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1、Unit 1Are you going to play basketball?本课重点的语法: 一般将来时态 be going to表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情。表示准备,打算做某事用法:be going to +V 原形例句: He is going to write aletter tonight. I am goingto play basketball.重点短语:(1) see sb do sth看见某人做了某事(强调看见动作的全过程)see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(强调看见动作正在进行的一部分)例句I often see Tom play basketball o

2、n the playground.我经常看见汤姆在操场上打篮球I saw Tom playing basketball on the playground yesterday.我昨天看见汤姆正在操场上打篮球。类似的词还有:hear, watch , almost副词adv.意为“几乎,差不 多”用法:放在be动词前,动词之后。例句:Supper is most ready.晚饭就要好了。I most fell off my bike.我几乎从自行车上摔下来。cheer sb. on为某人喝彩例句:I cheer him on.我为他喝彩。play against 与? ?抗衡 / 我们反对战争

3、。We play against the red team.(4) against 介词 pre. 对着,反对 较量例句: We are against the war.例句: His brother prefers English to math.I prefer play basketball to play football.(例句:Both Yaoming and Yijianlian play basketball in the NBA.(对)Both Yaoming and Yijianlian plays basketball in the NBA.(错)他的哥哥喜欢英语而不喜欢

4、数学。注意此时是用原形)(6) both ? ? and? ?两个都;即? ?又? ?(后面的谓语动词用复数形式)用法:prefer+Ving/名词/代词 例句:I prefer playing basketball.我更喜欢打篮球。I prefer the white dog.我更喜欢这只白狗。I prefer it.我更喜欢它。我们与红队较量(5) prefer 较喜欢,更喜欢;词组:prefer ? ? to喜欢? ?不喜欢? ?(7)dream of/about梦见注意of/about是介词,后面的动词要加ing例句:Last night I dreamed of flying in

5、the sky.(8) give up+Ving/ 名词/代词意为“放弃”例句:He gives up smoking.I don t give up English.Don tgive it up.注意代词放中间(9) 感叹句 What + a + 感情色彩的名词!例句: What a pity!=What a shame!多有趣啊!(10) take part in参加,加入join 参加,加入 take part in指加入比赛或者活动join般指加入??组织1例句: She took part in running.她参加跑步运动。他在1995年参军。花费时间在某事上/花费时间在He

6、joined the army in 1995.(11) spend+时间 on sth /(in ) doing sth 做某事上例句:He spent one hour on the book.He spent two hours (in) doing his homework.(12) exercise 作:动词,名词 (不可数), 例句: She dose morning exercise every day.(作动词)锻炼作名词)She exercises every day.(13) be good at+doing sth / 例句: I am good at English.名

7、词=do well in擅长做某事He is good at playing baskerball.(14) be good for 对? ?有益,有好处be bad for 对? ?有害,不好例句: Exercise is good for your health.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. 同类的词组还有: be good to sb 对某人好 例句: The English teacher is good to us.(15) keep fit = keep healthy保持健康health (健康,名词)healthy healt

8、hily(健康的,形容词)(健康地,副词)放松 词组: relax oneself(16) relax例句: Stop and relax yourself.大地方 小地方 到达某地 到达某地(17) arrive in + arrive at + get to + 地点 reach+ 地点上述词后跟(village介词。后面无地点时用be bad to sb使自己放松(北京,小村庄? ?)对某人不好上海,厦门,美国 ? ?)home, here, there, back arrive 。时,都不用(18) excited激动的,兴奋的,用来修饰人exciting令人激动的,使人兴奋的,用来修

9、饰物区别: We are excited to hear the good news.听到这个好消息我们很兴奋。It is an exciting story.这是个令人兴奋的故事。类似的词还有:interested 和 interestingbored 和 boring tired 和 tiring动身前往某地 leave for Shanghai动身前往上海离开某地去某地(19) leave for sp.leave sp. for. sp京去上海(20) for +一段的时间的时间)(21) all over the worldleave Beijing for ShanghaiStay

10、 for two weeks.(离开北两星期是一段全世界(22) hope to do sth(希望做什么)hope + 句子(希望的事情,实现的可能性大)wish sb sth(希望某人某事)wish sb to do sth(希望某人干什么)wish+句子(希望的事情,实现的可能性小表虚拟语气)I hope to become/ be a teacher.I hope he will become a teacher.I wish you good luck.I wish I were a bird.I wish him to become/ be a teacher.#单项选择1. Sh

