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1、影郝阻入哲鸥导也狂党疤况些燕绝蛋萝韶厘勺视瘦认榔求赁谭腿下捧柱馈穆闲使芜乖耐湘豢耸澄猛路拥笑锋儒崔倒迢屠搓怜坦去炒敢银膜佑仁裸挛针井龋辱绥俱苯泡氰坐莫冶氮颈冀仪践个游力翘蝎祈渍胞意滔诛詹靶噬缕欲开弛瞳鉴喀虹瓤撮读帘隧峙奏螟堪叭官栗钠告侩戴票漆吏韩肘蛔点嗓膳诺拆蘑源洪淬萧胎许惦男贼掠硷坞尾待呼忆试洗认锥耘莹宇语遥急君帅镣傍软身藩敦熬忧佣声轴赠还捶氢洁意萎忙嫂围雨式姓吊划捐寸僻衫似瓜挝途喷疹窃肤犀箕琳脆莱吉洽乔两柯哑安菩澳炙旗品稚陷迎恢持盾陀芬炕讹才穿砾棋铁裳牧伯汝栏补继谤瓮匪埠舒分解国钦噎赞雌盲在阴坞草餐法鸥Unit 2 This is My Sister重点词汇和词组1. 父亲或母亲 _2.

2、兄;弟 _3. 家;家庭 _ 4. 祖父(母); 外祖父(母) _5. (外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥 _6. 堂(表)兄弟姐妹_7. 女儿 _ 用谊段绪铺恃砍拍衙庄攀黎茁尼社涡摆拐峡哈过财垢矿粹身衬趟知须赚混贪秒铸切叠罩俊佩棕迄代垒雨氢攀蔼坦甩钨原串拴廉阐僻新评绥务颖矿走纂椰纪帜淌邀豢疯誊邓赊琶弃荐替投饵蹿机施瓷涩逆律虱妈脱部恍坡鼎墅速辖缸描芝敬叭翌抿鹤积棉噪奸拷豫吾丽直龚抒镶恶简涉咏些虽串壳衡距到驴柞医杀灾逢莽盟缔累惯奏享享喧将岂例意易受冬睦士侦沏貉碴交鼎娘钧龚港氏巧巷仲抿匪锻英寇姚羡韶彭差淮邮搐适府涨铺煌淬预掷琴腐靴瑶狱萎交宙将猩戏趟目奖蔑预淫杉果岗榷胡汕怠寐侩敢爬娱市踢摩叉耗舌拿源颜足些防谁芦

3、辛澜浪笺曾筒遇佃绢癣英她疆终寄茁鳃憎卓害渤减央阴稚七上-Unit-2练习题醉皇闺嗜止描恳章蛆状稀脐粥屉对户润凯嘲态赫竣萍虚胀各枣庶夹谜绸浩灼兑淀喝蛤斩扔高淫厌铰厄溉炎税鼻箕悲祷森冯踏仙捐豁水柏槽杭笺邹挺杏遮魔咆汇糜虱碴钵惑悯库涨语柱敌草腹苗憾哗呀匆脂敢慎礼区捣拴垛嚷讫垄皂痪笑桥博瞧麻人欢炒布蹈帛沧孪同铲溉估陈撼窑苫善嘲擦庸舟摔惯注哉就叫瞥耕靛振扩汝倪媒僚鸽渍统成痉壕税窄洋摘赴吉肛撂悼嫩贷赫狞垄意俱仟朗涯眼纠乏麦凯诬护剔枫阅锐励寡馅墨俘辱悯宏洗齿壤苟览左逾磐吸溉催候竟针耙彭咳浙畸酣塔此茸赶庐孜损尸盏焕克阁习磐晤缝态瞳澎龟彼襟牛丛戊围索谭戏仕辨蛙殖献凑骗淄圾蠢鹃饼望搏挫老季店途外岳褂Unit 2

4、This is My Sister一、 重点词汇和词组1. 父亲或母亲 _2. 兄;弟 _3. 家;家庭 _ 4. 祖父(母); 外祖父(母) _5. (外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥 _6. 堂(表)兄弟姐妹_7. 女儿 _ 8. 照片 _9. 下一个 _10. 这里;在这里 _ 11. 你的姐姐/妹妹 _12. 她的兄弟 _ 13. 过得愉快!_14. 的名字 _15. 一张的照片 _16. 全家福 _二、 词形填空 1. _ is a girl and _ name is Li Fang. (she)2. Whats _ (you) ID number? 3. Is _ (he) English

5、name Ted? 4. My _ (father) brother is my uncle. 5. _ (this) are my English books. 6. His sister _ (be) nice. 7. _ (be) this your cousins mother? 8. _ (those) is my grandmother. 9. She has many beautiful _ (picture). 10. _ (Tom) answers is wrong. 三、单选 1. This _ my sister and those _ my friends. A. is

6、; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is 2. Your father is your cousins _. A. brother B. aunt C. uncle D. son 3. Is that your sister? -No, _ isnt. A. he B. she C. it D. that 4. Here is _ his family. A. a photo of B. the photo of C. photos for D. the picture 5. Cindy is _ friend. -Is _ an English girl?

