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1、1,Umami/MSG: Safety Issues味精的安全问题,John D. Fernstrom, Ph.D. Professor - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 匹兹堡大学 医学院 教授 Scientific Advisor - IGTC IGTC科学顾问,2,Outline 内容纲要,Brief review of original issues leading to expression of concern in early 1970s 简要回顾上世纪70年代初引起关注的安全问题 Brief summary of saf

2、ety views now 简单总结当前关于味精安全的观点 Examination of two general issues两大类问题 Neurotoxicity神经毒性 General Adverse Effects (e.g., MSG Symptom Complex) 所有不良反应(如味精综合症) Conclusions 结论,3,Kwok RHMChinese-Restaurant Syndrome中国餐馆综合症New Engl J Med 278: 796, 1968 (letter)1968年 新英格兰医学杂志 (通讯),First report of adverse sympt

3、oms in humans associated with the ingestion of Chinese food that suggested a possible link to MSG (as well as many other ingredients). 首例报道人体摄入中国食品后出现不适症状可能与所添加的味精有关(也可能是其他添加成分) An anecdotal case-report. 单例报告(缺乏足够科学依据),4,Schaumberg HH et al.Monosodium L-Glutamate: Its Pharmacology single- and double

4、-blind studies using 2.5 g MSG challenges vs placebo (capsules). 荨麻疹:使用2.5g味精和安慰剂(胶囊)治疗65例特发性荨麻疹,单盲和双盲研究 “ .MSG is a distinctly uncommon cause or exacerbant of chronic urticaria, if it induces urticaria at all. We were certainly unable to demonstrate MSG-induced urticaria in any of our chronic urtic

5、aria patients, even those who believed MSG provoked their urticaria in the past.” 即使味精会引发荨麻疹,那也很少会引起或加剧慢性荨麻疹。我们无法确证慢性麻疹病人中多少是由味精所致的,尽管有些人认为是因为过去食用味精所致病。,Simon RA. Additive-induced urticaria: Experience with monosodium glutamate (MSG). J Nutr 130: 1063S-1066S, 2000.,36,Bazzano G, DElia JA, Olson RE S

6、cience 169: 1208-1209, 1970.,Adult human subjects ingested a chemically-de-fined diet supplying all of the essential amino acids in optimum amounts, plus glutamic acid as the sole source of non-essential nitrogen, for 14-42 days. No subjects developed the Chinese restaurant syndrome. No changes in weight, irrita-bility, appetite or mentation were noted.,给予成人研究对象适量的化学性饮食包含所有必须氨基酸,并以谷氨酸作为非必须氮源,14-42天后,没有发现中国餐馆综合症,体重、情绪、胃口以及智力都没有变化。,个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论,


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