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1、中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒浅谈 Wine derful,中粮全国总培训,内容概述 Table of Contents,1. 葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties 2. 葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine 3. 葡萄酒的酿造 Vinification 4. 红白葡萄品种 Red while Pinot Noir adds more weight and value to champagne.,中粮全国总培训,44,香槟酒知识3About Champagne 3,根据甜度,香槟酒分成5种: 干型有3种,最常见者含糖分在15克以下,叫“brut”(法文中有“原始粗犷”的意思) 另外两种含

2、糖12到20克(叫“特干型”)和17到35克(法文中叫“sec”,指) 适合搭配甜点的“半干型”(demi-sec,35到50克)和“甜型”(doux,50克以上)香槟酒 Champagnes fall down to 5 categories according to their sweetness. There are 3 dry types: brut (a French word meaning rude and rough) is the most common one containing sugar less than 15g; and the other two types c

3、ontain sugar ranging from 12g to 20g (called “Super Dry”) and 17g to 35g (called “sec” in French). The champagnes that go well with desserts are demi-sec (35g to 50g sugar) and doux (more than 50g).,中粮全国总培训,45,香槟酒知识4About Champagne 4,无年份香槟酒混合不同年份基酒调配而成,属“Brut”类型,是主流香槟酒,占80%以上市场份额;对用特别好年份葡萄出产的香槟,会推出“

4、年份香槟”,这种香槟不添加其它年份基酒,一般浓厚耐久存,适与搭配酱汁丰富的菜肴。“瑞皇家干型香槟”正是“brut”品类中的高档酒。 一些酒商还推出“豪华级”香槟,以展现极致品质,这些极品通常采用特殊年份基酒,在瓶中长久培养,比一般香槟的气泡来得细腻持久,香味浓郁丰富,口感均衡,圆润厚常,有长久余香。因价格高昂,一般专门用于特别庆典。“伯瑞路易丝精选特级干型香槟”正是这种豪华级香槟中的极品。,A major type of champagne, non illsim, is a mixture of wines of different ages, it belongs to “Brut” ty

5、pe, taking up more than 80% market share; the champagnes made from grapes of good years are called “Vintage Brut”, these types of champagnes do not mix with wines of different ages. They are thick and persevering, and go well with dishes dressed with soy sauce. “Swedish King Dry Champagne” is a top

6、grade “brut”. Some wine makers also present “Luxurious” champagnes to show the superior quality. These products are often made from wines of particular ages, and are kept in bottles for long period of time. They have fine bubbles, rich fragrance, balanced tastes, round flavors and lingering sweet-sm

7、elling. As the prices are extremely high, they are only dedicated to special events. “Pommery Louis Superfine Dry Champagne” is a highest-grade product of the luxurious wines.,中粮全国总培训,46,香槟酒知识5About Champagne 5,好香槟标准:香气持久;气泡幼细如细砂、密度大、并能持续半小时到1小时;口感均衡复杂,层次感强,幼滑不酸涩。 最佳饮用温度:香槟要冰凉饮用。非年份香槟在710之间,年份香槟在101

8、2之间。大约放入冰箱两小时或放入一半冰一半水的冰桶三十分钟即可达到适饮温度。 最佳储藏条件:无年份香槟已经过两、三年甚至更久的窖藏,上市就已适饮。香槟怕光,尤其是太阳光、霓虹灯或卤素灯,久照容易产生怪味。家中如果没有控温酒窖,无年份香槟买回家后要直接放入冰箱,早日饮用。,Standard for good champagne: lasting fragrance; bubbles are dense, fine and exquisite and can stay for half an hour to one hour; balanced taste, smooth and tender.

9、Best temperature for consumption: best consumed while cool. Non illsim should be consumed at a temperature of 710, and Vintage Brut should be consumed at a temperature of 1012. The temperature suitable for consumption can be reached after kept in fridge for two hours or in barrel with half ice and h

10、alf water for 30 minutes. The best condition for storage: Non illsim has been staying in cellar for two to three years or even longer, and can be consumed directly after purchase. Champagne should be kept in dark place far from sunlight, neon light and halogen light, long kept under which results in

