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1、独立主格结构,The Absolute Structure,概念,独立主格结构(the absolute structure)是由名词或代词加上分词或分词短语构成的一种独立结构,用于修饰整个句子,而不是一个词或词组。独立主格结构中的名词或代词与其后的分词或分词短语构成逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,独立主格结构的位置相当灵活,可置于主句前、主句末或主句中,常由逗号将其与主句分开。需特别注意的是,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。,特点,1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定 式,介词等是主谓关系。 3

2、)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。,1)Night enshrouding the earth,nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance(黑夜笼罩大地,谁也看不清远处黑压压的一片是什么东西。) Because night enshrouded the earth, nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance 2)He lay at full length upon his stomach,his head resting upon hi

3、s left forearm(他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。) He lay at full length upon his stomachHis head rested upon his left forearm. 3)The coward was backing,his face being deathly pale, toward another room(那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。)The coward was backing toward another roomHis face was deathly pale.,独立主格结构多用于书面语,尤其是描

4、述性语言中,在口语和非正式文体中,一般用从句或两个句子来代替。,形式,名词/主格代词+现在分词 名词/主格代词+过去分词 名词/主格代词+不定式 名词/主格代词+形容词 名词/主格代词+副词 名词/主格代词+介词短语 There being +名词(代词) It being +名词(代词),名词/主格代词+现在分词,名词/主格代词与现在分词之间是主谓关系 The girl staring at him (= As the girl stared at him), he didnt know what to say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好。 Time permitting (= If

5、 time permits), we will go for an outing tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去郊游。,名词/主格代词+过去分词,名词/主格代词与过去分词之间是动宾关系。 The problems solved (= As the problems were solved), the quality has been improved. 随着问题的解决,质量已经提高了。 Her glasses broken (= Because her glasses were broken), she couldnt see the words on the blackbo

6、ard. 由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。,名词/主格代词+不定式,名词/主格代词与不定式之间是主谓关系,且强调的是一次具体性的动作。 He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help. 借助于一些旧零件,他要做一个飞机模型。 They said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to the bookstore. 他们道别后,一个回了家,一个去了书店。,名词/主格代词+形容词,An air accident happened to the pla

7、ne, nobody alive. 那架飞机遭遇了空难,无一人生还。 So many people absent, the meeting had to be called off. 这么多人缺席,会议不得不取消。,名词/主格代词+副词,He put on his sweater wrong side out. 他把毛衣穿反了。 The meeting over, they all went home. 会议一结束,他们就都回家了,名词/主格代词+介词短语,The boy goes to the classroom, book in hand. 那男孩手里拿着书去教室。 Mary was si

8、tting near the fire, her back towards the door. 玛丽靠近火炉坐着,背对着门。,There being +名词(代词),There being nothing else to do, we went home. 没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。 There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed. 没有再要讨论的事了,我宣布散会。,It being +名词(代词),It being Christmas, the government offices were closed. 由于

9、圣诞节的缘故,政府机关都休息。 It being a holiday, all the shops were shut. 由于今天是假日,所有商店都关门了。,功能与用法,功能:独立主格结构主要用于描绘性文字中,其作用相当于一个状语从句,常用来表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情况等。 用法:独立主格结构主要表示谓语动词发生的时间、原因、条件或伴随情况等,相当于一个状语从句或并列句。 *注:独立主格结构表示时间、条件或原因时,相当于一个状语从句,一般放在句首,表示原因时还可放在句末;表伴随状况或补充说明时,相当于一个并列句,通常放于句末。,用作时间状语,The work done (=Afte

10、r the work had been done), we went home. 工作完成后,我们就回家了。 Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她干完了活,坐下来,用作条件状语,Weather permitting (=If weather permits), they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。 The condition being favourable, he may succeed. 若条件有利,他或许能成功。,用作原因

11、状语,An important lecture to be given tomorrow (=As an important lecture will be given tomorrow), the professor has to stay up late into the night. 因为明天要发表一个重要的演讲,教授不得不熬夜到很晚。 There being no taxis, we had to walk. 没有出租车,我们只好步行。,用作伴随状语,He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head (=and hi

12、s hands were crossed under his head).他躺在草地上,两手交叉枕在脑后。 Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. 几乎所有的金属都是良导体,而银则是最好的导体。(=Almost all metals are good conductors, and silver is the best of all.),表示补充说明,We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. 我们加倍努力,一个人干两个人的活。,例题,

13、Not far from the school there was a garden, _ owner seated in it playing chess with his little grandson every afternoon. A. its B. whose C. which D. that He wrote a lot of novels, many of _ translated into foreign languages. A. it B. them C.which D. that,Choose the best from the four choices1Ford tr

14、ied dividing the labor,each worker a separate taskAassigning Bassigned Cwas assigned Dwould be assigned 2The lecture ,he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speakerAbegan Bbeginning Chaving begun Dbeing beginning 3Such the case ,there are no grounds to just

15、ify your complaintsAbeing Bis Cwas Dto be 4Darkness in,the young people lingered on merrymakingAset Bsetting Chas set Dwas set 5With all factors ,we think this program may excel all the others in achieving the goalAbeing considered Bconsidering Cconsidered Dare considered,6A new technique ,the yield

16、s as a whole increased by 20 percent Ato have been worked out Bhaving worked out Cworking out Dhaving been worked out 7On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still,ears ,alert,listening Apointed Bpointing Care pointed Dare pointing 8Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the

17、office ,but our work ,we declined the offer Anot being finished Bnot having finished Chad not been finished Dwas not finished 9There are various kinds of metals ,each its own properties Ahas Bhad Cto have Dhaving 10The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each one major point in contrast with the other Amakes Bmade Cis to make Dmaking,


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