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1、口译课程: 考试与培训,Learning English to Communicate,A word used is a word remembered A skill practiced is a skill acquired,Learning English to learn more, to know more, to get more, to achieve more.,口译是大脑的体操;口译是语言的修炼;口译是才智的升华;口译是成功的阶梯。 摘自挑战口译,口 译 专 家 寄 语 摘 要,对成年中国学生来说,外语口语表达能力和口译技能可谓是其外语综合技能的体现和升华。 口译培训可达到“

2、盘活存量”的目的。 中、高级口译资格证书是一张体现真才实学的过硬证书。 高水准教学、高层次培训、高难度考试、高“含金量”证书。 培养外向型、复合型、应用型的高级人才,解决“聋子英语”“哑巴英语”的有效途径,口译教学体会(摘录)(1),如何才能在英语面试中脱颖而出,无障碍地同面试考官用英语交流呢?提高英语的方法可谓不尽其数,就我个人而言,英语的突飞猛进得益于口译的学习。 通过了上海外语级口译考试,为我的求职平添了一大法码。这张因含金量高而备受市场追捧的高级口译证书确实是一块不错的敲门砖,能助你获得外企笔试和面试的机会,但更重要的是通过口译课程的学习在英语听、说、读、写等能力上的长足提高,只有这份

3、实力才能把你真正送进外企的大门。 相比其他专业考试所要求的语言文学性,中、高级口译则更注重用词的通俗易懂,信息的准确传递,用简洁,直白的语言表现最具魅力的自我是英语面试中的至高境界。,口译教学体会(摘录)(2),口译考试考查比较全面,涵盖听、说、读、写、译等多项技能,一般来说能够通过高级口译意味着你的能力足以通过英语专业八级或是剑桥商务英语等各类国内考试。口译考试的口试部分还对考生的心理素质,承压能力等提出了较高的要求,经过了那种高强度的考验,会对你今后适应面试的紧张气氛大有裨益。 口译相对于其他英语学习的最大魅力莫过于它的“中西合璧”。学习口译仿佛是在中文和英文这两种博大精深的语言文化中穿梭

4、,透过语言本身你更能深刻领略其背后所蕴藏的中西方文化异同,这是何等奇妙的一件事情啊!,一、英语高级口译资格证书考试 英语高级口译资格证书考试主要从听、说、读、写、译(包括笔译与口译)等方面对考生的语言综合应用能力进行测试。考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试和综合技能测试相结合的办法,分两个阶段、五大部分进行。第一阶段为综合笔试,包括听力试卷、阅读试卷和翻译试卷三大部分,分为六个考试单元:,上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 (Test Book) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Dire

5、ctions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Good

6、 morning, class! As you remember, last week we talked about the _(1). Today were going to start talking about how radio advertisers _(2) to get us to buy the products theyre selling. There are so many emotions that advertisements _(3). To affect a particular emotion, advertisers make what we call an

7、 emotional appeal. Today Im going to _(4) that are often used to influence us to buy. I think youll find it interesting because Ive brought with me some _(5) to play for you as examples. OK, lets get started. One of the most popular emotional appeals that advertisers use is _(6). We all like to hear

8、 funny stories, so by _(7), the advertisers hope that that well remember it and will, therefore, remember the product. But _(8) is the importance of fitting the right emotional appeal with _(9). In the case of humor, it wouldnt be appropriate to make a funny ad for a serious product. Like, say, a la

9、w firm that _(10). You wouldnt want to use humor to advertise that. Now lets talk about another appeal the _(11). By thriftiness Im talking about _(12). Most shoppers are more likely to buy something if its on sale than if _(13). Here is an advertisement for a furniture store thats _(14). Notice how

10、 the advertisement gets the listener to _(15). In fact the ad talks only about prices and not about _(16) or what the store specializes in. The last kind of ad is the advertisement that _(17). Our egos make us do things to look good in front of others. For example, we might _(18) to look rich, or we

