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1、Dictation,1.感到困倦 2.不可能是一只狼 3.可能上学迟到了 4.一些奇怪的事 5.叫警察 6.这是谁的发带? 7.我想知道正发生什么。 8.刘宇一定是一个跑步明星。,1.feel sleepy 2.cant be a wolf 复数 wolves 3.might be late for school 4. something strange 5.call the police 男警察 policemen 6.Whose hair band is this ? 7.I wonder what is happening? 8.Liu Yu must be a running star

2、. run ran-run running runner,cant 表示推断,意为“不可能”。 cant be might/could 表示推断,意为“可能”。might/could be must 表示推断,意为“肯定,一定”。 must be,1,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,学习目标,1.key words and phrases : alien, run after , land, suit . 2.Continue to learn modal verbs(情态动词) to make inferences(做出推断).,2,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,a UFO

3、,an alien,Maybe they are Aliens!,He wears suits.,suit n. 套装, 西服 v.适合,Lets guess,3,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,Have you heard about UFO or aliens? How do you think of them? Do you like them?,Do you believe they are true or not?,4,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,a. A UFO is landing. b. An alien is running after the man.

4、c. The man is running, looking afraid.,1a. Describe the pictures.,What do you think might happen next ?,Pre-listening,land:v.着陆, 降落,追赶,追逐= chase,反义:take off (飞机或航天器等)起飞 Eg: 我想知道飞机将什么时候起飞 I wonder when the plane will _,take off,5,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,land man UFO run alien run after,According to the p

5、ictures , can you guess what is hapening in the end , finsh the story .,6,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,listening,1.What does the man think of the running man ? A.He might be running after a UFO B.He might be late for work. C. He might be running for exercise . 2.According to the woman, what is the thing in t

6、he sky a plane B.an alien C. a UFO 3.Where could be the woman with a camera from? A.from the TV news B.an actor from a film C. an alien from other planet,方法:1.找准主语及关键词 2.题干要看清,7,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,1c Listen again. Complete the sentences.,a plane,a UFO,an alien,dreaming,from the TV news,making a mov

7、ie,running for exercise,late for work,69.翻译:a woman with a camera,70.What does the word “dream” mean here ? A.梦想 B.做梦 C.梦 D.愿望,一个带有相机的妇女,8,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,1d PAIR WORK,M: Why do you think the man is running? W: He could be running for exercise. M: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.,9,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,Summary,1. What have you learn during this class ?,Do you believe they are true or not?,10,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,I cant explain.They are mysterious.,The boundless universe has all kinds of strange things. 大千世界,无奇不有。,21世纪教育网,11,U-8-section-B-1a-1d,


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