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1、精品文档Un it11名词:cow奶牛flower 花painting油画;绘画horse 马sun太阳robot机器人farmer农民museum博物馆guide导游;向导countryside乡村;农村fire火;火灾gift礼物;赠品动词:milk挤奶pick采;摘grow种植;生长;发育feed喂养;饲养hear听到;听见形容词:lovely可爱的slow缓慢的;迟缓的excellent极好的;优秀的expensive昂贵的in terested感兴趣的exciting使人兴奋动物;令人激cheap廉价的;便宜的dark黑暗的;昏暗的动的副词:quite相当;完全yesterday 昨

2、天luckily幸运地;好运地代词:anything任何东西;任何事物everything所有事物;一切兼类词:farm n农场v务农;种田worry v&n担心;担忧fast adv&adj 快地(的)短语:milk a cow给奶牛挤奶all in all总的说来ride a horse 骑马be interested in 对感兴趣feed chicken 喂鸡go for a walk = takea walk去散步quite a lot (of)许多go on a trip = have a trip 参加旅行in the countryside 在乡下; 在农村in the dar

3、k在黑暗中fire station 消防站come out (太阳、星星、月亮)出现;露出;出版知识点:1、milk牛奶(名词milk挤奶(动词)rain雨(名词)宀 rain下雨(动词)water水(名词)宀 water浇水(动词)plant植物(名词) t plant种植(动词)2、feed喂养;饲养Can you help me feed my dog ?你能帮我喂狗吗?(1) feedto 把喂给You can feed nuts to the mon key .你可以把坚果喂给这个猴子吃。(2) feed ( on) 用喂You can feed the monkey (on) nu

4、ts.你可以用坚果喂猴子。(3) feed on以为食;以为生Cows feed on grass.奶牛以草为食。3、不定代词:(1) 做主语时谓语动词用单数(2) 形容词修饰时放在后面 something某物;某事 用于肯定句Somethi ng is differe nt. 些事不同了。 anything任何东西;任何事物用于否定句和疑问句Is there anything special in the room ?房间里有什么特别的东西吗? everything 所有事物;一切Everythi ng is OK. 一切都很好。4、grow种植;生长;发育(1) 种植:We grow so

5、me strawberries in the yard.我们在院子里种了些草莓。(2) 生长;发育:In spri ng, everyth ing begi ns to grow. 春天万物复苏。(3) grow up 长大;成长: When he grows up, he wants to be a writer.当他长大,他想成为一名作家。5、learnabout学习/了解/知道的知识learn from sb 向学习Id like to learn someth ing about British history. 我想了解有关英国历史的知识。He is hard-worki ng. W

6、e should learn from him.他很努力,我们应该向他学习。6、go + V-ing类型短语go fishing 去钓鱼go camping 去野营go hiking 去远足go shopping 去购物go skating去滑冰go swimming 去游泳go skiing去滑雪7、 so much +不可数名词如此多so many + 可数名词如此多There is so much water.这有如此多的水。We have so ma ny friends here.我们在这里有如此多的朋友。8、worry about sb/sth = be worried about

7、 担心某人 /某事She worries about Jim. = She is worried about Jim. 她担心 Jim。9、( on fire 着火 make/build a fire 生火i put out a fire 灭火The tree is on fire. 这棵树着火了。10、| excited感到兴奋的修饰人修饰物exciting使人兴奋的;令人激动的He is excited.他很兴奋。The movie is excit in g.这部电影很令人兴奋。11、 go on a trip = have a trip 去旅行 go on a trip with sb

8、 和某人一起去旅行.go on a trip to + 地点 去某地旅行Do you want to go/have on a trip ?你想去旅行吗?Do you want to go on a trip with me ?你想和我一起去旅行吗?Do you want to go on a trip to London ?你想去伦敦旅行吗?12、| be interested in sth 对感兴趣L be interested in doing sth 对做某事感兴趣Tom is interested in basketball. Tom 对篮球感兴趣。Lisa is intereste

9、d in singing and dancing. Lisa 对唱歌跳舞感兴趣。13、in terested感兴趣的修饰人.interesting有趣的修饰物He is interested in music. 他对音乐感兴趣。The mivie is in terest ing. 这部电影很有趣。14、j hear sb doing sth听到某人正在做某事-hear sb do sth听见某人你做了某事/经常做某事I hear Tina singing in the classroom. 我听见 Tina 正在教室唱歌。I often hear Tina sing in the class

10、room. 我经常听见 Tina 在教室唱歌。15、notat all 点儿也不Tim does nt like dancing at all. Tim 一点也不喜欢跳舞。I dont like this book at all.我一点也不喜欢这本书。16、一般过去时知识点见具体讲义1. The T-shirt is too e. Please give me the cone.2. Do you like livi ng in the city or the c ?3. There are some fin the garde n. They are so beautiful.4. It i

11、s very din the room. I cant see anything.5. Didnt you hwhat I said ?6. My uncle is a ( farm).7. We worried it would rain on the way but ( luck) it did nt.8. My father ( grow)some flowers five years ago.9. Last week I ( ride)a horse in the park.10. It was an ( excite)day.11. The house is (着火).12. Why

12、 are you so (慢)? Hurry up !13. The (导游)explains the history of the Great Wall.14. a lot of students dont like speaking English after class.15. They (去旅行)yesterday.16. Are you(interest) in making model robots ? Yes, Its so(interest).17.I did nt(学习)robots.18.(总的说来) ,our trip was great.19.I dont like the novel(一点儿也不).20.Would you like(散步)?21.Frank(挤奶)a cow every day.22.Mary helps me(喂)my cat.23.Look ! They(摘)apples.24.My gra ndfather(去钓鱼)every Sunday25.I clea ned my room(昨天).26.Dont(担心)me.27. The rain stopped and the sun (出现)28. I often hear the girl (practice) the piano in this room.


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