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1、.,1,英 语 祝 愿 句 型,知 多 少 ?,.,2,英语里的祝愿句,丰富多彩,生动活泼,在日常交际中运用极广。 我们可以对祝愿句的一些表 达形式予以分类归纳。,.,3,一、主语(I,Let us )+wish+间接宾语+直接宾语,I wish you happiness.祝你(你们)愉快。 I wish you a full recovery.祝你早日康复。 I wish you every success in your new post.祝你在新的岗位上一切顺利。 Let us wish you the very best of luck .祝你一帆风顺。,.,4,注:可以省略主语,用

2、WishWishing 开头。,如:WishWishing you many happy returnsof your birthday ! 祝你长寿!,.,5,二、主语(I , We ,Let us )+宾语+定式,I wish you to succeed in you preformance.祝演出成功。 Let us wish you to win still greater victories in the scientific research.祝你们在科研中夺取更大胜利。,注:主语也可以省略 如:Wish Wish you to get well soon . 祝你早日痊愈。,.

3、,6,三、主语(I ,We )+hope+宾语从句,I hope all is going well with your family .祝全家安好。 I hope you will make more magnificent achievements in the coming year .祝你们来年取得更加辉煌的成就。,.,7,注2:也 可以省略主语,用Hope或Hoping开头,如: Hope Hoping you have a nice christmas.祝你圣诞节过得 更加 美好。,注1:主句的主谓语和从句的主语也 都可以省略,如: Have a wonderful time on

4、 Mid Autumn Day.祝中秋佳节玩得痛快。 Make still further progress in the New Year. 祝新年百百尺竿头,更进一步 。,.,8,四、May(表示愿望)+主语+动词原形+其他,May you both be always happy. 祝你们俩永远幸福。 May you return safe and sound. 祝你们平安归来。 May you all happiness attend you . 祝永远 幸福。,.,9,注:May也 可以省略,省略后有时用 倒装句式来 突出祝愿 的内容,如:,1.God bless you ! 愿上帝

5、保佑你! 2.Long live our motherland ! 祖国万岁!,.,10,五、主语(I ,We ,Let me) + send offer+宾语+for,W e send you both every good wish for all possible happiness. 我们谨祝你们俩万事如意。 Let me offer my hearty good wishes for your success. 请让我衷心地祝你 成功。,.,11,注:为了简化,句中的主谓语亦可省略,如:,Best wishes for setting new record. 预祝创造纪录。 Beat

6、 wishes for New Years Day . 祝元旦快乐。,.,12,六、名词(或形容词+名词)+to(表祝愿对象),Success to you all ! 祝诸位成功! Good luck to everyone ! 祝大家好 运! A good journey to you ! 祝君一切平安! Eternal glory to peoples heroes! 人们英雄永垂不朽!,.,13,注:为了更加简练明快,介词短语to也可省略,如:,Merry birthday ! 生日快乐! Happy Spring festival ! 春节快乐! Better luck next time ! 祝下次运气更好!,.,14,七、Wish +形容词+wish (or wishes) +for (表祝愿内容),With every good wish for complete success of the meeting ! 预祝会议圆满成功! With hearty wishes for prosperity of your country. 衷心祝愿贵国繁荣昌盛。,.,15,


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