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1、精品文档七年级下册Unitl总结一短语1. play the guitar 弹吉他2. s ing a song for sb 为某人唱首歌3. go swimming 去游泳4. danee to music跟随音乐跳舞5. draw a picture 画画6. play chess with sb与某人下象棋7. speak English 讲英语8. join the story telling club加入讲故事俱乐部9. be good at = do well in 擅长于.10. tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事11. write to sb 写信给12. sh

2、ow sb sth = show sth to sb 向某人展示某物13. talk to/with sb 与谈话/讲话14. tell sb a story给某人讲故事15. do kung fu 表演功夫16. play the drums 敲鼓17. play the piano 弹钢琴18. play the violin 拉小提琴19. get home 至傢 go home 回家stay at home 呆在家里20. be good with 善于应付 . ;对 .有办法be good at sth 擅长于做某事be good for 对 .有好处;对 .有益21. make s

3、b do sth 使某人做某事22. make me sad 使我难过23. make friends with sb 与某人交朋友24. help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人with the help of sb = with one s help在某人的帮助下can t help doing sth忍不住/禁不住做help oneself to + 食物;随便吃 /喝 .25.in the center of the city 在市中心26.on the weekend 在周末 on weekends 在周末27. teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事teach

4、 oneself 自学teach sb sth 教某人某事28. teachers wanted 招聘教师29.in the school music club 在学校音乐俱乐部二句子1. What club do you want to join ?I want to join the swimming club.2. Can you sing songs for us ? Yes,I can ./No,I can3. What sports can you play ?4. You re very good at telling stories.5.I like to talk and p

5、lay games with people.6. Can you play the piano or the violin ?for7. We need you to help with sports English-speaking students.8. The school needs help to teach music.9. Then you can be in our school music festival.10. What can you do ?11. Are you good with old people ?Unit2一.短语1. get up 起床,站起 get u

6、p early 早起2. get dressed穿上衣服get dressed in + 颜色 / 衣服dress on eself自己穿衣服3. brush teeth 刷牙 tooth brush 牙刷4. take a shower = have a shower 洗澡5. have a good job 有一份好工作6. work at a radio stati on 在广播电台工作7. six o clock点钟8. at night在晚上9. take exercise = do exercise 锻炼do morning exercises 做早操do eye exercise

7、s 做眼操10. on the weeke nd /on weeke nds 在周末 a group of young people 一群年轻人in our group 在我们小组11. Two hours and a half 两个半小时=two and a half hourshalf an hour 半小时12. half of the stude nts 半的学生13 .a quarter past six 6:15half past six 6:30a quarter to eight 7:4514 do one s homewor做作业15. clean the room 打扫房间

8、16. take a walk = go for a work 去散步17. either. or 或者 .或者18. a lot of = lots of 许多,大量、19. taste good 尝起来好20. have a happy life 过着幸福生活21. eat breakfast = have breakfast 吃晚饭22. my best friend 我最好的朋友23. go to bed 去睡觉24. go home 回家 get home 到家25. have time to do sth 有时间做某事26. play basketball for half an

9、hour 打半小时篮球27. eat a good breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早饭28. healthy and unhealthy habits 健康和不健康的习惯 二句子1. What time do you go to school ?I usually go to school at half past six.2. When do you usually take a shower ?精品文档旦二 paipunq om片 UO!2JS Xe/vqns。屮 -辛星丰 jooj uo ds o; 06= ds o; 乙 步弘/坐 JBO nq/EO e 8Aup 询彌坐 Xe/vq

10、ns nq/ Xe/vqns ei|j 步銀啓坐snq nq/ snq。屮羽印 步”坐 uiej; Xq/ uiej; eq; l 蚩蛋一noj jsed j|eq ;e |ooqos iuojj aiuoq 用6 uayo | oi poo6 S8;se; Ji 川日ei|oj poo6 ;ou s i! smou” aqs e ipun| oj S8|qe;868A pue jinjj jo s;o| sjea 8qs 8A|8/v; ;yg saiueB 叩diuoo Xe|do / qo;e/v。屮!。6uiu8A8。屮 u| /App!nbX|ensn | os jseeajqoj

