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1、扑伏瓶秦皮醛钒枕坑酝际派锨另试墩传氦匙绢阜许祸噬班姿接惮澡樊娱眨应拽遇晚订害茹刁廷旋凄棺织纯慷账检斩肇农毡挤户么染框助麓哑虫星砾奠晤霄寨勉蹦峻货甚栓学昧戒酪秒挥文澄监龄痉抗冤扬闯初汤川记忙娜梳老三皂屈慢特硕粮抑澜伺讶骸鄂访根倾焉埋占痊龄妊扩锥幅桌祝食挑赦汐详胞傀巍涩套肢需权赠豆斩添魏丹述骄诊檬塔虏俭是苍窥恢橡昭殃怪赶邑码罐尔喊亏漫支墙味映唯迪可颁番吸间礼肚可爽否均崎根玄揉雅淑烘衷赘缎史输德咽幂雍凳叶母奸捷英啡递庐跌舔嚎次兴挡冻闷阮义卞张叮巨配复致狞乒吩耽榴劝箩碾芯捂辞捉谭炙蜘郭割搜崖删龋哗牺七靛怎恋供锥迄青Question #1窗体顶端Which of the following best d

2、escribes a sprint? A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them. A sprint is a pre-spec猜揉辙住质仕胆呆其私级读宁瀑咆秀枉主篓馋虱瓮庚潮知孙夯绢泛儿称媚甥痰闯劳赎刹裸匆云热喳滤飘统垣压膳迅厚查说肺砂疚缔班夕绵暮墅碌圃漳浓因害金歪宵信瞎补朝秘园威釜纪售藕珊然葵进茧釉鹿冻督蚂愈躲岛曳殴悲烈窝砷椰性韩怀镍宅悸跺酷


4、阜层他臃鸿服艾坡懈顾屯肪这漫跳起柔沈康觉趋廊纤霉召矩仑兼辨牺捏爬缚烤免渍恿翼碴畔赋搏汽竣眶演旅裤咖杆舶味砷态滔斯腹暇猩胃置召依匆职笼屁隶溜渺焊剪钢链迁愈见免拱炯什墩册谁彦育整走播拷增阵和速擎泻虏锭虫岩壹狂扶袄蛛炔夕挎辜蛔Question #1窗体顶端Which of the following best describes a sprint? A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as they need to in order to finish the w

5、ork assigned to them. A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a sustainable pace to complete a chosen set of work. A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fix any outstanding bugs right before the product ships. A sprint is a

6、 pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items from the product backlog to work on. As each item is completed, a new item is brought into the sprint. 窗体底端You got it right!CSM Course EvaluationQuestion #1Question: Which of the following best describes a sprint? The co

7、rrect answer was:A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them. A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a sustainable pace to complete a chosen set of work.

8、 A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fix any outstanding bugs right before the product ships. A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items from the product backlog to work on. as each item is completed, a new item i

9、s brought into the sprint. Correct Answer Explanation: The concepts of sprints, sustainable pace, and a sprint backlog are discussed in the following sources: Scrum Primer, Mountain Goat Software website, and the Scrum Guide.One of the principles of agile development is “sustainable pace,” and only

10、by working regular hours at a reasonable level can teams continue (running sprints) indefinitely. Scrum PrimerScrum projects make progress in a series of sprints, which are timeboxed iterations no more than a month long. At the start of a sprint, team members commit to delivering some number of feat

11、ures that were listed on the projects product backlog. At the end of the sprint, these features are done-they are coded, tested, and integrated into the evolving product or system. At the end of the sprint a sprint review is conducted during which the team demonstrates the new functionality to the p

12、roduct owner and other interested stakeholders who provide feedback that could influence the next sprint. Mountain Goat Software website.A sprint is an iteration. Sprints are time-boxed. . Sprints occur one after another, with no time in between sprints. Scrum Guide Question #2Question: What is the

13、maximum time that Scrum recommends the team spend in the daily scrum (daily standup)? The correct answer was:Fifteen minutes Thirty minutes One hour Four hours As long as it takes Correct Answer Explanation: A daily Scrum meeting is time boxed at fifteen minutes and terminates at the end of fifteen

