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1、Self check,Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Review,Names of places,post office library hotel restaurant bank supermarket street pay phone park house garden market,on,next to,between and,in front of,behind,across from,near,at,through,介词(表示方位),across,in,under,left right,big/small,new/old,quiet

2、 free,/busy,dirty/clean,形容词及其反义词,hungry / full (饱的),open / closed(关着的),cheap/expensive,/short,delicious/awful,never/always,heavy/thin(light),bad/good,early/late,tall Long,Wheres the ball?,Wheres=Where is,Its on the box.,Its under the box.,Its in the box.,Its behind the box.,He stands _ Jim and Lucy.

3、,between,Jim,Lucy,go through the forest/park,through,Center Street,across,go across the street,across: 表示从一定范围的一边到另一边, 动作在物体 表面进行。 through: 从中间穿过, 动作在内部进行。,I am very busy on school days,but I have some _ time on weekends.I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays. My grandma makes the food

4、s I like. And I _ playing Chinese chess with my grandpa.Hes very good at it!We also like to sit and talk.We sometimes watch the neighbors cats _ the trees.Its relaxing to _ weekends like this. I love my grandparents!,1. Complete the passage with the words in the box.,free,enjoy,climbing,spend,spend

5、free climb enjoy,There are some trees in my school.,2. Write five sentences about your school using there is /are.,There are some trees in my school. There is a library in my school. There are many students at my school. There is a park next to my school. There are many classrooms in my school.,A: I

6、s there a supermarket near here? B: Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left at the library. The supermarket is on the right. A: So I go along Bridge Street and turn left at the library. B: Yes! A: Got it! Thanks!,3. Imagine you are one of the people in the picture on page 46. A person as

7、ks you how to get to the supermarket or library. Write a conversation.,1. If you want to borrow a book, you will go to the _. 2. If you want to have fun, you will go to the _. 3. If you want to buy some food or household goods, you will go to the _. 4. If you want to have a meal, you will go to the

8、_. 5. If you want to mail a letter, you will go to the _.,library,park/garden,supermarket/market,restaurant,post office,. Fill in the blanks.,.词汇运用。,1.The supermarket is on the _(five) Avenue. 2.There are two _(library)in our school. 3.Ben has an _(interest)book. 4.Lets read from the _(begin) of thi

9、s book. 5.This isnt my shirt. Its _(you).,fifth,libraries,interesting,beginning,yours,III.单项选择。,Please look around.What can you see _ your right? A. in B. on C. at 2. -Excuse me. _ to get to the airport? -Take a taxi. A.WhatB.When C.How 3. Let Jane _ the art club. She likes drawing. A. joiningB. joi

10、n C. joins,B,C,B,4. _ there a bank along the street? A. IsB. Are C. Am 5. The pay phone is _ the post office and the library. A. inB. between C. near 6. Martin is sitting next _ me. A. toB. onC. around 7. - _ there orange juice in the fridge? - I dont know. A. AmB. Are C. Is,A,B,A,C,8.The park is ac

11、ross _ the supermarket. A. inB. on C. from 9.We can buy some _ in the foodmarket. A. breadB. baseballsC. clothes 10. My uncle will _ Beijing next Sunday. A. get B. arrive inC. arrive at,C,A,B,IV.句型转换。,1.There are some cars on the street. _ there _ cars on the street? 2.The restaurant is across from

12、the bank. _ is the restaurant? 3.The English club is next to the library. The English club is _ the library.,Are,any,Where,beside,4. Excuse me.How can I get to the post office? Excuse me. _ _ get the post office? 5. Turn right and go straight along the Bank Street. Turn right and go straight _ the Bank Street.,down,How to,Homework,Writing: 根据下图写一段话。,Library,Restaurant,Post Office,Park,Bank,Supermarket,RENMIN ST,CEBTRAL ST,Thank You!,


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