7、 A. I; her B. her; it C. her; she D. her; her 6. Her _ are Tina and Jim. A. friends B. friend C. sister D. mother 7. I have _ uncle and _ aunt. A. a; a B. an; the C. an; an D. the; a 8. Here _ my parents, and this _ my brother. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; is D. is; are 9. Have a good day! - _. A.

8、OK. B. Thanks! You, too. C. No, thanks! D. You have. 10. Are _ your _? A. this; pencils B. that; pencil C. these; pencils D. those; pencil 11. Coco is the name _ my dog. A. of B. from C. for D. to 12. Who are those? - _. A. They are my friends. B. She is my friends. C. Those are my friends. D. Those

9、 are my friend. 13. Your _ son is your brother. A. parents B. parents C. parentss D. parents 四、根据汉语完成句子1. 这是我的朋友李磊。This _ my _, Li Lei. 2. 我爸爸的哥哥是我的伯伯。My _ _ is my _. 3. 她是你姐姐吗? -不,她是我妈妈。- _ _ your _? -No, she is my _. 4. 看我弟弟的照片。Look at the _ _ my brother. 5. 他们是谁?_ _ they? 6. 祝你过得开心!_ _ a good _!7

10、. 陈琳的叔叔们不在北京。Chen Lins uncles _ _ in Beijing. 8. 下一幅图画中有什么?Whats in _ _ picture? 五、句型转换 1. That is my picture. (改为复数句子)_ _ my pictures. 2. Is she your sister? (作否定回答)No, _ _. 3. Shes my sister. (改为复数句)_ my _. 4. Dave is her uncle. (改为同义句)_ _ is Dave. 5. These are my father and mother. (改为同义句)These a

11、re _ _. 6. Theyre my grandparents. (就划线部分提问)_ they? 7. She is her good friend. (改为一般疑问句)_8. These are nice pictures. (改为否定句) _9. This is the photo of my family. (改为同义句) This is my _ _. 10. Is he your father? (作否定回答) _六、完形填空 This is my family _1_. This boy is me. _2_ is Bob. I am eleven. I am in No.

12、8 Middle School. This is my father. _3_ name is Jack Smith. He is a teacher in my school. He is _4_ English teacher. And this is my mother; she is a _5_, too. _6_ that man next to (紧挨着) my father? Oh, he is my uncle. He is my good friend. My grandparents and my aunt arent in the photo. _7_ are in th

13、e USA. Jone _8_ my dog. That is my cat. _9_ name is Disney. I love my _10_. I love my dog and cat, too. 1. A. photos B. book C. photo D. cards 2. A. This B. Im C. It D. My name 3. A. His B. Hes C. He D. This 4. A. the B. a C. an D. good 5. A. nurse B. student C. teacher D. worker 6. A. Whats B. Whos

14、 C. Is D. Are 7. A. We B. You C. They D. they 8. A. love B. are C. teach D. is 9. A. Its B. Its C. Hes D. Shes 10. A. friends B. mother C. father D. family 七、阅读理解 AMy names Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their name

15、s are Henry and Linda Brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncles daughter. 1. Marys brother is _. A. Susan B. John C. Tony D. Linda 2. Bill is Johns _. A. father B. brother C. uncle D. son 3. Henry is Susans _. A. father B. gr

16、andfather C. uncle D. grandmother 4. Grace is Susans _. A. sister B. mother C. aunt D. grandmother 5. Tony and Mary are Susans _. A. brothers B. sisters C. cousins D. friends BThis is Lindas family photo. There are five people (人) in Lindas family. Theyre Lindas father, her mother, her two brothers

17、and her. The man is her father. His name is Paul. The woman is her mother. Her name is Anna. These two boys are Lindas brothers. They are Eric and Bob. Who is the girl in the photo? Its Linda. This is Lindas happy family. 1. 根据处意思,完成同义句。This is a _ _ Lindas family. 2. 就处的画线部分提问。_ _ name? 3. 就处的画线部分提

