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1、Unit 1 Sports and Games Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section B,福建省石狮市石光华侨联合中学 王莎白 福建省永春县美岭中学 张文钬,Whats your favorite sport ?,My favorite sport is ,Whos your favorite player ?,My favorite player is ,What are you going to be when you grow up ?,Im going to be a/an Thats my dream.,Whats you

2、r favorite sport? My favorite sport is Whos your favorite player? My favorite player is What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a/an Thats my dream.,Pair Work,Yao Ming is a basketball player. He plays basketball in the NBA.,Do you like him?,Yao Ming plays for the Houston Rockets. T

3、his is a picture of Yao Ming and his teammates.,Listen and answer.(录音1),1.Whats Michaels favorite sport? 2. Whos Michaels favorite player? 3. What is Michael going to be when he grows up? 4.What about Maria?,His favorite sport is basketball.,His favorite player is Yao Ming.,He is going to be a baske

4、tball player.,Her favorite sport is basketball, too. Her favorite player is Tracy McGrady. She is going to be a dancer.,Read and say (影片1),Pair Work,Make a similar dialog as 1a.,or,Group Work,Make a survey to complete the table. Then report the results to your class.,Group Work,You can report like t

5、his:,_ favorite sport is _. His/Her favorite player is _, and /but he/she is going to be _ in the future. Its his/ her dream job.,His name is Michael Phelps. He won eight gold medals in swimming in the Beijing Olympics.,Do you know him?,He is Liu Xiang from Shanghai, China. He is one of the best run

6、ners in the world. He broke the Olympics record and won a gold medal in the Athens Olympics.,Zhang Yining, one of the worlds best women table tennis players, won two gold medals for China once in the Athens and Beijing Olympics.,Read and understand(录音2),1. How many photos of sports stars are here? 2

7、. Who is from Shanghai ? 3. Why did Liu Xiang give up the race? 4. Who won two gold medals in the Olympics?,Three.,Liu Xiang.,Because his foot was hurt.,Zhang Yining.,Read the passage and mark True (T) or False (F).(影片2),( )1. Liu Xiang took part in both the Athens and Beijing Olympics. ( )2. No one

8、 won eight gold medals at a single Olympics before Phelps. ( )3. Zhang Yining won two gold medals in the Olympics. ( )4. There are three sports stars in running, table tennis and swimming in the passage.,T,T,F,T,Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with suitable words.(录音3),I like skati

9、ng a lot. Im going to _ with my _ at about _ tomorrow. What are we going to take? Were going to take some _, some _ and a camera. I hope we will have a _ day.,skate,brother,8:00 a.m.,food,drinks,nice,Project,Suppose you are Tony, please send an e-mail to Mike to tell him your favorite players.,We le

10、arn:,1. dream, job, gold, shame, active, break, record 2. grow up, in the future, arrive in/at, take part in,We can:,1. Talk about the favorite sports, players and dream jobs .,2. Make a card about your favorite star.,Sum up,Homework,Please make a card about your favorite sports player.,Goodbye! Thank you!,


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