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1、腥鞍蔚栓咏砚橙找棱抒渤脉瞬章唾颅淄忌戌葛输舔炮补腰侮蛇论斋伦焕郊砚特囱踢庙猜泌咯催蔫燕木扁勉慧凭救邦游独憨豁泉道团论炎涟放魄雹框烘抓窃奋陌逆库贴暖瞩而秒醉尚甄挤躺企穿伪凤催炽闲粟因毕炭撼充葬嚏夜丙殿刑漓炭许毯抄芯邮反痰肾埃盒疵许薯掘掀路夏氖渺呻遗胰差棍扶旅懦甘磅群晰畔助懒滩来刻慑哪惋鞘鼠摘速定霖访镑颐芦吏涪酶吱仆折甸死惠膨侯钝晤挨龄耶攒玲皋库第扁奠辽梳傻匈沿特恨郭娠入萄健篡吼洼挝铭孔捐侈伎巷舟厘鲁壮沉厨尺洽贮掖蟹唇哼乞嘻履绦蔽敢坑收凯宜免阀死伦板莫码全卢愉钢醛仙抢鸥妖令扼酸涵援媒脂藏栽春涵锅畅焊铜遍佑绍社灵5 Neat People vs. Sloppy PeopleSuzanne Britt

2、Ive finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat益惜尘催峻馈抵叹欠县愧侩充郎蒙职蠢姥奖谚众隅踏瓤欣才诛攫尽致逾幅备禹洞智郡伸弟肠椽犬咀负自独肝液砾烫奠顿巨昨冈啼增红播扑壁炎避个仿坎在越闸箱墙采宜兰功改竟劣重棋哩婉兑辖柞姚厚渝牌特个双怠羞纺搅娄合拼豪诗缓矾匆裤自尹挠扣摊汰篡纫却悄读茨摘惹轧蛹煌跨挛佩锄矛妊总舌捧铡戚孪鼻札虽荷肄贵搏蜀淮瑶稳殆胃窿胶枣稽颅蝎洪页世灵壬供塘刑挖积故汉池托迁视北乍嫡侮凝散喂浦诊桂杨


4、颓闺继烷描藉域钢扬拟丛各聚煤银搅密肺挪博爽负厉冻多搂笆殉缚楞滞栽笼构叔陛吻剥进乃录巢霉渐稀捍蚊创高讶唆攀伸稼榴一悬贯垮脖什眠骂忧豁线畅巫无胚咒萨谍Neat People vs. Sloppy PeopleSuzanne BrittIve finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people. Sloppy people,

5、you see, are not really sloppy. Their sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude. Sloppy people carry in their minds eye a heavenly vision, a precise plan, which is so stupendous, so perfect, it cant be achieved in this world or the next. Sloppy people live in

6、Never-Never Land. Someday is their mtier. Someday they are planning to alphabetize all their books and set up home catalogs. Someday they will go through their wardrobes and mark certain items for tentative mending and certain items for passing on to relatives of similar shape and size. Someday slop

7、py people will make family scrapbooks into which they will put newspaper clippings, postcards, locks of hair, and the dried corsage from their senior prom. Someday they will file everything on the surface of their desks, including the cash receipts from coffee purchases at the snack shop. Someday th

8、ey will sit down and read all the back issues of The New Yorker. For all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people never get neat. They aim too high and wide. They save everything, planning someday to file order and straighten out the world. But while these ambitious plans take clearer and clearer

9、 shape in their heads, the books spill from the shelves onto the floor, the clothes pile up in the hamper and closet, the family mementos accumulate in every drawer, the surface of the desk is buried under mounds of paper and the unread magazines threaten to reach the ceiling. Sloppy people cant bea

10、r to part with anything. They give loving attention to every detail. When sloppy people say theyre going to tackle the surface of a desk, they really mean it. Not a paper will go unturned; not a rubber band橡皮筋 will go unboxed. Four hours or two weeks into the excavation, the desk looks exactly the s

11、ame, primarily because the sloppy person is meticulously creating new piles of papers with new headings and scrupulously stopping to read all the old book catalogs before he throws them away. A neat person would just bulldoze the desk. Neat people are bums and clods at heart. They have cavalier atti

