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1、六年级上一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、专项练习Class: Name:No:小学英语3种时态复习时 态定义标志词疑问形式否定式提问谓语般 现 在 时1、目前存在的 状态2、经常性、习 惯性的 动作频度副词:1例:always, usually, ofte n,sometimes, every day(week?.)1. be 放主语前2. 主语前 加do或 does (动 词还原)1、be + not2、动词前加don 或doesn (动词还 原)What do /does + 主 语 + do ? ?女口: She reads En glish every day.What does

2、she do every day?现 在 进 行 时表示目前 正在发生 的动作或 存在的状 态1、提示语:look! Liste n!2、At +时间点3、前有祈使句be放主语、八刖be + notWhat is / are +主语 + doing ?如:We re liste ning now.What are you doing now?般 讲 来 时1、表示打算做 某事2、将要发生的 动作或 存在的 状态1、tomorrow, the n ext day, this after noon, this eve ning2、n ext week(month, year ?)3、in the

3、year 2007be或 will放主语刖be 或 will 后加notwill not = won 1、What is/ are +? going to do? ?2、What will + 主语+do? ?如: He will play basketball n ext week.What will he don ext week?用动词的正确形式填空1.1(do) my homework every eve ning.2. We(fly) kites in the park next Sun days.3. Tom(play) the piano every Saturday. Now

4、he(play).4. She(like) swimming. She(swim) this weekend.5. Usually my mother(wash) the dishes after lunch. But mygrandma(wash) now.6. Look at the man! He(read) a magazine.7. Look! The plane(fly) over the building.8. Liste n! My aunt(sing) in the room.She is a sin ger. She(like) singing. She(have) a m

5、usic show. She is excited.9. Tom and Mike always(swim) in the river. They(swim) in theswimmi ng pool this Sun day. Look! They(swim).10. Whatyou usually(do) in the evening?11. Whatyou(do) now?12. Whathe(do) now?13. your mother(read) n ewspaper in the morning?Y es, She.16. you(like) fish ing?No, I. I

6、like(swim),but my brother(like).17. Howyour father(go) to work every day?He(go) by bike. But it s cold today. He(take) the No.2118. the mon key(like) climbi ng trees? Yes, it.19. Whatyour father(do) after lun ch? He(read) acomic book.20. you(collect) stamps? Yes. I.your brother(collect), too? No, he

7、.二、选择题1. heto the park at 6:30 in the morning? No,he.A. Does; goes; does B. Does; go; doesn Ct. Does; go; does2. Tim alwaysa picture at home. Hea car now.A. draws; is draw ingB. draw; draw C. draws; draw3. She usuallyher friends. They oftentea.A. see; drink B. sees; drinks C. sees; drink4. He usuall

8、ythe dishes at night, but tonight heclothes.A. wash; wash B. washes; is going to wash C. is wash ing; washes5. Mr. Green usuallyhis newspaper in the evening, but he and his wifetelevisi on this eve ning.A. reads; watches B. reads; are going to watchC. reads; watch6. Where are the man and the woma n?

9、 Theyn ear the tree.A. sitB. sitsC. are sitti ng7. your fatherdivi ng? No, he.Hewrit ing stories.A. Does; like; doesn t; likesB. Does; likes; doesn t; likeC. Do; like; dont; likes8. Mr. Gree n ofte nhis n ewspapers at ni ght. But hean in terest ingbook toni ght.A. reads; reads B. reads; read C. read

10、s; is going to read9. The old manplayi ng sports in the park. Hemorni ng exercisenow.A. likes; is doingB. likes; doesC. like; doing10. Wherethe boy? Heacross the river now.A. does; swim; swimsB. is; swimmi ng; is swimmi ngC. is, swim, is swimmi ng11. youto music now? Yes, we.A. Do; liste n; do B. Di

11、d; liste n; did C. Are; liste ning; are12. Look! Two catsacross the wall.A. runB. runsC. are running13. Shetea, but he.A. likes; doesn t B; like; don t C. like; doesn t一般过去时一般过去时的构成:一般过去时是用动词的过去式来表示。His words fetched a laugh from all prese nt. I did not sleep well last ni ght.Did you direct the tour

12、ist to the hotel?、be的一般过去时:be的过去时有四巧:一是时间状语巧,三 表示过去的短语要记牢;巧是否定句结构, not紧跟was / were ; 前)。was,复数 were ;二是形式巧,单数四是疑问句式巧,was/were向前跑(提【一巧】时间状语(即标志词)巧。一般过去时表示 过去发生的动作或存在的状态恰巧 与表示过去的一些时间状语连用1. yesterday 或以其构成的短语 :yesterday morning(afternoon, evening) 等;2. 由 “ last+ 时间名词”构成的短语:last ni ght, last year (wi nt

