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1、,Can you play the guitar?,Unit 10,Period 1,-What can you do? -I can .,sing,Can you sing?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,dance,-Can you dance?,-Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,play the guitar,Can you play the guitar?,He can play the guitar.,play chess,swim,Can you swim?,Can you paint?,paint,play the guitar,sing,d

2、ance,swim,pair work,play chess,paint,A: Can you play the guitar?,B: Yes, I can./No, I cant. Can you ?,A: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,Can you ?,Guess what can I do?,dance,swim,sing,play chess,paint,speak English,play the guitar,Look at the pictures, What can he/she do?,chess club,English club,swimming

3、club,music club,art club,chess club,soccer club,-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the,art club,English club,music club,chess club,A: I want to join the music club. What club do you want to join? B: I want to join the English club. What club do you want to join? C: D: ,Game: 一人一句,轮流进行,s

4、wimming club,Unit 10,section A,Can you play the guitar ?,What can these people? Match the words and the people. dance _ 2. swim _ 3. sing _ 4. play chess _ 5. paint _ 6. speak English _ 7. play the guitar _,1a,a,e,f,b,d,c,g,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3,A: Can you swim ? B: No, I cant .

5、,A: I want to join the art club . B: Can you paint ? A: Yes, I can .,A: I want to join the music club . B: Oh, can you sing ? A: Yes, I can .,1,2,3,Report: I can _ ,I want to join the _club. xxx can _ .He wants to join the _ club. xxx can . She wants ,Make a survey:,Home work for today 今天的作业,1.抄写Page59的单词4遍, 对话2遍。,2. 写四句话,描述你会做的事情。 I can .,3. 作业本完成(1),4.背书。准备明天听写。,


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