11、8iui; qonuj e/Eq uop9 c ”om o; 06 jjoos saop U8q/9 ”0M0j 3)e|8A8U LU |e8jqoj diui) Auunj e s 冋丄 Ajjoj xis ;e j8/voqs e 羽印 X|ensn |hundreds of 数以百计的5. five minu tes w走着五分钟的路程6. haw far 多远7. every day/week/year.每天 /周 /年8. drive to sp.=go to sp by car . 开车去.9.live in sp.住在. live with sb. 与生活在一起10. thin

12、k of. 认为.11. stop to do sth.停下去做(另一)事.stop doing sth. 停止(正在做的 )某事.12. go across the bridge =cross the bridge 穿过这座桥 13.in a small village. 在一个小村子 .14.over the bridge. 在桥上 (正上方)15.be afraid of sb/sth. 害怕某人 /某物be afraid to do sth. 害怕某做某事be afraid of doing sth. 害怕/担心做 .16.leave for sp. 动身前往 .,离开去 .17. h

13、ave a dream of.做梦.dream of/about. 做梦 .18. came true 实现,成为现实19. go on a ropeway .乘坐索道20. betwee n.a nd.在.与 .之间二.句子.I. How do you get to school?I get to school by bus./l take the bus to school.2.It takes me half an hour to finish my homework.(It takes sb+ 时间 +to do sth).3. How long does it take to get

14、 to school?It takes about thirty minu tes.4. How far is it from your home to school?It s about ten kilometers.5m not sure.6. The bus ride takes about 20minu tes.7. Have a good day at school.8. Lucy lives about five kilometers away from school.9. He n eeds an hour to get to school.10. What do you thi

15、 nk of the trip ?=How do you like the trip ?II. Do you walk or ride a bike ?12. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.13. He s like a father to me.14.I hope your dream can come true.Unit4总结1. school rules .校规2. arrive at/in=get to=reach 到达 .(be) on time 准时. (be)in time 及时3.in t

16、he hallways. 在走廊4.in the dining hall 在餐厅5.listen to 听 .6. fight with sb=have a fight with sb与 .打架7. be sorry to do sth . 做某事很抱歉 .8. eat outside 在外面吃9. wear a school uniform. 穿校服10. bring sth to sp. 把带到 .11. keep quiet 保持安静12. go out 外出13. practice doing sth 练习做某事14. do the dishes=wash the dishes 洗餐具

17、 .15. before dinner.晚饭前 after diner 晚饭后16. make the/one s be铺床.17. a dirty kitchen. 脏的厨房 .18. be noisy .吵闹的19. relax oneself 放松某人自己 .20. read books=read a book. 读书.21. feel happy 感觉快乐22. be strict with sb. 对某人严格be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格23. remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过了某事24. fo

18、llow the rules 遵守规则26. good luck to you.祝你好运.27. keep the hair short . 留短发.28earn to do sth.学习做某事29.arrive late for class 上课迟到30.on school days 在上学日 .on school nights 在上学日的晚上31. make breakfast =cook breakfast 做早饭.32. every Saturday 每周六33. have to 不得不.34. two many rules 太多规则35. get sth for sb =get sb

19、 sth 为某人取某物 .36. go to the kitchen 去厨房.二.句子.1. Dont arrive late for class,you must be on time.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Donteat in the classroom ,you must eat in the dining hall.4. Dont run in the hallways.5. What other rules do you have ?6. What are the rules?7. We have to be quiet in the libr

20、ary.8. What do you have to do ?9. Does he have to wear a uniform? Yes,he does.10. My dad says I can t play basketball after school.11must read a book before I can watch TV .12know how you feel.13. They make rules to help us.Unit5.一 短语1. a beautiful giraffe. 一只美丽的长颈鹿2. kind of scary .有点吓人.3.in Austra

21、lia在澳大利亚.4.in south Africa 在南非5. have a pet =keep a pet dog.养一只宠物狗keep a dog as a pet=keep a pet dog养一只宠物狗.6. fall asleep.入睡7. be frie ndly to sb=be kind to sb 对某人友好8. save one s l挽救某人生命9. the symbol of的象征10. the nati onal flag.国旗11. forget to do sth 忘记做某事12. forget doing sth 忘记做过了某事13. get lost 迷路1

22、4. water the flowers 浇花15. be in danger. 处于危险之中be out of danger 摆脱危险16. cut down 砍到17.Over = more than. 超过,多于 .18. be made of 由 .制成(能看出材料) be make from 由 .制成(看不出材料)19. my favorite animal. 我最喜欢的动物 .20. all day .整天 . 全天.21. come from =be from 来自于 .22. at least 至少23. one of +名词复数 . .之一24. walk for a lo