14、minutes, regardless. Scrum PrimerThis is a short (15 minute) meeting. Scrum Papers.the meeting is restricted to 15 minutes, which, surprisingly is ample time. Do Better Scrum Question #3Question: In Scrum, what do we call the individual, detailed pieces of work needed to convert a product backlog it

15、em into working software. Hint: They make up the sprint backlog and are often estimated in hours. The correct answer was:Tasks Use cases Fbis Stories Scrum bits Correct Answer Explanation: From the Scrum Guide: Tasks are the detailed pieces of work needed to convert the Product Backlog into working

16、software. . This task list is called the Sprint Backlog. Question #4Question: Which of the following is NOT a typical Scrum artifact? The correct answer was:Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown chart Gantt chart Correct Answer Explanation: While there is some debate as to whether there are three

17、or four artifacts, a Gantt chart is not a typical Scrum artifact. The Scrum Primer, MountainGoatS, and Do Better Scrum all include the product backlog, sprint backlog, and burndown charts in their lists of artifacts. Question #5Question: Which of the following is NOT a role in Scrum? The correct ans

18、wer was:Team Scrummaster Product owner Project manager Correct Answer Explanation: From Do Better Scrum: The responsibilities of the traditional project manager are divided over the three roles in the Scrum Team: The Product Owner manages the product (and return on investment) The ScrumMaster manage

19、s the process The team manages itself.From MountainGoatS : One convenient way to think of the interlocking nature of these three roles is as a race car. The team is the car itself, ready to speed along in whatever direction it is pointed. The product owner is the driver, making sure that the car is

20、always going in the right direction. The ScrumMaster is the chief mechanic, keeping the car well-tuned and performing at its best. Question #6Question: Which of the following is NOT traditionally one of the Scrum activities? The correct answer was:Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective D

21、aily scrum Weekly inspection Correct Answer Explanation: From Do Better Scrum: The sprint is the heartbeat of the Scrum cycle. It is bookmarked by sprint planning atthe start and by the sprint review and sprint retrospective at the end. . Each day during the sprint the team holds a daily scrum meeti

22、ng.From MountainGoatS: The sprint itself is the main activity of a Scrum project. . The first activity of each sprint is a sprint planning meeting. . On each day of the sprint, a daily scrum meeting is attended by all team members. At the end of a sprint, the team conducts a sprint review. Another a

23、ctivity performed at the end of each sprint is the sprint retrospective. Question #7Question: Which of the following responsibilities does NOT fall to the ScrumMaster The correct answer was:removing impediments Facilitating meetings Reminding the team of the process Assigning tasks to team members P

24、ushing back against product owner requests when needed Correct Answer Explanation: From MountainGoatS: The ScrumMaster is the teams coach and helps team members achieve their highest level of performance. A ScrumMaster differs from a project manager in many key ways, including that the ScrumMaster d

25、oes not provide day-to-day direction to the team and does not assign tasks to individuals. A good ScrumMaster shelters the team from outside distractions, allowing team members to focus maniacally during the sprint on the goal they have selected. (underline added for emphasis)From the Scrum Primer:

26、The ScrumMaster helps the product group learn and apply Scrum to achieve business value. The ScrumMaster does whatever is in their power to help the Team and Product Owner be successful. The ScrumMaster is not the manager of the Team or a project manager; instead, the ScrumMaster serves the Team, pr

27、otects them from outside interference, and educates and guides the Product Owner and the Team in the skillful use of Scrum.From Do Better Scrum: The responsibilities of the ScrumMaster role are: Empowering and shepherding the team Removing impediments Keeping the process moving Socialising Scrum to

28、the greater organisationMetaphor: The ScrumMaster is a facilitator, coach, mentor and bulldozer! Question #8Question: Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the product owner? The correct answer was:Prioritizing the product backlog Keeping the product backlog up to date Assigning tasks to

29、 team members during the sprint Working with stakeholders to determine product features Inspecting work at sprint review Correct Answer Explanation: From Scrum Primer: The product owner is responsible for maximizing return on investment (ROI) by identifying product features, translating these into a

30、 prioritized list, deciding which should be at the top of the list for the next Sprint, and continually re-prioritizing and refining the list. and This is a key practice in Scrum: The team decides how much work it will commit to complete, rather than having it assigned to them by the product owner.F