11、 might join a health club _(19), all because we want to look good. This desire is so strong that advertisers often create ads that speak to our egos. They focus on this question: How does this product _(20)?,Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some shor

12、t talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space

13、 in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. 1. (A) The forthcoming sales conference. (B) Business trips to Hongkong and Europe. (C) The autumn catalogue. (D) The layout of the catalogue. 2. (A) 268. (B) 368. (C) 386. (D) 486. 3. (A) One pound eleven. (B) Two po

14、unds fifty-one. (C) Two pounds seventy. (D) Three pounds. 4. (A) The freight. (B) The time for mailing. (C) The exchange rate. (D) The delivery. 5. (A) To wait for a decision made by head office. (B) To have the catalogue printed in Europe. (C) To negotiate the printing costs with the Hongkong print

15、er. (D) To re-use last years catalogue.,SECTION 2: READING TEST (30 minutes) Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following e

16、ach passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1-5 Supermarket group Tesco, now the biggest retailer in the UK, rang up its first 1bn profit last year and yesterday

17、claimed to be the fastest growing major retailer in the world. The 700-strong chain, once regarded as a downmarket pile-it-high-and-sell-it-cheap business, is raking in sales of nearly 23bn a year and producing a profit of 3m a day. Only one UK retailer - Marks team players multiply. The ascendance

18、of work teams in large U.S. organizations puts a new premium on the relationship of team members. In fact, emphasis on teamwork has become the most frequently valued managerial competence all around the world. About half the Fortune 500 companies say they are using self-managed work teams.,Part B Di

19、rections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret in into English. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.you may take notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin

20、 Part B with the first passage. Passage 1: 网络化管理可以促进新经济的发展,这种经济的特点是拥有强大的知识工人、高效运作的队伍、集团化的企业以及互联网商务。在进入21世纪的全球化信息时代,经济上的优势只会青睐那些已经掌握了最新信息技术的个人和团体。/ 在信息时代,政府的领导至关重要。政策和法规必须营造一种有助于利用信息的环境。这种环境保护大众利益,促进投资与竞争,支持高质量、低成本、多样性的信息服务。政府的作用主要不是提供资金,而是营造一种能够激励私人对电信产业进行投资的环境。 Passage 2: 经济全球化发展到今天,中美经贸互补、互惠的特点更加明

21、显。中美你中有我,我中有你,谁也离不开谁已成为现实。中国是美国第四大贸易伙伴,今年底还可能上升到第三位。今年上半年中美贸易额达564亿美元,其中美对华出口增幅达36.1%。 随着市场经济的发展完善,中国市场的巨大磁力正一步步显现出来。预计未来3年,单货物进口一项就将达1万亿美元;到2020年,将成为全球第二大市场。新世纪中美互为最大经贸合作伙伴之一的前景令人振奋。,二、英语中级口译资格证书考试 英语中级口译资格证书考试主要从听、说、读、写、译(包括笔译与口译)等方面对考生的语言综合应用能力进行测试。考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试和综合技能测试相结合的办法,分两个阶段。第一阶段为


23、业(水平)考试笔译三级,上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 (Test Book) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write you

24、r answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. One of the problems facing young people today is that they have few guidelines on which to base their choice of career. This is because they have no previous _(1) of employment. It is not uncomm

25、on for university students in their _(2) to attempt to enter a certain field of occupation, _(3) when they apply that they are not suitably qualified. They are then forced to take the first fairly reasonable job that _(4), without really thinking about the long-term prospects. To a great degree, thi

26、s can be avoided if you _(5) to plan your career and spend time analysing the employment market with regard to your _(6). The best way to start is to compile a _(7). This should list everything about you which may be of interest to a prospective employer, including _(8) and hobbies and outside inter