11、 strange taste. If no temperature-controllable cellar is available, Non illsim should be kept in fridge after purchase and should be consumed early.,中粮全国总培训,47,香槟饮用方法How to appreciate champagne,开瓶:去掉瓶口上的金属封套,旋松转紧的铁丝,去掉铁丝与金属帽,一手握紧软木塞,另一手旋转瓶身,借瓶中二氧化碳压力软木塞会自然弹开。为了不让气泡喷出,开瓶时要压紧软木塞,让气体慢慢放出,不发出“啵”的声音。 酒杯:

12、最好用直身杯和敞口杯,这种酒杯杯身纤长,可以延长酒中气泡上升时间,并且气泡从杯底升腾的线条更长。 饮用:轻轻晃动酒杯,在香槟触摸舌尖前与空气充分接触;观看杯中香槟气泡上升,嗅闻迷人而变化多端的酒香。不同品牌和年代的香槟口感不同,或浓或淡,或香气浓郁,充满芳草和果实味道或有土地粗犷味道。,Remove cork: remove the metal cover on the bottleneck, untie the iron wire, remove the iron wire and metal cover, hold the cork with one hand, and turn the

13、bottle with the other, the cork will be removed by the pressure of the CO2 inside the bottle. In order to prevent bubbles from blowing, hold the cork and slowly let out the air so that it will not “bang”. Cup: high and open cup are better used, because it is high and slim, bubbles come up slowly fro

14、m the bottom. Consumption: shake cup lightly, so that the champagne can have sufficient contact with the air before it touches your tongue; watch the bubbles coming up in the cup, and smell the fine and rich fragrance. Champagnes of different ages and brands differ in tastes, some are thick, some li

15、ght, some are with rich aroma, some give smell of grass, fruit, or with rude and strong flavor.,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,争论不断, 各有千秋 Argue as always, each has its own merits 新世界酒 New World Wine 欧洲境外国家的殖民化 Colonization of countries outside Europe 旧世界酒 Old World Wine 欧洲境内传统国家 Traditional Countries

16、 in Europe,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,中粮全国总培训,中粮全国总培训,中粮全国总培训,中粮全国总培训,OLD WORLD,NEW WORLD,Earth/Terroir,Earth/Terroir,Fruit,Fruit,Oak and Other Complexities (Vinification),Oak and Other Complexities (Vinification),France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germanyetc,USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Afric

17、a, South America,_,_,TEMPERATURE,TEMPERATURE,Wine pyramid comparison,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,OMG!,中粮全国总培训,Five items are required by law to appear on the label: 1. The name of the A.O.C. (Appellation dOrigine Contrle) wine-growing region, district, or village to which the wine is entitled acco

18、rding to how it was produced. For example, a wine from the Saint-milion district would be labeled Appellation Saint-milion Contrle. 2. The volume of the wine in the bottle, 75 centiliters (just under one liter) is standard. 3. The percentage of alcohol by volume which varies by appellation. 4. The c

19、ontrol number or lot identification number (this may instead appear on the back label or on the metal capsule). 5. Mis en bouteille au chteau means that the wine is chteau-bottled, otherwise the appropriate variation: mis en bouteille la proprit (bottled at the property), mis en bouteille dans la rg

20、ion de production (bottled in the region of production), or mis en bouteille dans nos caves (bottled in our cellars). 6. The country of origin must be indicated on all exported wine. Product of France (Produit de France) can also be used. Many optional statements are also often put on labels: 7. The

21、 chteau name, which is also the name of both the product and producer. If it is not a chteau wine, then the regional appellation or a brand name is usually indicated. 8. The vintage or year in which the grapes were harvested. 100% of the wine must be from the year on the label. 9. Grand Vin followed

22、 by the appellation, most often simply Grand Vin de Bordeaux. 10. Art or logo representing the chteau. There may also be a bottle number, not to be confused with the control number. reference from Geoffrey,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒标签 Labeling,法定產區等級葡萄酒AOC,城堡酒莊,MIS EN BOUTEILLES AU CHATEAU,特等葡萄園,酒名,地名,在裝瓶,年份,酒精度,中

23、粮全国总培训,1. 酒庄名称 Name of winery 2. 酒名,以葡萄品种命名,此酒为赤霞珠 Name of the wine, named by seeds 3. 葡萄采收年份 Harvest year 4. 产区 Region 5. 酒精含量和装瓶容量 Alcohol and bottle content,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,对酒当歌,人生几何 Singing while Drinking wine, life is but a span! 新旧世界葡萄酒-古典与流行音乐 New VS Old-Classic VS Pop Music VS,

