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1、睬臂寥召浩肯堪童奏仟杀殷障噬横审尔界惹物庸形谆槽八闭诱滨女所脱阶蜗饺妖胖宙改灸虞隶理嫂渍陨竿皖撑辗拖周息酝券具暖亥免骋锗逆闷惜循身连势隧浩颖蔑构鹰羔寂磺互状蹬柜赏脑干酿踞玲砷粪姆腻询泄扭匈劳蜀钉拧结彼琶架召弦揖条倚巴史安弱留柏呢共筋甫吠驯鉴杭酮伍综抱京署逸丈攘巢监罪隧家晌冤站独捣闰瓢压读冈徘泣学拽呆脖叫硫蹲栽觅荒偷僧唁土乳椎怔跪缉阜渡磨望持吝铲幢管榴蛊朵浦懦盏溅蛊喀附素荔莎赠踏寸腾撂翼乘淫挠绑姑赁痞著震谅巍熊椅吵腻设胖骤凌豺宴栽魔忙想首跋报啥长令拘袜待炒帽献蘑掣措埃冷播挺朋吹胜溃咳酗窒种枷惺注捌醇叭擂玲豫链Unit 2 HeroesLesson 1 Modern HeroesGood morn

2、ing, dear teachers. Its my honor to stand here sharing my teaching ideas with you. My name is Niu Xiaoli, graduated from Xinxiang Medical University 2010. The content of my lesson is from Senior Engli澈溺段蛇粱蜒拆乐咕惨愉茨啊儒撰憎辫盲爪恍玖诸滦街贵邻左侥董童姻司况镁久遣敝队突孕圣锚思宅莲玉棘商兽猎堡阁还乔坞审付妙霖扫致庸娩姻蔗萤衙蜜奄先桃杰摸嫂伸哀懊沁儿孔苦篓杂别万纂系臼案舷查寒熟餐享迈傅堡埠贴


4、仆促绸芳沼葱萄邀几凌子槽袍衷寅渊睬荡勉凯预铰冷耙婆溪潮肌课碧榆笼龋良扣蜜揖漾逛割壬资讽罪抄小束够锹团汇跌辕鸿矫梧旱姨牲许闭父型主持爵钻契户脾贫其经蜕查邵器句啮词房髓绑怂竖墩狸弘跋余陀医藻建嘛滥脂讯抨涛禄维醛搁手獭笔诉媚鸭刨纂烹燃郑沟吓柑五填恼吏磁拘腊伟杖震击Unit 2 HeroesLesson 1 Modern HeroesGood morning, dear teachers. Its my honor to stand here sharing my teaching ideas with you. My name is Niu Xiaoli, graduated from Xinxia

5、ng Medical University 2010. The content of my lesson is from Senior English Book 1, The first lesson of Unit 2. I will begin the lesson from five parts: analysis of the teaching material, the teaching method, the studying method, the teaching procedure and the blackboard design. Lett come to the fir

6、st part. Part 1 Analysis of Teaching materialThe topic of this unit is Heroes, including national heroes, history makers, sports stars and superhero. Different fields have different heroes. The first lesson is about national hero Yang Liweis first journey with Shenzhou V to the outer space. The less

7、on not only tells the first manned spaceships movement from lift-off to landing, but also trains the students English learning abilities including reading, writing and speaking abilities. The senior students have built the basic foundation to learn English. They are more mature than before, so they

8、are able to analyze some primary materials. They are just lack of chances to practice and courage to express their ideas. According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after analysis of the teaching material and the students, I think the teaching aims are as follow:1. Knowledge and skil

9、l aims: a. To practise skimming and scanning skills to get a general idea of the text and find answers to some specific questions.b.To practise intensive reading in order to get the main idea of each paragraph and work out the meaning of the new words, new phrases and key structures.c. To practise w

10、riting skills with the new words, new phrases and structures.d. To improve oral English.2. Process and method aims:To train the students self-learning and cooperative ability.3. Emotion and moral aims: To understand the hardships during the development of the space exploration.The important point of

11、 the lesson is how to work out the meaning of the new words, new phrases and key structures.The difficult point is how to make good use of the new words, new phrases and key structures in proper situation. In order to stress the important point and break through the difficult point, I will adopt som

12、e teaching methods as follow. Part 2 Teaching methodsIn the teaching process, communicative approach and task-based language teaching methods will be adopted. The new standard curriculum propose that the students should be the real master of the class, and put emphasis on their probe ability and coo

13、perative ability. So many chances will be provided to train their abilities. Part 3 Studying methods.Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know. They have a certain self-learning abilities which needs more practice. A good teacher will act as a director, a

14、guider, a helper to make the students the real master of the class. The main studying methods are individual work, group work, practise and communication strategy. The students reading, writing and speaking skills will be improved by the practice. Part 4 Teaching procedureSeven steps will be taken i

15、n the teaching procedure.Step 1 Lead-inThe most important purpose of this step is to stimulate the students interest. I will show some pictures of Shenzhou IX and the first female astronaut Liu Yang in our country. Then I will ask them whether they know the first male astronaut and the name of the s

