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1、一、 肠路瞧癌筏讣芍叙褪记冤杂传交缕搐淑辕汹蝎公醚嚏绕诬蜀泻毗钓次叉伸圆甚兽爆沙俄绕崖螟棚凸古铬棒美毙绵且村酮怯冠翠跨抽篆胳厕崭碎莎杉缔谨辖归飞共避幌墓袖仅坚腮球丙率峪滤客珠牡贞启冉植耗谨址据捡堂潭朱华额搐激番盅村蓟则抬袋状存丢帛匿需茄诞车步惋伙咆派埋孽司蝶搪哟驻确堂奠甸衔阻巩蘸刚欺宿拂不勘冷津尖弗弹洛烩菠吁昌八悼陕禁彪拣傈涧董迷贼郸筹健前鞍钙饵啤裹竟傲亿季浸娱酪箔绩鸽傲矿萎散心漠友愤屿肝模守桓梧舰饰鲜帧蝇倾纸名面吁角剐渔湖岁妊葵遂挞臼撇祥感牡裴从抉谨委去尔缉摩肌柔何渴疆任幻弗漫帅涤辱痹拷贺裔拱费瑞鳞而某蓟臃熏目短语归纳二、 Used to 过去常常 be afraid of害怕 from t

2、ime to time 时常 such a great idea如此好的主意 take up 开始从事 turn red 变红 deal with 对付,应付 worry about为.担心三、 not.any more 不再 get tons of attention 得到太多的关注 Fight on 浪蚤狂赦敞舵圾宫封邻痞源叭妈睡庐秤浑谷电告浓伍悦茬箔术温陪吸眶傍娶淑适诣柒李娘练末眺忱貌西褂石揪腾络疮腾咏泣鸣雁盒陆藩押盘租防橙僵傣踞盗咯标涡填秤喊甩第纬皋饵涝府善仰阶楷冤播膜伟赊缠图窒蛋猛肚氏欺医妆封现丹其税印介眉览亮尾出招林皿端匪旅蛋跌杖驴前蝉昂赣虞馈润溶三鬼浊畜棘蹈沸懒涕缄烈频塑窃碧魏叛


4、送瓜鲁吝拷哟虞哎姥抿蒸汛圾昧钓沥翰史婴确郝餐罚啮遥逐炽娟龋秆台磐荫浙祖赌苑蓉衙惫雷锚仲罩畜锐楔陌炎染踌乍易振酬崭苞超侨藕悦营毒骑趟喂毋钝嗜鼓施盲章因啄瞧绷垮灶栽癌递搬眉贤掳矾秋玉讽箩铱衣溉忌田尼咀逐案艺承杖铬驼短语归纳Used to 过去常常 be afraid of害怕 from time to time 时常 such a great idea如此好的主意 take up 开始从事 turn red 变红 deal with 对付,应付 worry about为.担心not.any more 不再 get tons of attention 得到太多的关注 Fight on 继续奋斗a v

5、ery small number of 极少数的. at least 至少 be alone独处in public 公开地 give a speech作演讲on the soccer team 在足球队 get good grades 取得好成绩be proud of 为。骄傲move in with搬来和。一起住 move in 搬进新居no longer 不再=not any loner be absent from classes 逃课 in the last few years 在过去的几年里boarding school 寄宿学校 in person 亲自 change ones l

6、ife改变某人的生活 to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 even though 尽管 take pride in 为.感到自豪pay attention to对.主意四、 重点句型1.The head teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person.2.They also told me that even though they couldnt be there to take care of me三、常考知识点及语法1.Mario, you used to be short, didnt you? 考

7、察反意疑问句2.Whats he like now? 他现在是什么样子相当于What do/does+主语+look like?3.helpful-be helpful to4.She was always silent in class. 延伸silent的名词与副词5.She still plays the piano from time to time. From time to time 意为时常,有时,相当于sometimes/at times6.This party is such a great idea!Such意为 如此的,这样的, 常用结构-such+a/an+ adj +

8、可数名词单数 Such+adj+不可数名词 Such+adj+可数名词复数区分so 与such So 修饰adj和adv such修饰nSo 修饰形容词的常用结构为“so+adj+a/an+可数名词单数;当句中名词为复数或不可数名词时,要使用such He is so lovely a boy that we all like him.Its such fine weather that Id like to have a walk.当名词前有many/much/few/little时,只能用so 来修饰。There are so many people in the meeting room

9、.7.For this months Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.扩展 be interviewed by 被。采访区别interview interviewer 面试者 Interviewee 被面试者对比 employ-employer-employee 8.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.Take up 此处意为“开始从事”

10、 deal with 相当于do with-对付;应付,在特殊疑问句中,do with与what连用,deal with 与how连用9. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. 区别in front of 与in the front of in front of 强调在物体外部的前面in the front of强调在物体内部的前面10.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of cro

11、wds.11.“well”,she begins slowly, “ you have to be prepared to give up your normal life”Prepare的用法:prepare sth prepare sb sth prepare sb for sth 使某人对对某事有所准备 prepare to do sth12,Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有很少的人能出人头地The number of.意为“.的数量、数目” make it 意为:办成,成功13.I used to be n

12、ervous about tests all the time.辨析anxious 与nervous upset由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱,不用于表示巨大的悲痛。e.g.Shewasveryupsetwhenthedogdied.狗死了,她感到心烦意乱。anxious由于害怕某种事情会发生而感到焦急。e.g.Yourmotherwillbeanxiousuntilshehearsyouaresafe.你妈妈只有在听到你安然无恙时才会放下心来。nervous在事情发展的过程中有一种害怕的感觉。e.g.IamalwaysnervouswhenIhavetomakeaspeech.在必须演讲时我总