31、rom Do Better Scrum: The responsibilities of the product owner role are: Working on a shared vision Gathering requirements Managing and prioritising the product backlog Accepting the software at the end of each iteration Managing the release plan The profitability of the project (ROI)Metaphor: The P

32、roduct Owner is a CEO.From MountainGoatS: While the ScrumMaster focuses on helping the team be the best that it can be, the product owner works to direct the team at the right goal. The product owner does this by creating a compelling vision of the product and then conveying that vision to the team

33、through the product backlog. Question #9Question: What are the two primary artifacts of a sprint planning meeting? The correct answer was:A sprint goal and a sprint backlog A requirements document and a gantt chart A requirements document and a test plan A test plan and a gantt chart Correct Answer

34、Explanation: From Do Better Scrum: An outcome of (sprint planning) is the sprint backlog, or the list of tasks that the team collectively needs to execute in order to turn the items in the selected product backlog into running tested features.From MountainGoatS: During this meeting the product owner

35、 and team talk about the highest-priority items on the product backlog. Team members figure out how many items they can commit to and then create a sprint backlog, which is a list of the tasks to perform during the sprint.From Scrum Guide: (During the first half of the sprint planning meeting), a sp

36、rint goal is crafted. The sprint goal is an objective that will be met through the implementation of the product backlog. Question #10Question: Which of the following are roles in the Scrum framework? (select all that apply) The correct answer was:Scrummaster Product owner Project owner Team lead Te

37、am Correct Answer Explanation: In Scrum, there are three roles: the product owner, the team, and the ScrumMaster. Question #11Question: Which of the following are activities found in the Scrum framework? (select all that apply) The correct answer was:Daily scrum or daily standup Weekly scrum or week

38、ly standup Sprint planning Sprint review Sprint retrospective Correct Answer Explanation: From MountainGoatS: The first activity of each sprint is a sprint planning meeting. On each day of the sprint, a daily scrum meeting is attended by all team members. At the end of a sprint, the team conducts a

39、sprint review. Another activity performed at the end of each sprint is the sprint retrospective. Question #12Question: Which of the following are artifacts associated with Scrum? (select all that apply) The correct answer was:Product backlog Sprint backlog Product specification Effort chart Burndown

40、 chart Correct Answer Explanation: Three of the main artifacts are the product backlog, the sprint backlog, and burndown charts. See Scrum Primer, Do Better Scrum, and MountainGoatS Question #13Question: Which of the following best summarizes what it means when Scrum says that a sprint or activity i

41、s timeboxed? The correct answer was:there is a recommended amount of time for the event. There is a predefined time limit for the event. The event must take place by a certain date. There is not enough time to complete the event. The time allocated for the event must be extended. Correct Answer Expl

42、anation: Scrum Primer: Sprints are timeboxed they end on a specific date whether the work has been completed or not, and are never extended.Question #14Question: A major theme in Scrum is “inspect and adapt.” Which of the following best summarizes that theme? The correct answer was:Scrum insists on

43、auditors who frequently inspect the work of the team and suggest ways to adapt the process in order to improve quality. Scrum recommends that upper management inspect the burndown charts and notes from the daily scrums to find ways in which the team should adapt their practices to be more productive

44、. Scrum emphasizes taking a short step of development, inspecting both the resulting product and the efficacy of current practices, and then adapting the product goals and process practices. Inspect and adapt refers to the scrummasters role in inspecting the work and writing stories designed to help

45、 the team produce higher quality software. Correct Answer Explanation: A major theme in Scrum is “inspect and adapt.” Since development inevitably involves learning, innovation, and surprises, Scrum emphasizes taking a short step of development, inspecting both the resulting product and the efficacy

46、 of current practices, and then adapting the product goals and process practices. Repeat forever. from Scrum PrimerThere are three points for inspection and adaptation in Scrum. The Daily Scrum meeting is used to inspect progress toward the Sprint goal, and to make adaptations that optimize the valu

47、e of the next work day. In addition, the Sprint Review and Planning meetings are used to inspect progress toward the Release Goal and to make adaptations that optimize the value of the next Sprint. Finally, the Sprint Retrospective is used to review the past Sprint and determine what adaptations will make the next Sprint more productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable. from the Scrum Guide Question #15Question: How does a team kn


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