24、中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,古典音乐为众人喜爱的音乐,结构恢弘, 内容丰富,形式严谨 In traditional and serious style. music that people consider serious and that has been popular for a long time. With magnificent structure, meaningful and rigorous content 流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,为大众所接受 Pop music as a genre features a n

25、oticeable rhythmic element, melodies and hooks, a mainstream style and conventional structure, popular in market.,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,古典音乐是历经岁月考验,久盛不衰,为众人喜爱的音乐。一如旧 世界的葡萄酒是独立流派,艺术手法 讲求洗练,追求理性地表达情感。结构 严谨,气势宏大,仅是优美的旋律, 充满意趣的乐思,还有最真挚的情感, 内涵丰富:或宁静、典雅,或震撼、鼓舞, 或欢喜,快乐,或悲伤、惆怅. Classical music has s

26、tood the test of time, and is favored by many. Classical music is an independent school with artistic techniques of refinement and simplicity. It strives to express emotion rationally. It is well-structured with great momentum. It does not only have beautiful melodies, interesting ideas, but also po

27、ssess the most sincere feelings quiet, elegant, shocking, inspiring, joy, bliss, sorrow, melancholy .,中粮全国总培训,新旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,流行音乐根植于大众生活之中,一如新世界葡萄酒生活气息浓郁、抒情、风趣、音域,不宽,手法通俗、曲调顺口、易于传唱,不受声乐学派的约束,演唱时感情重于声音技巧自由不羁,自然亲切,易引起听众的共鸣 Pop music is rooted in public life, has a rich flavor of life. Its lyric

28、al and witty. It has narrow diapason, popular technique, smooth melody, easy-to-sing, and it is not bounded by the doctrines of vocal music. While singing, the emotions are more emphasized than voice techniques, free and independent, natural and warm, and resonate easily with the audience.,中粮全国总培训,新

29、旧世界葡萄酒的对比 New VS Old,其实, 生活中并不缺少美, 只是缺少发现。 Life is not lack of beauty but discovery 旧与新, 古典与流行。 都是美, 都是发现 Old versus new, classic versus pop. All beautiful, all good!,中粮全国总培训,5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,外观 Appearance 澄清度 Clarity Wine can be both opaque and clear 颜色的深度 Depth of C

30、olor Pale, moderate or intense 颜色 Color Straw, yellow or gold. Brown/red, ruby or purple,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒的不同颜色The Different Color of Wine,色泽呈深红色,酒体浑厚的红酒 Dark and intense red color, it is a full-body red wine,酒液呈明显的砖红色,属于酒体适中的红酒 The color is brick red, a medium-body red,该酒的颜色明显较前两款更浅,属于桃红酒 The color is ob

31、viously lighter than the former two,its a rose one,明显的金黄色泽,是酒体浑厚的白葡萄酒 Gold yellow, a full-body white wine,酒色呈柠檬黄,典型的气泡酒(香槟) The color is lemon yellow, a typical sparkling (Champagne),葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,干净 Clearness Absence of off-orders (flaws) 气味的浓度 Intensity of smell Low

32、, medium or intense 特征 Character Fruity, floral or earthy,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒的香味并不是单单通过鼻腔来感觉的,各种香气的分子通过口腔达到感官黏膜来感觉气味 The smell of wine is not accessed via the nostrils alone; volatile aroma molecules also reach the olfactory mucosa through the back of the oral cavity,人体嗅觉黏膜的位置 The position of the olfactory,

33、葡萄酒的香气直接通过鼻孔吸入 Direct route taken by aroma molecules via the nostrils,香气分子通过口腔后端,从而人体能够感觉到 Route taken by aroma molecules via the nasopharynx,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,口感 Palate 甜味 Sweetness Dry, off-dry or sweet 酸味 Acidity Tingling sensation on sides of tongue Sour taste Low, me

34、dium or high,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,单宁 Tennins Only necessary in a red tasting note Drying sensation on palate and gums Low, medium and high 酒精 Alcohol Heat in the mouth and throat low, medium and high 回味 Finish,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,1-怎么品酒 How to taste a wine 抿一小口葡萄酒在口中, 让口腔中的每一个部位都接触到葡萄酒,