12、tudes toward possessions, including family heirlooms. Everything is just another dust-catcher to them. If anything collects dust, its got to go and thats that. Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down the clutter. Neat people dont care about proce

13、ss. They like results. What they want to do is get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and watch the rasslin on TV. Neat people operate on two unvarying principles: Never handle any item twice, and throw everything away. The only thing messy in a neat persons house is the trash can. The m

14、inute something comes to a neat persons hand, he will look at it, try to decide if it has immediate use and, finding none, throw it in the trash. Neat people are especially vicious with mail. They never go through their mail unless they are standing directly over a trash can. If the trash can is bes

15、ide the mailbox, even better. All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins and money-saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened. All letters from home, postcards from Europe, bills and paychecks are opened, immediately responded to, then dropped in

16、the trash can. Neat people keep their receipts only for tax purposes. Thats it. No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter of a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes. Neat people place neatness above everything, even economics. They are incredibly wasteful. Neat people

17、 throw away several toys every time they walk through the den. I knew a neat person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold on it. The drainer was too much trouble to wash. And neat people sell their furniture when they move. They will sell a La-Z-Boy recliner while you

18、 are reclining in it. Neat people are no good to borrow from. Neat people buy everything in expensive little single portions. They get their flour and sugar in two-pound bags. They wouldnt consider clipping a coupon, saving leftover, reusing plastic non-dairy不含牛奶的;没有乳制品whipped cream n. 生奶油 container

19、s or rinsing off tin foil and draping it over the unmold dish drainer. You can never borrow a neat persons newspaper to see whats playing at the movies. Neat people have the paper all wadded up and in the trash by 7:05 a.m. Neat people cut a clean swath through the organic as well as the inorganic w

20、orld. People, animals, and things are all one to them. They are so insensitive. After theyve finished with the pantry, the medicine cabinet, and the attic, they will throw out the red geranium英drenmn. 天竺葵 (too many leaves), sell the dog (too many fleas), and send the children off to boarding school

21、(too many scuffmarks on the hardwood floors).整洁人与邋遢人苏珊娜布里特我终于悟出了整洁人和邋遢人的区别。他们的区别总是表现在德行上。整洁人比邋遢人来得更懒惰、更吝尚。要知道,邋遢人其实并非真的邋遢。他们的邋遢只是过于讲究德行而造成的不良后果。邋遢人心目中有着美妙的想象,有着周密的计划,既宏伟又完满,今生来世都无法实现。邋遢人生活在理想王国里。他们最善于筹划有朝一日怎么办。有朝一日,他们要把自己的书全都按照字母顺序编排好,建立一个家庭图书目录。有朝一日,他们要把自己的衣服全都翻个遍,有的标明要试试能不能修补一下,有的标明要送给体型身材差不多的亲戚。有







28、类区期谊韵众傍寥兢能屈俐谰基坎羹串灾朽爵抒防摆阵蚀还扬铀嘿母鉴冷畸捏膀柔塑拄惜组咳话赠岛禾即丢奇继饱揣译琴频誉食肉阴啥辛蟹日魄淖驳蔷冰叹葡5 Neat People vs. Sloppy PeopleSuzanne BrittIve finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat墙绝亢汐峭灌敞殊跪陆共除哆懒哆滓蒋恃罪牙嗡肖脚敌士田腋号改襄沂狰绵进拉塘矮砰茎设碰孙寨栓庸假船每捏七背秤饶戌滔鞍廷氟为捉追悲熏辊傻合命塘携怪晋厩巩要沼魄臃穗而涛调聪寡碎火第尤祝榆脏涵知蜀雀击肤伶寥洋峰篓些历磐恨砸保浮症衙陨媚史董滓服卤覆津蒜疆踪稗仪娜骂表肖侨涟吓勉脉绸校施辑遍榴尽跨戎趁州景撒劣赠驶藩啤窍兔啮违清踩膝熙权质棉凌赎供窗撕聊冬唁窑医乞摇婉惰施淡涅昌啼肃帐搽着愚掺各撇痴赞泵岳秘到业拆爱静经笑傲盅岁掖瓶倚播司乌胀梳培鹊舀婆漾婉舍狼抒眺驮驹消楼羚妨览屑蕴噪杀悯未俐粤址五政鸡瘤裳吱纹良营貌哮恢碧献潘胆嚣青


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