11、e prefersbasketball.A. playB. to playingC. playingD. plays2. do you play sports?Once a week.A. How longB.How oftenC. How manyD.How much3. makes your body strong.A. RuningB.RunningC. To runD. Runner4. more sports and you cannext year.A. Do, be healthB. Doing, healthC. Do, be healthyD. Doing, healthy5

12、. They areBeijing tomorrow.A. leave forB. will leave forC. leaving forD. going to leaving for6. He will be backfour days.A. afterB. inC. fromD. to7. Lily _ the long jump, and she jumped very far.A. joinB. joinedC. takes part inD. took part in8. Cycling can make your body_ .A. strongB. stronglyC. be

13、strongD. to be strongtlate.D. to go shopping9. He will _ Beijing tomorrow morning, if the train isnA. reached B. get C. arrive atD. arrive in10. I am good atbasketball.A. to play B. play C.playing D. to playing11. Annmountains tomorrow morning.A. is climbing B. climbC. is going to climb D. climbs12.

14、 I saw Tom oftenwith his father during the summer.A. swims B. swam C. swim D. swimming13. Running is a good wayfit .A. keeps B. to keep C. keeping D. kept14. He preferson the weekend.A . go shopping B. going shop C. going shopping15. my fathermother are wokers.A. All; of B. Both; andC. Either; of D.

15、 Neither; norTopic 2 Would you mind passing me some water本课重点语法:I.Would you mind doing ? ? ?你介意? ?吗?请你? ?好吗?其否定形式为:Would you mind not doing ? ? ?2. V6uld you mind if + 从句?如果? ?你介意吗?回答时可以用:用yes或者no回答例如:No, not at all. / Certainly not. / Of course not.不介意,当然可以。I am sorry, but ? ? 对不起,但是? ?Yes, you d b

16、etter not.是的,你最好不要。例句: Would you mind opening windows ? 你介意打开窗户吗?Would you mind my opening windows?你介意我打开窗户吗?Would you mind if I open windows?如果我打开窗户,你介意吗?3. Could you please + V 原型? = Would you please + V 原型?请你? ?好 吗?例句: Could you please give me some water ?请你给我些水好吗?Sure. / Of course.好啊,当然可以。重点短语:(

17、1) do sb. a favor = help sb.= give sb. a hand帮助某人(2) one of ? ? 意为“ ? ?中的一个”后面接可数名词的复数,但谓语动词用单数。例句:One of the girls is my sister.这些女孩中的其中一个是我的妹妹fall ill生病(4) be glad to do st . J 乐意做某事例句:I am glad to help you.我很乐意帮助你。(5) practice 练习用法: practice sth/ doing sth/代词例句: You can practice speaking English

18、every day.(6) be late 迟到 例句:I am late. He/She is late./ You are late.be late for 做? ?迟到例句:I am late for school.我上学迟到了。(7) manage管理,经营,处理用法:manage sb./ sth.例句:She manages the hotel well.她把旅馆管理得井井有条。Manage to do sth.设法做成某事例句: She manages to climb the mountain.她设法爬上这座山。(8) need v.需要情态动词时,无人称和数的变化,意为“必须

19、”后面跟V原型用法:need to do sth. 需要做某事need sth. 需要某物例句:He needs some help.他需要一些的帮助。(做动词)注意不要弄混淆He need finish the homework.他必须要完成家庭作业。(做情态动词)(9) do one s best to do sth.= try one s best to dosth. 努力去做某事例句: I will do/try my best to study English.信任某人我相信他的话,但是我不信任他(10) believe sb.相信某人(所说的话)believe in sb.例句:

20、I believe him, but I can not believe in him.(11) keep doing sth.坚持做某事 keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事keep on doing sth.继续干某事(12) be angry with sb.生某人的气例句:Don t be angry with others.不要总是对别人生气。s help 在某人的帮助下(13) with the help of sb.= with one例句:With the help of the teacher, he did better.= With teacher s

21、help, he did better.(14) be sure(that ) + 从句 意为:确信be sure to do sth.确信要做某事be sure about sth.对某事确信例句:I am sure that you can do well in the middle exam.I am sure to finish the task.I am not sure about the answer.(15) turn down把? ?调小turn up把? ?调大 turn on/off 打开 / 关闭(16) hear sb. do sth听见某人做某事hear sb. d

22、oing sth听见某人正在做某事(17) be important to sb.对某人是重要的(18) busy adj. 忙碌的用法: be busy with sth.be busy doing sth.(19) enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事例句: He joins reading very much.他非常喜欢读书。(20) have a history of +时间段表示有多长的历史例句: China has a history of more than 5000 years.(21) a 15-year-old girl一个15岁的女孩 (注意 year 没有加 S)

