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1、1,The skull颅,2,Skull(cranium) 颅 division:,Cerebral cranium 脑颅 Facial cranium 面颅,Cerebral cranium,Facial cranium,3,(一) Cerebral cranium 脑颅,paired:temporal bone 颞骨、parietal bone 顶骨,unpaired:frontal bone 额骨、 Sphenoid bone蝶骨 ethmoid bone筛骨、Occipital bone枕骨 、,temporal bone,parietal bone,4,1、 Ethmoid Bone

2、 筛骨,Cribriform 筛板,Perpendicular plate 垂直板:构成骨性鼻中隔上部,Ethmoidal labyrinths 筛骨迷路,5,2、 Sphenoid Bone 蝶骨,Body 体,Lesser wing 小翼,Greater wing 大翼,Pterygoid process 翼突,Lesser wing小翼,body,greater wing 大翼,Pterygoid process 翼突,Anterior view,Posterior view,6,3、 Temporal Bone 颞 骨,mastoid process 乳突 styloid proces

3、s 茎突,Internal view,external view,7,(二)facial cranium 面颅骨:,(15块),paired:,Maxilla 上颌骨、zygomatic bone 颧骨、 nasal bone 鼻骨、Lacrimal bone泪骨、 palatine bone腭骨、inferior nasal bone下鼻甲,8,(二)facial cranium 面颅骨:,(15块),mandible下颌骨、 Vomer 犁骨、hyoid bone舌骨,unpaired:,1、 Mandible 下颌骨,Angle of mandible下颌角,Body of mandib

4、le 下颌体 Ramus of mandible 下颌支,10,(三)颅的整体观,1、The superior aspect of skull 颅顶面观,11,2、The posterior aspect of skull 颅后面观,3、The internal surface of the bassse of skull 颅底内面观,Anterior cranial fossa 颅前窝 Middle cranial fossa颅中窝 Posterior cranial fossa颅后窝,Crista galli 鸡冠,Cribriform plate 筛板,Cribriform forame

5、n 筛孔,Hypophysial fossa 垂体窝,Optic canal 视神经管,Dorsum sellae鞍背,Superior orbital fissure眶上裂,Foramen lacerum 破裂孔,Foramen ovale卵圆孔,Foramen spinosum棘孔,Trigeminal impression 三叉神经压迹,Foramen rotundum 圆孔,Foramen magnum 枕骨大孔,Sulcus for transverse sinum横窦沟,Sulcus for sigmoid sinus乙状窦沟,Jugular foramen 颈静脉孔,Intern

6、al acoustic pore 内耳门,Posterior cranial fossa 颅后窝,4、The external surface of the base of skull,颅 底 外 面 观,Stylomastoid foramen茎乳孔,5、颅侧面观,Temporal fossa 颞窝,Infratemporal fossa 颞下窝 Pterygopalatine fossa翼腭窝,6颅前面观,(1) Orbit 眶 :,Base 底 Apex尖 Walls 壁: superior medial inferior lateral,19,(2) Bone nasal cavity

7、 骨性鼻腔,bony nasal septum 骨性鼻中隔: formed by,perpendicular plate of ethmoid 筛骨垂 直板,vomer犁骨 perpendicular plate of ethmoid筛骨垂直板.,20,Roof :顶: cribriform plate 筛板,Floor 底:Bony palate 骨腭(上颌骨腭突、腭骨水平板),Lateral wall 外侧壁:,Superior concha 上鼻甲 Middle concha 中鼻甲 Inferior concha下鼻甲,筛板,骨腭,Superior meatus上鼻道 Middle m

8、eatus 中鼻道 Inferior meatus下鼻道,Inferior meatus下鼻道,Middle meatus 中鼻道,Superior meatus上鼻道,Bone nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔,21,(3) Paranasal Sinuses 鼻旁窦 :,1)Frontal Sinus 额窦:眉弓深面,开口于中鼻道前部,2)Ethmoidal Sinuses 筛窦:前、中群开口于中鼻道,后群开口于上鼻道,3)Sphennoidal Sinus 蝶窦:蝶骨体内,向前开口于蝶筛隐窝,4)Maxillary Sinus上颌窦:上颌骨体内,开口于中鼻道,22,(四)新生儿颅,特征

9、:,23,Lesser wring,Greater wing,Body of sphenoid,24,下鼻甲,palatine bone 腭骨,25,2、 Hyoid Bone 舌骨,Greater horn大角,小角,Body of hyoid bone,Lesser horn 小角,26,27,28,29,Horizontal plate 水平板,30,31,32,The connection of the orbit 眶的交通:,Optic canal 经视神经管 Superior orbital fissure 眶上裂.,nasolacrimal canal 鼻泪管 nasal cavity鼻腔,Infreorbitalfissure 眶下裂 pterygopalatine fossa翼腭窝、 infratemporal fossa 颞下窝。,Infraorbital canal 眶下孔 infraorbital foramen 眶下孔 face面部,middle craniual fossa 颅中窝,33,


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