八年级英语上册导学案:Unit 9 Can you come to my party Period 3.doc

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1、人教版八年级英语上册导学案Unit 9 Can you come to my party ?Section B 1a1f来源:Z|xx|k.Com【学习目标】:知识目标:1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型A: Whats today? B: Its Monday the 14th.A: Can you play tennis with me?B: Sorry, I cant . I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.2. 熟练掌握以下词汇: yesterday, tomorrow, weekday, look after3.了解以下

2、词汇的语音语义:the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday技能目标:能听懂提出邀请和做出应答的对话,并能表演相关的对话,学会制作自己的日程表。【活动案】:1. 大声朗读1b中的词汇,猜猜意思,填到1a的日历2. 两人一组,试着练习下面的句型,体会它们的意义:-Whats today? -Its Monday the 14th.3. Vince 和Andy 一起去打网球吗?听录音,完成1b.4.读一读1b中的单词或词组,注意听对话中是如何表达将来的计划或活动的。听第二遍录音,完成1c5. 模仿秀,听录音并跟读,注意模仿语音语调,尤其是Vinc

3、e的回答。 来源:Z*xx*k.Com6. Pairwork 你能表达将来的计划或活动吗?根据1b的提示,模仿1c, 两人一组进行对话练习。【检测案】I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 Shed love _(go)with you.2 You _ (not have) to worry.来源:学科网ZXXK3 Are they _ (practice) English?来源:学科网ZXXK4 Thank you for _ (write ) to me .5 They arent _(go) to movies this evening.II 根据句意完成句子1 She often b _ her sister.2 What are you doing _(明天)?来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K3 Are they _ (去)to movies with you ?4 When do you usually get up on _(工作日).5 -W_ is today? -Its Tuesday ,the 15th.【课后反思】本节课重点难点:_ _


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