home in a small office that used to be his sons bedroomMyels would first write an outline for every bookHe called this prewri tingHe imagined what the story would beand wrote down ideas in a noteboo kTo make sure theres enough action and dialogue for a good storyhe though t of 30

18、scenesHe wrote a short description of each scene in his notebook He also cut out pictures of real people and put them on his office wall sHe looked at those pictures and came up with ideasOnce he knew what the st ory would be and who the characterswere。he began to write the bookHe wrote five pages a

19、 day on his computer Myels usually worked on three books at a timeWhen he was not prewritin g or writing a book,he might be rewriting something he had already complete dThen he would send the story to his agentHe or she made suggestions for th e storyAfter these final changes were made,the book was

20、Published and made i ts way to bookstores and librariesBy that time,Myers would be hard at work o n his next book“I want to do the best that I Can with my writing”said Myers29The underlined word“this”refers to Aimagining stories Bmaking an outlineCwriting down ideas Ddescribing scenes30helped Walter

21、 Dean Myers get ideas for charac tersAChildrens books BOther peoples storiesCHis friends and family DPictures of real people 31Before his books appeared in bookstores and libraries,Myers did many thing sWhich of the following is arranged correctly?rewriting making them be published prewritingmaking

22、changes sending stories to the agent writingA B C D32The passage is mainly about Athe life story of Walter Dean MyersBhow Walter Dean Myers wrote his booksCmain characters in Walter Dean MyersbooksDwhat Walter Dean Myers was famous forCWhen asked to point out one or two things that are most importan

23、t to the mselves,many put friends ahead of homes,jobs,clothes and carsA true friendship carries a long history of experience that determines w ho we are and keeps us connectedIt is a treasure we should protectUnfortuna tely,the better friends you are,the moreprobably youll have disagreementsAnd the

24、result Can be what you dont want an end to the relationshipThe good news is that most troubled friendships can be mendedFirst,do nt let your pride get in your wayMost of us Can forgive each other when dif ferences are brought out in the openSecond,apologize(道歉)when youre wrong-even if youve been wro

25、ngedOver the course of a friendship,even the best people make mistakesSometimes,it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizeWhen you apologize,give your friend a chance to admit(承认)that he has been wrongThird,see thin gs from your friendS point of viewAnd finally,accept that fri

26、endships chan ge as our needs and lifestyle changeMaking friends can sometimes seem easyT he hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that have all effect on all relationshipsMy suggestion:Consider friendship an honor and a gift,and worth the effort to treasure33T

27、he“wronged person”underlined in the passage refers to a person Awho has been mistaken for another Bwho has been treated unfai rlyCwho has treated friends badly Dwho has admitted his mistakes34What should we do if we follow the authors suggestions?AConsider Our own viewpoint BAvoid making mistakesCTr

28、y to value our friendship DChange our lifestyles35According to the passage a friendship can last long only if Awe have much in common Bwe know our friendsmi stakesCwe have known each other for long Dwe deal with our disagreem ents wisely36What would be the best title for the passage?AHow to Take the

29、 Lead in Making Friends BUps and Downs in Friendship CHow to Mend a Troubled Friendship DEasy Ways to Make Friends DThe fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies except their eyes may help US to understand our feelings about colourthey c an sense colour differences,then

30、 perhapswe,too,are influenced by colour without knowing itSalesmen have discovered by experience over a long period of time that sugar sells badly in green wrappi ngs(包装),that blue foods areconsidered not agreeable to the taste,and that cosmetics(化妆品)should never b e packed in brownThese discoveries

31、 have grown into a whole subject of colour psychology(心理学)Some of our preferences(偏爱)are clearly psychologicalDark blue is the clo ur of the night sky and therefore connected with calm,while yellow is a day eo lour connected with energy and encouragementExperiments have shown that colou rs,partly be

32、cause they are connected with psychologyalso have a direct effec t on peoples mindPeople in bright red environment show all increase in brea thing speedheartbeat and blood pressure(压力)Red is excitingPure blue has exactly the opposite effect,it is a calming colourBeing exciting,red was c hosen as the

33、 signal for danger,but a closer study shows that a bright yellow c an produce a more basic state of alarm,so fire engines in some advanced areas are now rushing around in bright yellow colours that stop buses,trucks and car s37The passage tells us that salesmen have Afound out that colours influence

34、 salesBdiscovered the relationship between colour and psychologyCtried different colours on blind peopleDdeveloped a special subject of colour psychology38If people are exposed to(置身于)pure blue,Atheir body pressure rises Bthey wont easily feel nervousCthey want to taste blue foods Dthey will feel li

35、ke buying things 39The most effective colour in the passage for warning people is Ared Bgreen Cdark blue Dbright yellow40Which of the following do you think is the best tide of the passage?AColours and Feelings BColours and SalesCThe Blind and Colours DPreferences for Colours第卷(非选择题,共45分)三、单词拼写(共10小

36、题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子所给汉语注释或对话情景,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。41My friends in Thailand now have hot days,with temperatures in the (三十多)42To Tan Dun,his music (要紧)more to him than anything else43Little Tom stood there in surprise with his mouth open (充分地)44She was fired out and rested at home ins

37、tead of (出席)the meet ing45I dont think most nine-year-olds have their (牙齿)brushed46He has (表达)himself so clearly that everyone Can understand him47Motor traders are looking forward to a (更进一步的)increase in car sales48What happened over there?一A car was out of and crashed into a big tree49一Ive found a

38、 position in the department and worked as an accountant一congratulations !You dont need to on your parents any more50一Do you know what the gesture“V”stands for?一It stands for“”I think四、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。51完成这项任务要花好几个月的时间。52令我们惊讶的是,这位世界闻名的总统曾经做过演员。53为了实现梦想,到目前为止你们做了些什

39、么?54他们俩都因在公共场合扔垃圾而被罚款了。55警方正忙于查明这起交通事故的原因。五、书面表达(共1题;满分20分)同学们,中考后就会迎来漫长的暑假了,班会课上老师组织大家讨论暑假的学习和生活计划。假如你是李华,请根据以下内容提示用英语向同学们汇报一下你的计划。内容要点:1精读几本好书,加强学科学习,因为2保持饮食规律,坚持体育锻炼,因为3参加慈善活动,注意环境保护,因为4(自拟一点),因为写作要求:1可适当拓展,字数80100字左右(开头已给出,不计人总词数);2不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。Dear classmates,Summer holiday is coming,and here is my plan for itI hope all of you can enjoy the coming holidayThats allThank you


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