27、ests. When you have gathered _(9), the next step is to match your personal ability, interest and qualifications with the _(10) of various jobs and careers. At this stage, you should also be thinking about whether or not _(11) needs to be backed up by a specialized course of study, such as foreign la

28、nguage learning or _(12). By a process of elimination, you can normally plan a _(13). Even if you have a burning _(14) to join a particular field, you should still go through this systematic process. It could save you _(15) by making a false start to your working life. There is nothing wrong with _(

29、16), for example, a dress designer or a novelist. But unless you truly believe that you have the _(17) and ability, it would be pointless to pursue a career in this field. Finally, it is important _(18) if you have to compromise between what you would really like to do and what you are capable of do

30、ing. The thing to remember, in whatever job you do, is to do the job _(19) of your ability. No one can, or will, _(20) of you.,Part B: Listening Comprehension 1. Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and yo

31、u will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLE

32、T. 1. (A) The board of directors have unanimously approved of the plans (B) The board o directors dont like to let down the new applicant. (C) I dont know what they dont like about our schemes. (D) I cant understand why they have cut down the expense. 2. (A) The plane wasnt late according to the sch

33、edule. (B) The plane didnt arrive until 8:30. (C ) The plane was 150 minutes late. (D) The plane didnt land down at 11:00. 3. (A) We havent enough money for the new exhibit. (B) We have been working hard for the exhibit. (C) Our new product will be ready this summer. (D) The new exhibit is delayed u

34、ntil this summer. 4.(A) Housing within my budget becomes hard to locate. (B) It is difficult to find accommodation for short-holiday makers. (C) People begin to buy houses in cities so as to make a bigger profit. (D) I cannot afford to move my house to the mountain areas. 5.,Talks and Conversations

35、Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose th

36、e best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 11 - 14 11. (A) In a company. (B) In a car. (C) Behind a police car. (D) On their way to work. 12. (A) Her car broke down in front of the company. (B) Ther

37、e was an accident in the center of the city. (C) Her car had almost run over a small child. (D) She had received a ticket for driving too fast. 13. (A) She is driving through the city center . (B) She is followed by a police car. (C) There is a little girl crossing the road. (D) There are too many c

38、ars in front. 14. (A) The woman lives in the center of the city. (B) Most cars are exceeding the speed limit. (C) The man is the owner of the car. (D) The police are efficient and responsible.,Part C: Listening and Translation 1. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will he

39、ar 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 p

40、assages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. (1) (2),SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes) Directions: In thi

41、s section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and writ

42、e the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1 - 5 There are two main things that make aircraft engineering difficult: the need to make every component as reliable as possible and the need to build everything as light as possible. The fact t

43、hat an airplane is up in the air and cannot stop if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life or death that its performance is absolutely dependable. Given a certain power of engine, and consequently a certain fuel consumption, there is a practical limit to the total weight of aircraft

44、that can be made to fly. Out of that weight as much as possible is wanted for fuel, radio navigational instruments, passenger seats, or freight room, and of course, the passengers or freight themselves. So the structure of the aircraft has to be as small and light as safety and efficiency will allow

45、. The designer must calculate the normal load that each part will bear. This specialist is called the “stress man”. He takes account of any unusual stress that may be put on the part as a precaution against errors in manufacture, accidental damage, etc. The stress mans calculations go to the designe

46、r of the part, and he must make it as strong as the stress man says is necessary. One or two samples are always tested to prove that they are as strong as the designer intended. Each separate part is tested, then a whole assemblyfor example, a complete wing, and finally the whole aeroplane. When a n

47、ew type of aeroplane is being made, normally only one of the first three made will be flown. Two will be destroyed on the ground in structural tests, The third one will be tested in the air. When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government certificate of airworthiness, without which it

48、is illegal to fly, except for test flying. Making the working parts reliable is as difficult as making the structure strong enough. The flying controls, the electrical equipment, the fire precautions, etc. must not only be light in weight, but must work both at high altitudes where the temperature may be below freezing point and in the hot air o


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