13、er, mon th, week)等;3. 由 “时间段 +ago ” 构成的短语: a moment ago, a short time ago, an hour ago4. 其它:just now 等5. 由某些表示 过去时态的从句 等。was;were。He was at school last Tuesday .not即可变成否定句,并且was, were与【二巧】形式巧。它与一般现在时一样,形式多样: 当主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语动词用 主语是第二人称或其他人称复数时,谓语动词用 例如: I was in the classroom yesterday morningT

14、hey were over there a mome nt ago .【三巧】否定句结构巧。与动词be的一般现在时一样,它在动词后面加not 可以缩写成 was nt, were nt 。即: 主语 + was nt / were nt + 表语 + 其他 例如:I was not ( = was nt) here yesterday .My pare nts were not ( = were nt) at home last Sun day .【四巧】 疑问句式巧。把was, were提到句首,句末用问号即可变为一般疑问句。即:Was(Were) + 主语 +表语 + 其他?例如: Wer

15、e you at home the day before yesterday ?Was she late this morning ?肯定回答用 “Yes,主语+ was / were .”;否定回答用 “ No,主语+ was nt / were nt .”。例如:-Were Wei Hua and Han Mei here just now ?-Y es, they were . (No, they were nt .)二、一般过去时的用法(一)一般过去时的基本用法a.表示过去 某个特定时间发生的动作 或存在的状态 例如: He sudde nly fell ill yesterday.

16、The engine stopped because the fuel was used up.注意:在一般过去时的句子中,通常都要有表示过去的时间状语。判断题:I have visited the Palace Museum.b. 表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态例如:I wrote home once a week at college.He was already in the habit of read ing widely in his boyhood.提示:表示过去的习惯性动作,除了用过去式外,还可以用used to或would来表示例如: She used to study l

17、ate into the night when she was in Senior Three.He would sit for hours doing nothing.c. 表示过去连续发生的一系列动作例如: She entered the room, picked up a magazine and looked through it carefully.The stude nts got up early in the mornin g,a nd the n read En glish aloud in the ope n air.d. 在时间、条件状语从句中表示过去将要发生的动作例如:

18、 We would not leave until the teacher came back.She told me she would not go if it rained the next day.(二) 一般过去时的特殊用法a. 在虚拟语气中表示现在或将来时间的动作或状态例如:Its time we went. I wish I were twenty years youn ger.I would rather you did nt do any thi ng for the time being.b. 在口语中,一般过去时往往显示委婉客气。例如:I won dered if you

19、 could give me a hand.Might I come and see you toni ght?(三)一般现在时和一般过去时的比较一般现在时要和现在时间相联系,而一般过去时和说话的“现在”不相联系例如: His father is a film director.His father was a film director.How do you like the no vel?How did you like the no vel?一、单项选择:从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。()1 . My fatherill yesterday .A.is ntB.are n

20、tC.was ntD.were nt()2. your parents at home last week ?A.Is B.WasCAreD.Were()3 . The twinsin Dalian last year . Theyhere nowA.are; were B.were; are C.was; areD.were; was()4. your father at work the dayyesterday ?A.Was; before B.Is; before C.Was; afterD.Is; after()5. -Who was on duty last Friday?- .A

21、.I amB.I was C.Yes, I wasD.No, I was nt()6. I clea ned my classroom.A.with three hours B.three hours agoC.i n three hoursD.three hours before()7. I camemy house two days ago .A.back onB.back to C.to backD.back()8 . -?-He did some read ing at home.A.What does your father do yesterday eve ningB.What d

22、oes your brother do in theschoolC. What did your brother do over the weeke ndD.Where did your brother go lastSunday()9. -What did you do?- I went to the movies.A. n ext morningB.over the weeke ndC.i n the weeke ndD.n ext Mon day()10. The koala sleeps, but gets up.A.duri ng the day; at the eve ningB.

23、at day ;duri ng ni ghtC.in the day ;during the eveningD.during the day ; at night二、改写句子1. Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucyher homework athome.2. He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句 )hemeat in the fridge?3. There was some orangein the cup.(变一般疑问句 )thereorangein thecup?4. Frank read

24、an interesting book about history.(一般疑问句)Frankan in terest ing book about history?5. Why not go out for a walk?(同义句)out for a walk?6. Thomas spent RMB 10 on this book.(否定句)ThomasRMB 10 on thisbook.7. My family went to the beach last week.(划线提问)familylast week?8. I think she is Lily s sister (.否定句。注意否定转移) 9. Sally often does some reading in the morning.(否定句)Sallyofte nsome read ing in the morni ng.10. He is a tall, thin boy.(戈H线提问)he?答案:一、1-5.CDBAB 6-10.BBCCD二、.didn t; do 2.Did he find;any3.Was ;any 4.Did ; read 5.Why not going6.didn tspend


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