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1、精品文档Unit 11. si ng (动词,唱歌)-s in ger (名词,歌唱家)2. swim (动词,游泳)-swimmers (名词,游泳者)3. danee (动词,跳舞)-dancer (名词,舞蹈家)4. Piano(名词,钢琴)一painist (名词,钢琴家)5. Violin (名词,小提琴)-violinist (名词,小提琴家)27.Music (名词,音乐)-musician (名词,音乐家) Play与表示棋类、体育活动的名词连用时,中间不用任何冠词。表示弹奏乐器时,乐器的 名词前加the1. play the guitar 弹吉他 2.play the pia

2、 no 弹钢琴3.play chess 下国际象棋 4.play baseball 打棒球 Play作玩耍时常用作不及物动词,play with则相当于及物动词,后面跟宾语,表示“以自娱”1. D on play with fire/water.(不要玩火 / 水)2. The children are playing by the lake.孩子们正在湖边玩) Play a part in意思为“参与某事;在方面起作用”后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式。1. Everyo ne should play a part in savi ng the earth每个人都应该参与到拯救地球的行列中去

3、 ) 动词play作“演奏曲子”;“扮演”,女口1. He often plays some light music for me.(他经常给我演奏一些轻音乐)2. We have to play the same piece aga in and aga in every day.(我们不得不每天演奏同一首乐曲)3. He played Lu Xun in the film.(他在电影中扮演鲁迅) Play a role in意思是“在中发挥作用/扮演角色”1. Whe n people watch the show,they usually play a role in decid ing

4、 the winner.(当人们观看表演时,他们通常发挥决定冠军的作用)2. Fa n Bingbing plays an importa nt role in the film.范冰冰在这部电影中扮演一个重要的角色Talk说话;谈话talk to/talk with sb.与某人交谈; Talk about sth谈论某事1. Don talk to me,lm busy.2. I like to talk to/with him.3. He is talking with his friends about their homework.say强调说的内容say+具体说话内容(Please

5、 say it in English.请用央语来说它 )1. What do you wa nt to say ?2. Please say it in English.3.She says,”China is great. ”Speak说某种语言的能力或方 式speak+某种语言“讲各种语言”1.1 can speak Chinese and a little English (我会说汉语和一点英语 )2. May I speak toLucy?(我可以和 Lucy 通话吗?)3. Who will speakat the meet in g?谁将在会上发言?)4. The baby is

6、too you ng tospeak(这个婴儿太小不会说话)1.tell sb.sth.=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事My teacher often tells us some interesting stories= My teacher often tells some interesting storiesto us.Tell告诉2. tell sb (not)to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事” Tell him (not) to close the door.3. tell sb.about sth告诉某人关于某事. Pleasetell us about you

7、r school.tell a story/tell stories 讲故事4. You are good attelli ng stories.5. tell(sb.) a lie/lies.(对某人)撒谎 Don t tell lies别撒谎!辨析:Join 与 take part inJoin加入某一组 织,成为其中 一员其后还可以接表 示人的名词或代 词Join the party Join the league Join the armyJoin the clubtake part in参加会议或群 众性活动强调句子主语参 加该项活动,并 在其中发挥作用Take part in th

8、e meet ingTake part in the Olympic Gamesl(参加奥林匹克运动)俱乐部名称的写法:ihe swimming club the dancing club the singing club joirV-the music club art club/the English club Ihe chess club sports club basketball/tennis/golfjoin的拓展和某些人(1). join sb.加入某些人屮, 共同做事心Come and join us.来加入到我们中吧。 (2)join sb. in sth:加入到某人的活动中

9、外 She likes to join us in the game. 她喜欢加入至i我们的游戏中.Would you like to join us in a walk?你愿意和我们一块散步吗?j .be good a.=do well in.擅长.Eg:1 .I am good at play ing computer games.=I do well in play ing computer games. .be good for “对有益” 反义词 be bad for “对有害” Eg:Running is good for your health. “跑步有益于你的健康” .tel

10、l a story/tell stories “讲故事” .Write to sb. “给某人写信” .Show sb sth=show sth to sb. “ 給某人看某物” .Be good with “善于应付 的”Eg: She is good with chi ndren. .Made friends with sb.与人交朋友“ .Help sb. with sth “在某方面帮助某人”=help sb. to do sth. .on the weeke nd 在周末 .Teach sb. to do sth教某人去做某事 .Need做实意动词,其后应接to do形式,但当情态动

11、词讲时,其后应接 动词原形Eg: 1. She n eeds to buy a pen 时义)2. He n eed go to school now!情态)n eed n。t在回答情态动词need所引导的一般疑问句中,做肯定回答,常用must做否定回答则用Eg: Need I do it now?Yes, you must.No, you needn t. like to+ 动词原形(I like to play basketball.)like v.i ngWhat soprts can you play你会做什么运动?Join the soccer club参加足球社团You re very good at telling stories你很善长讲故事


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