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1、精品文档2.从前,有一个喜欢马的国王。,there was a king who人教版八年级下六单元 基础过关训练A根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词1. Pease提 醒)me of the con cert.2. How愚蠢的)you are! You believehim.He is a liar.3. There are some猴子)in the zoo.4. The baby weighed seve n pounds at(出5. The old man is holdi ng a small棍 )in hishan d.6. The ani mal has a long尾 巴)a

2、nd shortears.7. The woma n has bee n ill for a week.Now she looks very 虚弱的).8. The shirt d oes not适合)me. Its toolarge for me.9. The石 头)is so heavy that I can t moveit.10. Che n Yanxi缔婚;嫁给)Che n Xiao onJuly, 19, 2016.11. He(shoot)at the bird with a gun ,but hefailed to kill it.12. Liu Qia n is a famo

3、us(magic)a nd he isfamous all over Asia.13. He didn?t want his brother to find hiswallet.So he(hiel)it und er the bed.14. Which do you prefer,Chinese foodor(west)food?15. My brother was(bear) in Nanji ng in2004.16. They got(marry)ma ny years ago.同义句转换1. How do you like the movie?do youthe movie?2. T

4、he teacher seemed an gry.the teacher was angry.3. They got married three mon ths ago.Theyfor three mon ths.4. The old man lived in the countryside forover five years.The old man lived in the coun tryside forfive years.5. He is so young that he cant take care ofhimself.He isyoungtake care of himself.

5、6. The panda is kind of cute.The panda iscute.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1. 去年我第一次去了上海。Last year I went to Shanghailoved horses.3你同意我的观点吗?Do youme?4他们去年结婚了。Theylast year.5水沸腾时能变成水蒸气。Whe n water boils,it cansteam.6休息了一会,他们继续开车。After resti ng for a while,they.7他花了很长时间才写完那篇文章。him a long timethe passage.B根据句意及首字母提示

6、写出单词I.The man is sbut he thi nks he is clever.2.lf you cin the exam,you will be puni shed.3.My uncle is my aun ts h.4.She has a beautiful vand she sings verywell.5.It?s bof the man to jump into the riverand save the girl.6.The丝绸)shirt is very comfortabl e andId like to buy it.7.She spent the 部的)even

7、ing finishingthe task.8. There is a big石头)in the mid dle of thegarde n.9. Who dropped the cup on to the(地面)?10. The room is empty.There s nothing在里面).根据句意和汉语提示完成句子,每空一词1. 我太紧张了,以至于无法入睡。I was too n ervous to.2. 你妈妈要多久才回来?How soon will your mother?3. 不要吵醒那个婴儿。Don?tthe baby.4. 多好的建议啊!great advice!writi

8、ng.天气不冷的时候,我们开着窗户睡觉。Wethe winds openit iscold.人教版八年级下七单元A根据首字母和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1. The swimmi ng pool is two meters d.2. The camel is an ani mal which can live inthe d.3. The人 口 ) of China may in crease fastbecause of the two-child policy ( 政策).4. Chi na is in the east of A.5. Firefighters wear special co

9、ats andhelmets(头盔)to pthemselves from heatand falli ng ceili ngs.6. They arent in terested in moder nhistory.They are in terested in ahistory.7. The area of the patter n is about five(平方)meters.8. The cat jumped over the(墙)and wentthat I have evSiMy sister could n?t get to sleep.She wasaway.9. Lots

10、of旅行者)visit the Great Wallevery day.10. The room is about five meters(宽的).11. The snow is about six centimeters(厚的).12. His writings(包括)some poems andnovels.13.lf you dont give up,you will成功)oneday.14. We enjoy the beauty of大自然).15. They dropped their net to the floor ofthe海 洋).根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1. 这

11、所学校招收外国学生。The schoolforeig n sends.2你的房间和我的一样大。Your room ismi ne.3. 世界上最高的人是谁?Who isin the world?4. 他是中国最有名的作家之一。He is5我的苹果比你的大得多。My apple isthan yours.6. 这是我曾经看过的最有趣的电影。This issee n.7. 当你到达山顶,你会发现吸入空气很困难。Whe n you reach the top of the mountain,you?ll find it difficultair.8. 据我们所知,他是我们学校个子最高的男孩。we k

12、no w,he is thetallest boy in our school.9. 当我们到达山顶的时,空气变得更加稀薄。The air got thinnerto the topof the mountain.10. 一个主要原因就是我没有记住这些单词。idrt?at I dremember these words.B根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1. The panda lives on(竹子).2. They did some(研究)on theendan gered ani mals.3. There are some野生的)animals livingin the forest.

13、4. The local(政府)took some measures toprotect the en vir onment.5. They went to the supermarket to buysome(油)._in Cought about what she had said and stayed(醒着的)all night.7.1 want to know the(weigh)of thevegetables.still(wake).9. The boys were running in(excite).1O.He died after a long,(ill).2.He is n

14、ot as tall as Mike.(改为同义句)him.11. Wild an imals which are now in dan ger n eed Mike is.our(protect).3.The baby panda was about 15 cm l ong when1那个婴儿出生时重八磅。it was born.(改为同义句)The baby weighed eight pounds.The baby panda was about 15 cm l ong,2. 她跌倒了,摔断了腿。Sheand broke her leg.复习3.政府让我们砍倒这些树。1. Many(to

15、urist) want to go to MountThe gover nment told us to.the trees. Huang every year.4.下周将会有一场篮球比赛。2.The Yellow River is theng) river ina basketball match n ext weeChi na.5. 将来会有更多树吗?3.What a pity! Sue l ost the game because theWill there be more trees(weigh) of her shoes maob it difficult for6. 你能照顾一下我

16、的宠物狗吗 ? her to run fast.Can you,mycpetd4.1 could nt get to sleep .I was still(wake).(wide).7. 吃完蛋糕之后,他们开始跳舞。5. The garden is six meters inAfter they ate the cake,they.dance.6. The two boys come from(Asia n).8.我还需要三名助手。7.To our(excite),the boy won first placeI n eedhelpers.in the competiti on.9.有大约两百

17、只熊猫居住在这里8.They have many pets,(in clude)threehere. cats.There are 200 pan das.10. 他变得如此受欢迎,以至于许多人想和他拍9.The inven ti on of the computer is a照。great(achieve).He becameots oflpeople10.Ma ny.(n ature)materials are beco mingwan ted to take photos with him.fewer and fewer.句型转换,每空一词1.The moun tai n is about 1,243 meters highis the mountain?


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