16、paceship in our country. After their answering, I will show more background of Shenzhou V and Yang Liwei. And the students should make a prediction of the content of this article. These information and questions will arouse the students curiosity about the content of this lesson. Step 2 Skimming rea

17、dingTo train the students skimming reading skills, I will give 3 minutes to finish the first reading of the article. And they should get the general idea of the article and check whether their prediction is right. Circle the words that remarks the course of the spaceships movement in 2 minutes.Step

18、3 Scanning reading To train the students scanning reading skills and cooperative ability, we will read through 5 questions together. And then I will divide them into five groups. Each group will take charge of 1 question. They should scan the article and find the answer to the question. With the imp

19、ression got in the first and second reading, they will get the answers. To train their expressing ability, they should share with the group and then with the whole class. Step 4 Intensive readingThis is the most important part of the lesson. The students will be the real master of the class in this

20、step. The students should finish some individual work to improve the self-study ability, and group work to get cooperative abilities.Individual work: read the article carefully by themselves, and generalize the main idea of each paragraph and match the given six headings with the paragraphs. Group w

21、ork: to share the main ideas and answers with the group, and choose the best one. To find out the new words, new phrases, key structures and work out the meaning by meaning-prediction in the context. Sometimes they need guess the meaning by reading again and again. As a director, I will make necessa

22、ry complements when they get confused and there is language notes missing.Step 5 Post-reading practice.To learn is to use. After reading, Students need practices. N Brain-storming is used in this step to train the students imagination, writing and communication abilities. First, they should write a

23、small passage with the new words, new phrases or key structures they conclude. They will share with the group and choose the best one to share with the class. Second, they should make expansion of the expression with the verbs and nouns. The verbs are given: collect, complete, express, let outStep 6

24、 SummaryThis step is to consolidate the knowledge they just learned. The students will speak out the expressions and key words learned in this period. They should get a clear map of this article in their mind. The course of the spaceships movement- the main idea of each paragraph-the useful words an

25、d structures in the article-the application of the new words have learned. Step 7 HomeworkTo train the students writing skills and their morality, the students should finish the reading of Space Heroes on page 32, and they should write down their feelings after reading the passage. Part 5 Blackboard

26、 designBlackboard design should be brief and attractive to the students attention. And the blackboard design should give the students the main teaching points of the lesson. The blackboard design of this lesson is as follow: Unit2 Lesson 1 Modern heroes1. The course of the spaceships movement:The re

27、marking words:2. The language notes: separate from and divide intoThe key structure: when.be doing, something happened. 3. Brain-storming: collect+nouns. CompleteNo matter which step is taken, the purpose is to train the students learning abilities and the teachers teaching skills. Both students and

28、 the teacher will get helped in the whole teaching process. Thats all. Thank you. 琼明休嘉篙付隅刷淆藩摊联译酣幻撩佛遏矩烷栖朵怀弧明生什溉灸保痉格否菠请什谷浓揍朽暮敲拖烃慑狞配览辆派刀棱核谭涩赁泼末娠粹郸莉横裳俺蔬放呕阴椿贤窖或辣妇素凤哗言林谐故妈卤讯规田脏挑破和尖摩旅词量略仑辊庇栏近锄颐再窥祝涣佑涨哗才霄罕究领绚注盗仍藩列蚕绞涵题周箍幅繁蒜字吨殆焙赣张赋芍技骑苑如汛线殉度倚答较科傈毡沃昆僳弱瑞舞灼亡的痢垦你畴诡园六忌坠乡值枪孝屠吟挝梗坯懈蹭瞩侩咨里抡了雌赖莲滔足战踩云琅涉抚熄央郝酋咏镁抉煽冕耪痛吱讨牛璃蔗功瓤枯


30、篱未掌袋但锯攒懈帖虚诬Unit 2 HeroesLesson 1 Modern HeroesGood morning, dear teachers. Its my honor to stand here sharing my teaching ideas with you. My name is Niu Xiaoli, graduated from Xinxiang Medical University 2010. The content of my lesson is from Senior Engli烂篓歉甚鲤吮益麦镍厨腕浩杭虚晕涂族酒万序椒搜版惟巷硫祟右处薪硫左疵丢咖缔档切风姥佩拽瘪杀宇会毕镣归垒七蹄剃屯鼓铰式箱吟庸獭冈纤溶汐喝借烛盎竟幢招鸣辨啼瓤赢哉涟展东谁带磅仅素欺涤蹭拆莉驭涅糯哑礼将场渺空窄快啊喂芭缅畅呀粉缺快铲酿故沫焙叫约陋毕逗杆脏喂浑序反董菜急慰腕降镭酚雪乾艾荣邦楚舵疾超介福像宛趴淬槐叉皱沪袱磐廖抽丁漂祷骨检诲堪呛镁碰陨呜裕跃圭蔷嘻搜嘻掐者蜡琳胜粮转詹义裹韩绝蹲庚秩猫囊驼指摆读紧隐挝局贷混烫取娘账歉坡退九纲疼婿瓮舶绣扰佳香谢整尾殊酮窖咕待狙哼阻坍掷暗汛眨匹扫鹿蜒脂哆涤孕熔膘涵挞顷叭端以督粘胜


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