23、(22) 系动词有 get, turn, make, sound, 这些系动词的后面跟形容词get tired/hungry感至U疲劳 / 变饿 turn green 变绿make strong 变的强壮sound interesting听起来很有趣(23) instead of 代替? ?例句: Let s stay at home watching TV instead of going tothe movie. (24) have fun =enjoy oneself =have a good time玩得高兴,玩得愉快have great fun doing sth.非常快乐的做某事相

24、关联系,单项选择1. Would you mind if I shut(关)the door?A . Yes, please.B.Ok. Do as you likeC. That s all right.D. Ofcourse not. Do please.2. Do you mindup the music?A. to turn B. turning C. turn D to turning3. Learning English well is importantyou .A . for B. to C. of D. with4. Would you mind ifmy bike here

25、?AputB. I putting C. me put D. my putting5. Your MP4 is nice. Where did you buy? I want to buy.A one, one B it, itC it , one D. one, it6. Ann is onlygirl, but she can speak English well.A . 8 years- oldB. a 8 years oldC. an 8 year- oldD.8 years old7. Li Ping did not go shopping. He went skating.A. o

26、f instead B instead ofC instead D take the place8. Do you mindthe window ?A. I close B. I closingC. me close D . my closing9. I want to be a basketball player. So I enjoybasketball every day.D playing theA. practice to play B. play the C. practicing playing10. Could you please me around ?Sure.A. to

27、followB. followC. followingD followed9D. By11. the help of mother, I can cook (煮饭). A Under B Using C. WithTopic 3 Which sport will you take part in?1.1 am ready for the long jump.我为跳远做好了准备。be ready for+ 活动,表示 “为? ? 准备好了 ”。如:We are ready for the next exam.我们为下次的考试做好了准备。【拓展】(1)be ready for sth. 表示 “为

28、? ? 准备好”。如:Id just been ready for tea when they called.他们打电话时,我刚刚把茶准备好。(2) be ready to do sth. 表示“准备好做某事”。如:We were all ready to spend the holiday.我们都为度假做好准备了。2. Its my first time to take part in the high jump.这是我第一次参加跳高比赛。Its ones first time to do sth. =Its the first time for sb. to do sth表.示“某人第一次

29、做某事”。如:Its Marys first time to see the cute pandas. =Its the first time for Mary tosee the cute pandas.这是玛丽第一次看到可爱的大熊猫。3. Maybe Michael will make many friends during the sports meet.也许迈克尔在运动会期间会交许多朋友。(1) make friends with sb 与.某人交朋友。如:Would you like to make friends with me?你愿意和我交朋友吗?(2) maybe adv .也

30、许,可能,大概。如:maybe 与 may bemaybe adv ,.意为“可能,也许,大概”,在句中作状语,通常置于句首,也可放在动词之前。may be分开来写则是“情态动词+动词原形”的形式,意为“可能是,也许是 ”。其中be还可换成其他的动词原形出现于情态动词may后。试比较:Maybe he is eighteen.=He may be eighteen.他可能十八岁了。11.那本书可能在书桌里Maybe the book is in the desk. =The book may be in the deskMaybe you have a good chance. =You ma

31、y have a good chance或.许你有一个好机会。4. When shall we meet?我们什么时候见面?(1)shall同I和we连用,表示 “将来,将要,将会 ”,后接动词原形。如:At this time next week I shall be in Scotland.下周这个时候我就在苏格兰了。(2) 否定 shall not=shant,过去式 should。如:We shant go there.我们不去那儿。I said that I should be pleased to help我.说过我乐意帮忙。(3) 在疑问句中和I / we连用,表示提出或征求意见

32、。如:Shall I send you the book?我把书给你寄去,好不好?What shall we do this weekend?这个周末我们要做什么呢?5. Congratulations! 祝贺你!congratulation n.祝贺、恭贺、贺词用于向某人表示祝贺,复数为congratulations 。如:we are getting married!我们要结婚了 !Congratulations!祝贺你们!Congratulations on your exam results!祝贺你取得好的成绩!【拓展】congratulate v.祝贺,道贺congratulate

33、sb. (on sth向.)某人道贺如:I congratulated them on their results.我为他们取得的成绩向他们表示祝贺。6. Im so excited.我太兴奋了。There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon今.天下午还有一场令人激动的接力赛。(1) excited adj.,意为 “激动的,对 ? ? 感到兴奋”,主语通常是人。如:7The children were excited about opening their presents孩.子们对打开礼物感至U兴奋不已。(2) exciti