35、吸几口空气, 以带出葡萄酒的香味,并细细品味 Sip the wine and let it go around in your mouth,then take in some air to oxygenate the wine and feel the nuances of the flavor 2-品什么 What to taste 1 - Attack given by acidity 感受葡萄酒特有的酸味给你的第一感觉,中粮全国总培训,2 Balance 感觉葡萄酒是否平衡 3 Body 感觉葡萄酒的酒体 4 - End of mouth 感受葡萄酒在嘴里的回味 5 - Length

36、Stops 感觉回味在口中的延伸感,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting,结论 Conclusion 平衡度 Balance Harmony of flavor and other elements 成熟 Maturity Requires aging, ready-to-drink or over-the-hill 品质 Quality Assessed using length, balance and range of flavor characteristics,中粮全国总培训,中粮全国总培训,6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Fo

37、od,基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒可以清口 Wine refreshes the palate between bites 食物和葡萄酒中的成分相辅相克 Elements in food and wine can complement or detract from each other 红配红, 白配白 Red to red, white to white,中粮全国总培训,6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food,基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒的酒体与食物的食体搭配 Weight of wine matches weight of dish 葡萄酒的风味与食物的风味相得益彰 Wine f

38、lavor may echo with food flavor 葡萄酒的风味可以与食物形成对比 Wine flavor may contrast with food flavor 复杂的菜配简单的酒, 简单的酒配复杂的菜 Complex wines with simple dishes, simple wine with more complicated dishes,中粮全国总培训,6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food,各种成分的互相作用 Components the interact 酒精显热 Alcohol accentuates heat 甜显酸 Sweetness accent

39、uates acidity 甜可以降低另外一种甜味 Sweetness reduces perception of tannin 脂肪和蛋白质减少单宁带来的感觉 Fat and protein reduce perception of tannin 食盐减少单宁带来的感觉 Salt reduces perception of tannin,中粮全国总培训,一般来说,葡萄酒都可以用来配菜,而且葡萄酒行业有句俗话叫“红酒配红肉,白酒配白肉。”讲的就是葡萄酒和菜肴的搭配。 Generally speaking, we can pare food with wines and theres a say

40、ing: Red Meat goes with Red Wine while White Meat goes with White Wine,所谓的红肉就是指那些味道比较浓的肉类 Red Meat refers to those kinds of meat with strong flavor 牛肉 Beef/Steak羊肉 Lamb 猪肉 Pork 鹿肉 Deer 兔肉 Rabbit 狗肉 Dog 鸭肉 Duck,白肉则是一些口味稍微清淡的肉类和其他的一些菜肴: White meat means those plain meat and other kinds of food 海鲜 Seaf

41、ood鸡肉 Chicken 水果 Fruit 蔬菜 Vegetable 色拉 Salad 奶酪 Cheese 面食 Pasta/Noodles,6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food,中粮全国总培训,葡萄酒有很多的种类,侍酒温度的选择对于品尝葡萄酒是至关重要的。一般来说,红葡萄酒可直接在室温下饮用,而白葡萄酒冰镇一下口味更佳。以下是一些葡萄酒的参考饮用温度: The appropriate serving temperature is of great importance to wine tasting. The serving temperatures of wine are as f

42、ollows:,葡萄汽酒 Sparkling Wine 46 香槟酒 Champagne 69 酒体清淡的白葡萄酒 Light Bodied White Wine69 酒体适中的白葡萄酒 Medium Bodied White Wine810 酒体丰厚的白葡萄酒 Full Bodied White Wine1416 桃红酒 Rose Wine 6 9 酒体清淡的红葡萄酒 Light Bodied Red Wine1214 酒体适中的红葡萄酒 Medium Bodied Red Wine16 酒体浑厚的红葡萄酒 Full Bodied Red Wine18 ,6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & F

43、ood,中粮全国总培训,一些描述葡萄酒的词汇Some Wine Descriptors,Some Red Wine Descriptors,李子味 Plum,薄荷味 Mint,烟草和香料味 Tobacco and Spicy,口感顺滑 Velvety,草莓味 Strawberry,黑梅味Blackberry,胡椒味Pepper,黑胡椒味 Black Pepper,Some White Wine Descriptors,青苹果味 Green Apple,甜瓜味 Melon,无花果味 Fig,桃子味 peach,菠萝味 Pine apple,柠檬味Lemon,热带水果味Tropical Fruit,爽脆感 Crisp,7. 葡萄酒的术语 Wine Terminology,中粮全国总培训,谢谢大家 Thanks,


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