23、ng time. 走很久 / 很长时间 .二.句子.1. Why do you like pandas ?Because they are very cute.2. Let s sethee pandas first.3. He can walk on two legs.4. Why dont you like the cat?5. Where do they come from ? =Where are they from ?They come from China =They are from China.6.I like giraffes because they are kind of

24、 in teresti ng.7. What animals do you like ?8. This is a symbol of good luck.9. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.Unit6.总结一 短语1. read a newspaper.读报,看报纸.2. use sth to do sth使用做3. make chicken soup 做鸡汤4. wash clothes 洗衣服5. go to the movies.看电影.(=see a film)6. eat out出去吃饭.7. drink

25、some tea .喝茶8. the day after tomorrow.后天9.in the swimming pool.在游泳池10.in/at the supermarket 在超市11. boat races .龙舟赛12. study for a test .为测验而学习13. the United States of America 美国=the USA14. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节15. any other+n (单)任何其他的 .16. taste delicious 尝起来美味的17. wish to do sth 希望做某事 .wish sb t

26、o do sth . 希望某人做某事18. talk on the phone 打电话 .(to/with sb )19.listen to a CD. 听 CD20. tomorrow evening. 明天晚上 .21. host family 寄宿家庭 /房东22. make zon gzi.包粽子二.句子.1. What are you doing ?I m listening to a CD.2. What is he doing ? Hes talking on the phone.3. Are they using the computer ?Yes,they are.No,th

27、ey aren t. They are exercising.4. Do you want to go to a movie ?That sounds good.5. Do you want to join me for dinner ?Yes,I d love to.clock.6. What time is it?=W hat s the time? Its 8 o7. He is living with an American family in New Y ork.8.So it is like any other night for Zhu Hui.9. Zhu Hui misses

28、 his family and wishes to have delicious zon gzi.10. There is still no place like home.Unit7.总结一 短语I. on a rainy day. 在一个多雨的日子.rain heavily 雨下得大2. a stron g/heavy wind. 场强 / 大风3.on a sunny morning.在一个晴朗的下午4. good/bad weather.好 / 坏天气5. cook dinner for sb .为某人做晚饭6.in/at the park.在公园7. take a message f

29、or sb 为某人稍口信leave a message for sb为某人留口信.8. call sb back.给某人回电话9. solve the problem 解决难题work out the problem 算出难题10. No problem.没问题.II. again and again. 次又一次的,再三的,反复的.12. visit sb/sp 拜访/参观.13. summer vacation 暑假winter vacation 寒假.14. drink some apple juice 喝一些苹果汁 .15. be on vacation 去度假16. go on vac

30、ation.去度假.go for a holiday.17. work hard . 努力工作 . study hard. 努力学习 .18. go to the mountains 去山里 climb the mountains. 爬山19. all over the country 全国many countries. 许多的国家in the country 在乡下=in the countryside.20. go skating 去滑冰 .21.in winter 在冬天 .在冬季22.make a snowman 堆雪人 .23.in the rainy weather . 在阴雨天气

31、 .24. sound like 听起来像是 .25.right now = at the moment 此刻,现在.26. talk on the phone for three hours. 打三小时电话 .27. the answer to a question. 问题的答案 .28. have a good time doing =have fun doing. 愉快做某事 .29. go to summer school 去上夏季的学校 .30. some of my friends.我朋友中的一些.31. right for sth/doing sth.适合.32. take a

32、photo of a snowman. 拍雪人的照片.二句子1. How s the weather in Beijing?=What s therweathlike in Beiji ng?It s suntoyoudy/windy/snowy/cold/hot/warm.2. How is it going ?Not bad/great/pretty good/terrible.3.So unds like you are hav ing a good time.4. Can I take a message for him?5. Could you just tell him to ca

33、ll me back?6.1 m having a great tina visiting my aunt in Canada.7 m so happy to see them aga in.8.1 m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice .9. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.10t s hot in your country now isn t?it11. May I speak to Mary , please?Unit8.一.短语1.in the post of

34、fice.在邮局.2. go to the police station.去警局3. across from the hotel. 在旅馆对面4. next to the bank 挨着银行5. Western restaurants 西餐馆6.in the hospital. 在医院 .7.on the street 在大街上 .in the neighborhood. 在附近,在这个小区 /街区8. near here=around here =in the neighborhood 在附近9. across from. 在.对面10.in front of 在 .前面(外部的) . in