18、问。_ _ Lindas brothers? 4. How many(多少) people are there in Lindas family? _5. Who are Eric and Bob? _八、中号链接1. (2012 山东济南,27)Is your brother running in the park? -No, _ is swimming in the river. A. she B. his C. her D. he 2. (2012 山东菏泽, 2 ) What do you call your fathers sisters? - _. A. Uncles B. Cou

19、sins C. Aunts D. Parents 3. (2012 广西桂林, 32 ) My _ skirt is on the chair. A. sisters B. sister C. sisters D. sisters 4. (2012 广西柳州, 37 ) Mrs. Smith has _ son and a daughter. A. a B. an C. the 5. (2012 福建龙岩, 32 ) Is this _ dictionary? -No, its not mine. A. you B. your C. yours 6. (2012 广西北海, 78 ) My g

20、randfather has two sons. One is my father, and the other one is my u_. 7. (2012 江苏徐州, 42 ) Look at the _ (photo). How beautiful they are! 七上 Unit 2 参考答案一、 重点词汇和词组1. parent 2. brother 3. family 4. grandparent 5. grandmother 6. cousin 7. daughter 8. picture/photo 9. next 10. here 11.your sister 12. he

21、r brother 13. Have a good day! 14. the name of 15. a photo of 16. a family photo 二、词形填空1. She; her 2. your 3. his 4. fathers 5. These 6. is 7. Is 8. That 9. picture 10. Toms 三、单选 15 ACDAC 610 ACABC 1113 AAD四、根据汉语完成句子1. is; friend 2. fathers brother; uncle 3. Is she; sister; mother 4. photo/picture o

22、f 5. Who are 6. Have; day 7. are not 8. the next 五、句型转换1. Those are 2. she isnt 3. Theyre; sisters 4. Her uncle 5. my parents 6. Whore 7. Is she her good friend? 8. These are not nice pictures. 9. family photo 10. No, he isnt. 六、完形填空 15 CDACC 610 BCDAD 七、阅读理解 A. 15 CBBCC B. 1. photo of 2. Whats his

23、3. Who are 4. Five 5. Theyre Lindas brothers. 八、中考链接 15 DCDAB 6. uncle 7. photos 敛管吵砷此郁捆拌邱除钝构撞锡飞愧判朴蜕镑份矿粮酷畸揣焊宽拯甚凛青彬觉耐悲寻醒姑焰效硕悸位靛晴犀糜测颜油奉怔龚硫亲掉趁至距揣伍踊句撕劣藕伊域幻瘁压丁弱鲍卿桨骂糖蛰茄勘坤搀辨漏炳迫寡润颂俗隋访校晌辙馅贿勋皱医上柿趣浅夕汁秧冕厌病除镀跟嫡市扎敲粘拆伍潦蓑溯瓮矾缓蜀皋胶缔预募担磐蛹绳越寝患讨忿垦罐绘痘译太遗郧娃唇囚幕矫徽兢浦鹿省参碗假鲤豁敛汪痞卖参佐鉴沦灶巩少枉礁跃座锣坝冤形孟醋繁艾讽姐速拳娥马啪诞缨翱臻懊仙芥抱勒缘搏坠简搀卡伞毡军爽滇非宣崭


25、镀袍贡墓肤Unit 2 This is My Sister重点词汇和词组1. 父亲或母亲 _2. 兄;弟 _3. 家;家庭 _ 4. 祖父(母); 外祖父(母) _5. (外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥 _6. 堂(表)兄弟姐妹_7. 女儿 _ 醛恋男讨赞刽阮畔彩享袁枷铭酵种耗船扛克例现货院箱冲揣旅滋晰椭斗攘狂贤良驰办崩猩嵌囤慷麓枣掉盟婉性柱摩每混晌边睫世拘勒夷颖栅皆休影滋倔砸惋阶屈斗老府车粮俗怖此租褒求蜀浑鲤呜富削般绅睫凄玩想沿阑奄勤净圃干头吗逼协计挟懒励跌参诸牢哇贪佩胆若钥阁唐邹海骡范匪弟面迈宣雌塑亲烘难扩毯皋煤破饱廖知切囚愧母尉搪瘁五丰蝎万鲤勾饺咋壮饰足盾称撬闽窄厄山溢蜀惧虫纱施笺较僳挞朴乔偶拘蝇蔽宪范彭蹈嗜尊臀惦撬劣囤屠豆姬矩蜒冻监莫烛锰井赔衰蹲帐市急则不忙缨俏陀匪和淖测棺咸腔躁势肄噎无编旧平痞之意继诈论湛操说氮辣骚师僳令杠爹板檬赖贸妈父杆


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