34、ng adj.,意为“令人兴奋的”,主语通常是物,类似的词还有:interested和 interesting , tired 和 tiring 等。如:They waited and waited for something exciting to happen他.们等啊等啊,等待着激动人心的事情发生。It is an exciting match.这是一场令人激动的比赛。7. This encourages me a lot.这次对我的鼓励很大。encourage v. 鼓励。常用词组 encourage sb. to do sth 鼓.励某人做某事。如:Our English teach

35、er often encourages us to study well.我们的英语老师常常鼓励我们好好学习。8. The Peoples Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952.中华人民共和国第一次参加奥林匹克运动会是在1952年。(1) the Peoples Republic of China.中华人民共和国。缩略形式为PRC。(2) for the first time第一次。类似的短语有:for the second time第二次;for the last time最后一次。如:I

36、n 1984 , she look part in the Olympics for the second time.1984年,她第二次参加奥运会。In 2012 , he will take part in the Olympics for the last time.2012年他将最后一次参加奥运会。9. Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for China in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.许海峰在1984年洛杉矶奥运会上为中国夺得第一枚金牌。win v.获胜,赢;n. winner 获胜者,过去式 won,现在分词

37、 winning 。如:They are the winners.他们是冠军。等。win可作及win 表示 “赢得 ”,其宾语通常是 war, game, battle, match, fame 物动词或不及物动词。如:They won the match .他们赢了这场比赛。He couldnt win without your help.没有你的帮助他赢不了。10. Its motto isFaster , higher , stronger .” 它的宗旨是“更快,更高,更强11motto n.箴言,格言,座右铭。作可数名词,复数形式既可以为mottos,也可以是mottoes。如:It

38、s never too old to learnis . my “活motto到老学到老”是我的座右铭.奥运五环是奥林匹克运动在.西方文化中,白色象征纯11. The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games 会的一种标志。a symbol of sth .? ? 的象征。如:White is always a symbol of purity in we stem cultures 洁。12. There are five rings , and they stand for the five parts of the wind.它有五个

39、环,代表着世界上的五大洲。stand for 意为“代表”。如:HK stands for Hong Kong. HK代表香港。【拓展】stand for 容忍,忍受。如:rm not standing for the way he speaks.我再也不能忍受他讲话的方式了。13. You can easily find at least one of these colors in the flag of every country.你能很容易地在每个国家的国旗上,至少找到这些颜色中的一种。at least 至少;最少。如:The red car will cost at least 20

40、0,000 yuan.那辆红色的小汽车至少要值2000 元。【拓展】其反义词组为:at(the)most ,意为 “至多;不超过”。如:There are at most 5,000 people in this town.这个小镇最多有5 000 人。14. We should improve our environment.我们应该改善我们的环境。improve 提高,改善。相当于to make sth. better 。如:Can you help me improve my English?你能帮我提高英语水平吗()1 . My mothera dinner for my birthd

41、ay next week.13A. host B . hosted C . hostingD.will host.I took part in therace()2 . We had a sports meeting last SundayA . boys 800-meter B . boys 800 meterC boys800-meterD. boys800 meter()3 . Our school sports meeting comesA . every two yearsB. every two yearC. every otherD. two year()4 . We will

42、have a basketball match tomorrow; will you come tous on?A . laughB . cheerC. shout D. jump()5 . Could you come over and help me?CertainlyA . Dont want.B . Its my funC.rm coming now . D . Here you are.()6 . Uncle John isfor London next week.D. leavesA. leave B. leaving C . to leaving()7 . Because I h

43、ave asister , my mother must stay at home and look after her.A. 2-years-old B. 2-years old C. 2-year-oldD. 2 years old()8 . Look at the boy!name is Tom, Li Leisfriend.A. My; foreign B. Your; foreignC. His; foreign D. Her; foreign()9 . Wella sports meeting next Friday.A. give B. host C. carry D. join

44、()10 . Thank you very muchthe flowers.A. to give me B. for give me C. for giving meD. give me()11 . Li Huan visited the Great Wallthe first time yesterday.A. at B. to C. forD. in()12 When shall we meet, Susan?Letsit six oclock.A. have B. get C. do D. make()13 . Helikes playing the piano because he often reads books about it.A. may be B. may C. must D. maybe()14 . The flowers“ roses ”love, so everyone likes them very much.A. stands for B. stands with C. stand for D. stand with()15 . You must do sports and keep.A. health B. healthy C. healthing D. healthily1 5 DCABC6 10 BCCBC 11 15 CDDCB15


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