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1、,名词 (Nouns),名词的分类,1、专有名词(Proper Nouns):指具体的人、地、物、团体、机构等的专用名称。专有名词中实词的第一个字母要大写。 例如:Africa, Tom,the Empire State Building 2、普通名词(Common Nouns):表示某些人,某类事物,某种物质或抽象概念的名称。 例如:universe,computer, danger,普通名词(Common Nouns),个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西的个体,如lawyer, gun, country 集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个体

2、组成的集合体,如family 物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如cotton, tea, air 抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如happiness, work (工作), information,Collective Nouns,A collective noun refers to a group of people, animals or objects as a group; Eg. family, class, team, crew, police, etc. When a collective no

3、un is used in the singular, the verb can be either Singular or Plural. The company has decided to open ten new outlets. The company have decided to open ten new outlets. NB The police are here. (police has no singular form) If a singular verb is used then the noun is seen as a single entity. If a pl

4、ural verb is used, then the noun is seen as consisting of a group of individuals.,名词的分类,1. 可数名词(Countable Nouns):指可以用简单的数词进行计数的名词。 如:box, child, pear 2. 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns) :指不可以用简单的数词进行计数的名词。 如:water, news, oil, information .,可数名词的复数构成(规则变化),(1) 在单数名词词尾加s。 eg. map, boy, horse, table. (2) s, o,

5、 x , sh, ch结尾的词加es. eg. class, box, dish, bench. hero, tomato, potato 注:以o结尾的词,变复数时只加s eg. photo, piano, kilo, tobacco, bamboo, radio, zoo, video, studio, kangaroo 注:以o结尾的词,变复数时可加s或是es eg. volcano, buffalo (3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es,例外keys eg. family, city, country (4) 以 “f”, “fe”结尾的词,变f或者fe为-ves。 e

6、g. half, knife, leaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf, life 注:有些以 “f”结尾的词,直接加-s. 如:belief, chef, roof 注: 个别两种都可以,如scarf, handkerchief,(1)特殊变化的名词: footfeet, toothteeth, womanwomen, manmen childchildren, mousemice (2). 合成名词构成复数时将包含的主体名词变为复数 eg. son(s)-in-law, grand-child(ren) 注:由man和woman构成的合成名词,里面的所有成分都要变为复

7、数 eg. woman doctor-? man teacher-? man servant-? (3) 有些词单复数同形 eg. sheep, deer, fish(鱼), aircraft, Chinese, Japanese, (4). 有些词只有复数形式: eg. slacks, clothes, shorts, glasses, pants, scissors 。 这些词要表示数量,则加pair等。 注 下面这些不可数名词(经常被同学们认为是可数名词而变复数)的: weather, progress, advice, information, furniture, jewelry,

8、fun, knowledge, news, homework, paper(纸), work, trouble.,可数名词的复数构成(不规则变化),不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns),1.不可数名词没有复数形式, 说明其数量时,要用有关计量名词。 a kilo of rice two kilos of rice, a sheet of paper three sheets of paper, a bottle of milk five bottles of milk. a _ of news/advice/information/paper/furniture a _ of br

9、ead a _ of toothpaste a _ of chocolate/gold a _ of meat/cake 2. 有的以s结尾的名词是不可数名词, 如news, plastics, politics, physics, maths等。,名词所有格(The Possessive Case),1. 一般情况在单数名词词尾加 s (apostrophe s) 如: a students book 2. 不已s结尾的复数名词加s 如:mens clothes 3. 以s结尾的单数名词或者专有名词, 加 或者 s 如: Thomas (s) books, Charles (s) knife

10、, the hostess (s) photo 4. 以-s 或-es 结尾的复数名词只加 如: the workers suggestion, a two hours walk, 5. 复合名词的所有格一般在最后一个名词后加s: 如:his son-in-laws car,用于表示“某人的家”或“某店铺”等的名词,所有格后面的名词 常常省略。 to Toms =to Toms house at the tailors=at the tailors shop at the barbers, the doctors, her uncles 用于表示两个或者两个以上的人共有一样东西,只需要后面的

11、名词用所有格;如果各自拥有某件东西时,则都用所有格形式。 Tom and Henrys room faces north. (两人共用一个房间) Tom and Henrys rooms face north. (两人共用多个房间) Toms and Henrys rooms face north. (两人各自拥有一个房间) 表示“多少时间的、多长(宽、高)的”概念时,有两种表达方法: 数词+s 所有格+名词=数词-单数名词+名词 两个月的假期:two months holiday=a two-month holiday 五分钟的谈话:five minutes talk=a five-minu

12、te talk 十小时的休息:ten hours rest=a ten-hour rest,名词所有格的用法提示,“of +名词” 构成的所有格表示无生命的名词 the window of the room, the title of the song, the advantage of reading 有生命的名词在名词本身较长或者定语较长时也可以用of the works of Marx, Engels and Mao Tse-tong the barking of the dogs kept me awake all night. Do you know the name of the