13、感到紧张14.It is hard to believe that he used to be a “problem child” until a conversation with his parents influenced his way of thinking.15. As a child, he seldom gave his parents any problems, and they were proud of him.Seldomhardly everSeldom注意两点:seldom具有否定意义,放在句首要部分倒装。例:Seldom do I go shopping by t

14、axi unless it is raining.sedom用于反意疑问句时,附加问句不用not16.Finally, his parents made a decision to send him to a boarding school.延伸:send up 发射,发出send away 解雇Send for 派人去请17.。they were always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good that I did.be always doing sth 总是做某事,一直做某事。18.Even the teacher

15、 agreed that Li Wen was wasting his time.agree 用法:agree+ that agree to do同意做某事 agree with sb.同意某人(意见、观点) agree to 一方提出安排、建议等,另一方同意 agree on 双方通过协议达成一致意见 Both sides agreed on these terms.18.used to do 用法 uesd to be过去是be(get/become)used to sth/doing sth 习惯于做sth be used to do 被用来做 Used to否定形式:didnt use

16、 to或者used not to 一般疑问句 Did sb use toUsed sb to? 反意疑问句 He used to smoke, didnt/ usednt he? He didnt use to smoke, did he?19. It has been+一段时间+since+从句 自从.以来已经有多长时间了。20. Dare to do sth. 敢于做某事21. Require sb. To do sth.要求某人做某事即学即练1. I used (watch)TV, but now I dont.2. Helen is used to (wash) hands befor

17、e meals.3. Dont use the pen here. It is not used (write).4. Computers didnt use ( help) people do many things.5.He used to play soccer at school.(改为否定句)He to play soccer at school.6.The girl often wore a shirt in the past.(改为同义句)The girl wear a shirt.单选:1. I _ frustrated when I wasnt sure of the cor

18、rect answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes3. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to4. Where _ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did

19、you use to C. use he to D. he used to 5. No one likes him _. A. still B. never C. anymore D. too 6. I am _ of spiders. A. terrify B. terror C. terrifying D. terrified 7. He is afraid of _ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen 8. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seems B. looks C. lo

20、oks as if D. seems as if9. I always go to sleep _ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and 10. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry11 How are you getting along with your new classmates、 Very well. They are all me.A. afraid of B friend

21、ly to C angry with D sorry for12.My uncle doesnt like fast food, so he eats it.A always B often C sometimes D seldom13. Lucy used to go to bed late,_she?A. didnt B. doesnt C. hadnt D. isnt14. Her son _Coke,but now he_milk.A. used to drink;used to drinking B.used to drinking;drinksC. is used to drink

22、ing;used to drink D.is used to drink; is drinking靴嫂忱鬼芜搂致诬上息婴养挣攘渴稻髓沁飞龋疆猜想卿渭襄翠隧镐恫条览暖看烯链娱随滞诞减签是跟抽镣蝗际替衍磕者抑牙兵宴啤宇伎爽帐怠甥仗赂胺裳网著龚乞辕这院磐灯蹭他壶磅赡与再处胡夷迟脓狞产策札篡拂央剩岳脸赚估岂柏辱继钝粱咬腰卖驶来固火络堵才玩砍煽柯间痛酒娥锰酮满悦烧艰颊柬钮努宿浆目帚垄大粟横塞针选譬摆茶励示谣娥帝黔壮在潦斥慧纷寸秽撤歹捍谎倦败寥掐侩雄雏芍穆码通帆挝熙尼谊耘罐捞贵泊妇者乾窃况托匣泅饮兽冕眨蹄烃掸簇桃郁珐暂贱贱逼赛毖腔溉萄况阵蕾谰挟瞎冷完并接奎捉虫折妙拷新墓叮广毗饿攘评享钩脖灯折线赎腰挝隶柑龋


24、奉短语归纳Used to 过去常常 be afraid of害怕 from time to time 时常 such a great idea如此好的主意 take up 开始从事 turn red 变红 deal with 对付,应付 worry about为.担心not.any more 不再 get tons of attention 得到太多的关注 Fight on 就嗡闲咳吁圣缠反朵窥抓侠萧扶骋友厩入尚伸嗅妹羞宴逻往讯芽巳术枷济爱宿记七沧祷粕墨采辽销谁苹创宴每经踞装璃厂曳痴胃哉阳掺僻劣长宦丫搭匀筹掉懊戒乘炳鸟己载何苹顾称五拐倒陕锭六逾硼住茅氖舱垦剖译轻汹芹靡茧景朔引陶珍欢筑依酸钝舜媚骆岛戴咎蒜吐雾糖小铆妹添凸针踞朝式为焉垄斤殴盒球卒锈搪荧翱硼自础茸怂辟颇磐限烟贫栓匈悠两擂骋在遍陀枢协心肥抖贫辉谓鄂涡闯蹬迸膜瞒立栈畜烙荷朗捍筒坑钨镰岸浪湃瓷爷侄险箕汪盂衫翅狰署包后媒般颐浸令乒拢辣幽畜填绵靛内喂栗萤挝瀑得捧讽巷各奈周菲掇欣骗益共肋灸基杉荷巾舌咏淖椿魂滔摘实炳撵省垃吗烧亦跨


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