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1、welcome,Unit 9 How was your weekend?,Summary The rules to form the simple past tense verbs:,A. Regular verbs: 1. 动词原形+ed e.g. play played clean cleaned visit visited stay stayed practice practiced ask asked watch watched stay stayed 2. 以e结尾的+d e.g. live lived dance danced 3. 辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+ed study s

2、tudied try tried carry carried 4. 重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写尾字母再加ed e.g. stop stopped plan planned,B. Irregular verbs:,am was is was are were do did go went have had sit sat see saw read read write wrote spend spent,What did you/he/she/they do last weekend,did his homework,watched TV,had a party,play

3、ed basketball,studied for the test,cleaned the room,1a Match the activities with the pictures a-f.,What did you do last weekend, Lucy?,Well ,on Saturday Morning, I played tennis,Sunday_,Saturday_,_night,Sunday_,Saturday morning,_morning,1.did my homework_,2.played soccer_,3.cleaned my room _,4.went

4、to the beach_,5.played tennis_,6.went to the movies_,d,b,f,c,e,a,1b Listen and write the day and “morning”, “afternoon” or “night” below each picture.,What did you do last weekend,Lucy?,Well ,on Saturday Morning, I played tennis,Sunday_,Saturday_,_night,Sunday_,Saturday morning,_morning,night,aftern

5、oon,Saturday,afternoon,Sunday,1c PAIRWORK Role play. Student B is Lucy. Student A asks Lucy about her weekend.,A: What did you do last weekend, Lucy? B: Well, on Saturday morning, I played tennis.,Listening practice,A: Pre-listening. Find the words or phrases that you dont know in 2a.,1. did some ho

6、mework/sports,2. studied for the science/math test,3. went to the pool,2a listen and underline the wordsyour hear.,I visited my (aunt/ grandmother) I did some (homework/sports) I studied for the (science/math) test I went to the (pool/beach) I played (volleyball/tennis),_,_,_,_,_,2b Listen again and

7、 write “C” for Carol, “B” for Ben Or “E” for Emma next to the statements above.,1._E_I visited my (aunt/ grandmother) 2._I did some (homework/sports) 3._I studied for the (science/math) test 4._I went to the (pool/beach) 5._I played (volleyball/tennis),E,B,C,C,2c PAIRWORK Practice the conversation b

8、elow. Use the information in the box.,Homework: Memorize the simple past tense of the following verbs.,do did, go went, is was, are were, have had, stay stayed, play played, visit visited, practice practiced study studied,Revision,Q: What did you do yesterday/yesterday morning/afternoon/evening/last

9、 weekend/last Saturday/Sunday? A: I did my homework/played soccer/cleaned my room/visited my grandparents/went to the beach/stayed at home,3a,3,3,2,1,PAIRWORK Ask and answer questions about Mings, Tonys and Sarahs weekends and fill in the following blanks.,A: How was Mings weekend? B: It was great.

10、A: What did he do? B: He went to the beach.,It was OK.,He did his homework and watched TV.,It wasnt very good.,She cleaned her room and studied for the math test.,Writing Write a report about Mings, Tonys and Sarahs weekends based on the box above.,Ming had a great weekend. He went to the beach. Ton

11、y,d,a,c,2a Listen and complete the chart.,Did her homework,Went to the library,Played soccer,Went to a movie,Visited his friends house,Then talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend in pairs.,3a Read the article . Underline all the past tense verbs,How Did Kids Spend the Weekend? Yesterday, we

12、asked ten students at No.3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun . On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied .On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping ,and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday eveni

13、ng, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. ON Sunday, two kids visited friends , nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.,Answer the following questions.,1. Where are the students studying? 2. How many students did homework or studied? 3. When did the five kids go

14、 shopping? 4.Did any kids visit friends? 5.How many kids cleaned their rooms? When?,They are studying at No. 3 Middle School.,Ten kids did homework or studied.,They went shopping on Saturday afternoon.,Yes, two kids visited friends on Sunday.,Nine kids cleaned their rooms on Sunday.,Do you understan

15、d these language points?,1. spend (spent): spend time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. 2.what they did last weekend? 3. went shopping (go + ving) 4. play sports=do sports,Homework,1. Translate this passage into Chinese. 2. Finish 3b.,Homework check.,孩子们怎么度周末? 上周,我们询问了十位三中的学生周末干了些什么。大部分孩子的周末都有趣味。十个孩子作了作

16、业或学习。星期六下午,五个孩子购物,三个去图书馆。有两个孩子还玩了电脑游戏。星期六晚上,七个孩子去看了电影或呆在家里看电视。星期天,有两个孩子去拜访了朋友,九个孩子打扫了房间,还有五个孩子做了运动。,did my homework,visited my aunt,went to the library,played soccer,watched TV,Whats the simple past tense of these verbs?,have cook read see watch ,had,cooked,read,saw,watched,Do you know how to use th

17、ese phrases?,a little difficult: play ( ) with sb./sth: talk show:,not very difficult. e.g. This dictionary is a little expensive. I wont buy it.,玩, 戏弄, 摆弄; 不大认真考虑(某一问题);与.一起玩 e.g. play with fire; Tom likes to play chess with his grandfather.,Jay Zhou in TALK SHOW,What did you do last month?,The fol

18、lowing phrases will help you: acted in a film/held an individual concert / did an ad/wrote a new song/ practice the piano/made an MTV,Writing,Write down what Jay Zhou did last month. The beginning is done for you. Jay Zhou was really busy last month _ _ _ _ _,Read the story and find out what you don

19、t understand.,Do you think that everyone enjoys their weekend? Old Henry does not. Last month, he went for a walk with Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and Old Henry was happy. He sat down and watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat. Then it was time to go home. Old Henry looked f

20、or his dog. But Wang Wang wasnt there Now Old Henry is very sad. He has no dog and no friend. He doesnt want to do anything.,Discussion Imagine you work for the Heart-warming Project. Discuss with your classmates what will do to help Old Henry to be happy again.,Writing Write a report about how you helped Old Henry last weekend.,Last weekend, I went to visit Old Henry,Everyone will get old. To love the old is to love yourself.,Thank you!,


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