13、girl standing at the gate? 双重所有格 a friend of my fathers, a picture of my sisters (比较: a picture of my sister) a classmate of mine, three books of hers,冠词,不定冠词:,a用在首字母发音为辅音的单词前面。 如: a hand, a house; a university, a European country, a useless tool, a useful tool, a unit, a uniform, a U.S. writer; an用

14、在首字母发音为元音的单词前面。 an ugly man, an umbrella an hour, an honor, an honest boy an m, an r, an l, an a ,不定冠词的用法,泛指类人或物。 如. This is a silkworm. 指不具体的某个人或物。 如. I met an old man on my way home. 用在序数词前,相当于another。如: I have three books. I want to buy a fourth one. Can you give me a second chance, please? There

15、 is a third boy over there. (说明这里有两个男孩,那边还有一 个,但是这三个男孩和顺序排列无关。) 表示“每(个)”,相当于every。 如. They have music lessons twice a week.固定搭配。 如:after a while, have a word with,all of a sudden.,定冠词的用法,1. 指世界上独一无二的事物:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world, the sky, the universe; 2. 用在序数词,形容词最高级或表示方位的名词前面。 the sec

16、ond room, in the east 3. 表示某一类人或事物除了用定冠词/不定冠词 + 名词单数,名词的复数形式外,还可以用定冠词+某些形容词来表示。the sick/ wounded/ rich/ poor/ blind/ deaf/ old/ young/dead 4. 弹奏西洋乐器前要用定冠词。 play the piano/ the trumpet/ the violin 5. 形容词最高级和序数词前面 March is the third month of the year. 6. 用在表示方位的名词前。 The village lies to the east of the

17、 town.,定冠词的用法,7. 第二次提到: I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary has been sent to my brother. 8. 心照不宣;表示说话人和听话人都知道的人或物 Please water the flowers every morning. 9. 区别他类:表示某一人或事物,以区别于其他类 The cow is a useful animal. = A cow is a useful animal.=All cows are useful animals. The train goes faster th

18、an the bus. 10. the +形容词比较级, the +形容词比较级, 表示“越越” 11. 在很多习惯用法中,如:in the morning ( afternoon, evening, night), on the right ( left), go to the cinema ( theater, opera, concert), in the 1960s, in the daytime, in the end,1. 表示地名的 the Pacific Ocean, the Mississippi the Great Wall, the United Nations the

19、Peoples Republic of China, the United States of America 2. 表示组织、朝代、战争 the Youth League, the Party, the Peoples Daily the Second World War/ the Song Dynasty 3. 表示一家人 the Browns, the Turners,专有名词前定冠词的用法,零冠词的用法,1在节日,星期,月份,季节, 假日等名词前。 如:on Monday, in November, in spring,Christmas 2玩球类运动,棋类游戏以及吃一日三餐的名词前。

20、 如:play football, play chess, play cards,have breakfast 3词前已有this, that, our, your, some, any, no, every等代词作定语时。 4 by连用的交通工具名词前不用冠词。 如:by bus 5在街道,公园,城市前。如:Wall Street, Hyde Park, Paris 6. 在学科前。如:I like chemistry. 7. 在表示身份、职称的名词前。如:Dr. Smith, President Lincoln 8. 复数可数名词表示一类人或物时。 Cows are useful anim

21、als.,注意:,1. 以festival 构成的节日要用the : the Mid-Autumn Festival 2. 表示某一年的四季时要用the: the spring of last year, in the winter of 1980 3. 表示四季与during 连用时要用the ; during the winter,不用冠词的一些短语:,at noon/ dawn/ night/midnight at school, at work, at/go home go to university, go to college, on watch, on duty, in plac

22、e of, at table, in charge of, in town hand in hand, day by day, sooner or later, day and night, from morning till night, from east to west the girl in red/ the lady in white,数词,基数词。,表示数目的词是基数词。 如:one, two thousand, million, billion,序数词,序数词一般由基数词加-th构成,序数词前加定冠词the。 如:7th- the seventh 第四十 the fortieth

23、 不规则: the first, the second, the third, the fifth, the eighth, the ninth, the twelfth,分数,分数的表达法; 1/3a (one) third, 2/3two thirds 6/100-six hundredths -a/ one half -a/ one quarter -three quarters/ three fourths,数词的用法,1. 表示编号。 如:the fourth lesson Lesson Four第四课 Room 302, Page 215 2. 表示钟点。 Its five (oc

24、lock) 3. 其他用法。 April (the) fifth, nineteen seventy-six 50 fifty percent one by one twenty meters deep二十米深 2/5 twofifths; 5 2/3five and two-thirds hundreds of , thousands of in his thirties in the 1920s/ in the 1920s,名词的定义,名词是表示人, 事物, 地点或抽象概念的名称。例如: example impression astronaut (5) man和woman修饰其它名词的情况。 如:men teachers, women doctors.,.,27,1. 主要用于表示有生命的人或物: Alices paintings, the presidents speech, the birds song 2. 用于表示时间、距离、国家、城镇、地区、重量、价值、 自然现象等。 half an hours walk/ drive New Years Day a miles distance Chinas development a pounds weight ten dollars value the earths satellite,名词所有格的用法,


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