35、 the front of 在 .前面(内部的) .11.in a small town 在一个小镇 .12. travel around the world 周游世界 look around 四处看 .walk around 到处走13.in the north of China 在中国北方 .=in the northern part of China14. go along/down the street . 沿着这条街走 . =walk along/down the street.15. turn left/right 向左转 /向右转 .on the left/right 在左 /右

36、边16. spend time doing sth 花费时间做某事17. climb the mountains 爬山 .18. enjoy the sunshine 享受阳光19. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 .20. enjoy reading 喜欢阅读 .21. make money( by doing ) (通过做 .)挣钱 .22. be far from sp 离 .远.23. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事24.on page 43.在 43 页 .25. watch sb doing sth . 观看某人正在做 .watch sb do

37、sth 观看某人做 .二.句子.1.Is there a post office near here ?Yes,there is. It s on center street.2. The restaurant is in front of the bank.3. Excuse me, where s the hotel?Go along the street and it is on your right.4. Turn left at the first crossing.=Take the first crossing on the left.5.I have to watch the

38、monkeys climbing around .6. They look like my friends and me when we are fighting.7. To get to the park,you just have to cross center street.8.I live in a no isy n eighborhood.9. Whe n I read books,time goes quickly.10. Joh n thinks the best thi ngs do not n eed mon ey.Unit9.总结一 短语1. have curly blon

39、de hair.留着金黄色的的卷发.2. have short straight hair 留着短的直发3. be of medium height 中等身高be of medium build 中等身材/体形4. a thin actress 一个瘦的女演员5. a little heavy有点重6. go to the cinema 去电影院7. wear glasses 戴眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜8. a handsome actor 一个英俊的演员.9.open your mouth.张开嘴10. a round face 一张圆脸11. each of th

40、em/you/us.他们/你们/我们中的每个人 12.on one s way to在某人去.的路上.on my way home 在我回家的路上13. the way to.去的路by the way 顺便说一下14. describe this person .描述这个人.15. another one 另一个 .16.in the end 最后=at last=finally.17. wear a pair of jeans 穿一条牛仔裤 .18. at the end of 在.尽头/结尾.by the end of 到.为止19.look like 看起来像look the same

41、 看起来一样20.see you later 再见.21.in the same way.以同样的方式.二.句子.1. What does he look like ?He is short and thin and he has a round face.2.Is David tall or short ?3. Are you going to the movie tonight ?4. He isn t tall or short .5. He has no pens and no pencils.=he has no pens or pencils.6. He has brown hai

42、r and wears glasses.7. They tell him what the criminal looks like.8. Many people dontalways see things in the same way.So they may describe the same person differently.Unit10.总结一短语.1. beef and tomato noodles.牛肉西红柿面.mutt on and cabbage no odles 羊肉卷心菜面2. a special day 一个特别的日子.3. would like sth 想要.woul

43、d like to do sth.想要做某事.would like sb to do sth.想要某人做某事.4 m not sure yet我还不确定5. a large bowl of porridge. 一大碗粥.6. take one s ord点菜.order sb to do sth.命令某人做某事.order sth for sb=order sb sth. 为某人订购.7. what size多大尺寸8. a kilo of meat 一公斤肉9.in the world 在世界上all over the world 全世界around the world 世界各地.10. a

44、n swer the questi on.回答问题the answer to this question 问题的答案.11. be different from.与.不同12. a birthday cake. 一块生日蛋糕13. at the age of 6. 在六岁时 .14. blow out the candles . 吹灭蜡烛15. make a wish 许愿16. eat candies/candy 吃糖get popular.受欢迎.be popular with sb 受到.的喜爱 .17. cut up 切碎. cut it/them up.18. bring good

45、luck to sb. 给某人带来好运19.in the beef soup 在牛肉汤里 .2O.the number of .的数量(谓v用单数)21.in different countries. 在不同的国家 .22.in one go 一口气23. a symbol of .的象征.24. be short of. 短缺 .缺乏二.句子.1. what would you like ?I d like some beef noodles.2. What kind of noodles would you like?3. What size would you like?4. May I

46、 take /have your order ?5. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?6. The answer would be different in different countries.7. The nu mber of can dies is the pers on s age.8f she blows out all the can dies in one go,the wish will come true.9n China,it is getting popular to have a cake on your birthday.10. They never cut u


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