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1、校园联欢会英语主持词中英文元旦将至,大部分学校都会组织一些元旦晚会等庆祝活动,在辞去旧岁,喜迎新的一年。既然有活动就少不了主持,。以下是范文大全我整理了校园联欢会英语主持词中英文,希望你喜欢。校园联欢会英语主持词英文:The snowflakes in the sky are like the dancing notes which compose a happy movement and predicts a wonderful and encouraging new year for all of us .So lets wait quietly for the spring bell f

2、rom the Future, the Hope and the Brightness.Turning over the last page of the calender, the year 20xx will become the history . Looking back to the past year, we are full of all sorts of feelings well up in our minds.The past 365 days and nights seem like 365 steps which have been recorded in the hi

3、story .Our efforts have come up with great achievements and a lot of happy smiles. Looking back, we are all gratified .Spring has been back. Lets open the bee box where theres so much honey stored over the winter. So today, lets fly towards the future with the melody of the songs.The New Years Day C

4、elebration by XX School , now begins !Its the best time to give regards at the beginning and ending of the year.We had both happiness and regret in the past year. Now , lets sincerely blessBless our Huachu, bless the new year and our futureWell, lets enjoy the wonderful programs by .The New Spring i

5、s round the corner. We wish our great motherland prosperity day by dayWe wish our Huachu will bring up more talents and create more achievementsWe wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates present happiness!We are lucky because we are living in an age-old but young and prosperous nati

6、on through the revolutionists and builders struggle and efforts generation after generation.We are proud because we have a great motherland. As the new year arrives, we want to say:China, I shall give my best regards to you; China, I shall give my cheers for youIts true that we are a generation full

7、 of happiness ;Its true that we are a generation full of vigour.We are enthusiastic; We have dreams;We are young and healthy, we have inspiration .To learn to thank others makes our life more valuable;To learn to thank others makes our morality permanent.As the saying goes, When we drink water from

8、the well, we shall never forget the person who digs the well. You know, our progress lies in.The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play.With the accompaniment music of our school band, lets wish our motherland more prosperity and our SchoolMore verdure

9、 .The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.Wish each of our distinguished guests and teachers a successful career and a happy family.Wish our schoolmates great progress and more achievements.Wish our Huachu a more splendid futureIn the new year.Thats all for the New Years Day Celebratio

10、n by XX School. Thank you for being with us.校园联欢会英语主持词中文满天的雪花,是飞舞的音符,以欢乐谱成乐章,用祝福奏出期盼,带给你,欢欣鼓舞的一年!让我们一起静静地等待:未来、希望和光明就要敲响春天的钟台历翻去最后一页,20xx年即将成为历史。回首时光年轮上又一度春秋寒暑,我们不禁感慨万千。刚刚迈越的365个昼夜,彷佛是365个台阶,横亘在未及尘封的历史上。汗水,曾浇开多少成功的花;努力,曾换来多少喜悦的笑,回首走过的路,欣慰洋溢在你我心头。春已归来,让我们打开蜂箱吧,那里有储存了一冬的甜蜜。今天,就让我们乘着歌声的翅膀,向着明天飞翔!XX学校20




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