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1、Unit 1 The changing World Topic 1 Great changes have taken place there. Section C,communications-simple, slow,communications-more kinds, quick, easy,telegram,fax machine,Task 1 Individual work,Read for main information.,Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Beijing is the capital of China. B. Beiji

2、ng has developed rapidly. C. Some information about old Beijing. D. My trip to Beijing.,Scan the passage in 1a, then answer the question.,Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.,1. Kangkangs granny has seen the changes in Beijing herself. 2. In the 1960s, the living conditions in the city wer

3、e poor. 3. China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up. 4. It is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.,Task 2 Class work,Read for details,Read and understand. (录音p5-1a),Paragraph 1,Topic sentence: She has seen the changes in Beijing herself.,

4、Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words. 1. Dont worry about Jack. He is old enough to look after _ (he). 2. _ you _(see) that film? What do you think of it? Its boring.,himself,Have seen,Paragraph 2:,Topic sentence In the 1960s, the living conditions in the city were poor.,

5、Listen, then fill in the blanks.,In the 1960s, the living conditions in the city were _. The roads were narrow and there werent many _ roads. _, big families were crowded into small houses. Many families couldnt get enough food and only a few children had the _ to receive a good education. Life was

6、so hard that people _ no time or money to enjoy leisure activities. People kept in touch _ their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram.,poor,ring,Usually,chance,had,with,Answer the following questions. 1. Were the roads narrow or wide at that time? 2. Could most families have d

7、elicious food? 3. What was life like at that time? 4. How did people keep in touch with their relatives and friends?,They were narrow.,No, they couldnt.,It was very hard.,Mainly by letter or telegram.,Paragraph 3:,Topic sentence China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.,True or Fa

8、lse 1. There are more ring roads in Beijing than before. 2. People can enjoy few leisure activities now. 3. Children can study only in modern schools now. 4. People can communicate with others more easily than before.,Translate the words and phrases. 1. If you are friendly to others, youll have _(越来

9、越多) friends. 2. There are lots of _ _(可供挑选的衣服) in this shop. I like doing some shopping there. 3. Pineapple is _(一种) delicious fruit. 4. You can send me the message by _(传真).,more and more,clothes to choose from,a sort of,fax,Paragraph 4:,Topic sentence It is important to remember the past, live in

10、the present and dream about the future.,Fill in the blanks. 1. Li Ming has _ (取得很大进步) in English, because he studies hard. 2. China has succeeded in (获得成功) _ (send) Shenzhou VII into space. 3. I have _(已经) had lunch. I am full.,made great progress,sending,already,Task 3 Pair work,1c Pair work Make c

11、onversations with your partner about Beijing after the example. Example: A: What were Beijings roads like in the past? B: . A: What has happened to Beijings roads nowadays? B: . A: What will Beijings roads be like in the future? B: .,Pair work Talk about the changes of your hometown with your partner.,Sum up 1. keep in touch with 2. sorts of 3. make progress 4. succeed in doing sth.,Homework Write a passage about the changes of your hometown.,Goodbye!,


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