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1、1侏罗纪世界介绍 The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control 2侏罗纪世界介绍 Twenty-two years ago, US director Steven Spielberg brought dinosaurs back from extinction in the groundbreaking(开创性的) film Jurassic Park. Now the park has officially reopened as a fully functioning resort in lon

2、g-awaited new installment Jurassic World, giving audiences a chance to relive the magic of the dinosaur island. This time the island has been transformed(改变) into a Disney- like theme park where dinosaurs are the biggest attraction. After 10 years in operation(运转), the park is lacking in new thrills

3、 for visitors, so the parks owners decide to create a hybrid dinosaur to reignite interest. When this new dinosaur breaks loose, the island is plunged into chaos(陷入混乱). 3侏罗纪世界介绍 The new entry pays tribute to the original Jurassic Park series in many ways. A lot has changed on Nublar since Hammonds d

4、ino park scheme imploded in chaos, but the gates still look the same. A tour guide in Jurassic World informs us early on that they used wood from the original gate when crafting the new version, and they kept it the same style, too. Jurassic World hints at(暗示) the horrors to come in its opening scen

5、e by showing us an egg much like the one John Hammond marveled at(惊叹) in Jurassic Park. While Hammond was watching a Velociraptor(速 龙) hatch and grow up as a born killer, this time we see our new monster break through its thin shell and behold the world for the first time as horror movie music swell

6、s in the background. A Familiar GateA Familiar Gate Opening on the Egg 4侏罗纪世界介绍 The original Jurassic Park set the bar high, and the first two sequels failed to live up to fans expectations. They updated the parks technology, darkened the storyline and made the monsters much meaner, but nothing more

7、. 第一部侏罗纪公园的高门槛让最后的 两部续集都难负粉丝众望。两部续集中除了 园中的技术升级,故事线更加暗黑,恐 龙变得愈发残忍之外,并无新意。 Jurassic World also faces similar criticisms, but the films creators did try to bring in something new. In the previous Jurassic films, dinosaurs create a horrifying atmosphere and demand people respect nature, an essential theme in other monster film series like King Kong and Godzilla. 而侏罗纪世界也面临着同样的批 评,但是影片的制作方在创新方面还是有 所努力的。之前的侏罗纪电影总是用恐龙 制造出一种恐怖的氛围,阐述着金刚 、哥斯拉之类怪物电影永恒的主题 人类应尊重自然。 5侏罗纪世界介绍 Want to live, you and I together! 6侏罗纪世界介绍


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